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What is the first thing you'll guys do once you get your paws on this game?


1. Training with Wonder Woman
2. Arcade with Wonder Woman
3. Unlock WW alt skins
4. Story Mode
5. Repeats steps 1, 3 and 3with Joker, Harley, Black Adam, Aquaman and Raven


Longtime Lurker
1. Training with Bane
2. All of Bane's S.T.A.R. Labs
3. Arcade with Bane, farming for alt skins
4. Online
eventually, 5. Story


Upload Redeem Code for Green Arrow alt.
Check the Trophies.
Story Mode.
S.T.A.R. Lab.
Ladder Modes.
Online Play.
Watch Kombat Network, Peaceful Jay, Spooky, Kombat Houston, Tournys/Spectate while playing.
Watch DSP cry about lag and nothing he could do there, While I LMAO. :D


Mastrubate. Then probably actually open the game, play through story mode like I did with MK, get a feel for all the different characters that are in there, who I like the most etc. Then training, lab, S.T.A.R. Labs...


Scary Bat
Read the manual while sitting on the toilet... or the artbook or whatever if I decide to get a battle/collectors edition.

Story, Arcade with a few I want to try and main, then force my brother to play me at versus, then online once he gets annoyed with my fanboying over everything. I'm kind of shite when it comes to training, so I'll just learn the hard way, by having my ass handed to me.

Well yeah that's sort of a given for all of us...


Chilled to the Core
Read the manual while sitting on the toilet... or the artbook or whatever if I decide to get a battle/collectors edition.

Story, Arcade with a few I want to try and main, then force my brother to play me at versus, then online once he gets annoyed with my fanboying over everything. I'm kind of shite when it comes to training, so I'll just learn the hard way, by having my ass handed to me.

Well yeah that's sort of a given for all of us...
Assuming we GET a manual. I hate this new trend in gaming to not include hard copy manual.

Robotic Shark

you can never have too much honey
I thought more people would be doing that online group thing with Juggs
well I'm doing online with a bunch of people


Chilled to the Core

I'm kind of hoping that there'll be a model viewer like in the Arkham games. NRS put a lot of extra details in that won't be seen during actual gameplay, like the hearts on Harley's guns or the stitching in Joker's suit.
I will be surprised if there is not a model viewer. With so much detail that went into the character models it would be weird if they didnt. Plus there was one in MK vs DC and in Mortal Kombat so i think the chances are high.


Pick whoever looks the coolest, set the ladder on easy and go up until I die. Try again with someone else. Repeat until I find someone interesting.

Then get online and make the people who made me get the game listen to me complain. I don't know what all the buttons do, or who anyone is, how do I block? I don't like change and I wanna go play MK!!

At least, that's what I've done with 4 or 5 other fighting games this year lol. None of them made it past the whiney, button mashing phase. We'll see if Injustice can, but I make no promises. :p

ETA; Fun story. A Capcom player once tried to get me to play MvC. I pick Ammy and Trish and random for third probably because who really cares (I can't identify most of the cast anyway) and start mashing.
"How do I block?"
"Hold back."
"What? Why would I do that? I meant, where is the button?"
"That's how you block."
"What?! No, no, no... How do you do babalities?"


First thing I'll do is rub the game case all over my naked body, and then insert the disc into my console (Xbox360).

Then it's training mode with Deathstroke, Batman and Nightwolf. Learn the new control scheme and then play through the story in it's entirety. Back to training mode for a while until finally I take this glorious game online.