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May have been dating a fake facebook account

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I don't play Runescape
Ok this totally happened.. i'm a dumbass and feel ashamed but here's what happened

Ok so this happened about last year, or earlier this year, i added this girl (the one i'm talking about, facebook dated) on facebook, i had her on my old myspace page. When she accepted my FB friend request, i shortly got a friend request from some other girl on her friends list so i added her. I sent her a message asking who she was, had a goofy friendly conversation.

Then she introduced me to girl, and we chatted over facebook alot.. she started calling me babe and saying a lot of stuff implying that i was hers, so i just went with it. Then she started making it all official, so yea we were dating over facebook for a while. I put many statuses on facebook about it and even put that we were in a relationship for every one to see, family members and all. I got both their numbers and texted the girl i was dating a lot. Cut the crap & fast forward she randomly broke up with me one day and i really got sad over it But things were starting to get really weird when i looked into it.

The girl that introduced me to her has NO PICS taken with the girl, but pics with other people. But they comment on each others pics and statuses like they know each other. I also once found a profile by complete random that used the same pics as the girl i dated. When they communicated with each other they would change the way they type, like one typed normal and the other typed starting every letter with a capital, sometimes they would type like one of the other... got real fishy. So i got smart and would ask the girl i was dating for pics of her so but she would always decline with stuff like "sorry babe my hair looks bad right now".

With all these incosintensies, what threw me off the most is they had 2 different phone numbers, i would text them both and even call them at times, one real fishy thing was when i called one of them, the other girl would just completely disapear, like i wouldn't hear the other in the background, as they supposedly hung out a lot. Another thing about the pics, one day she changed her profile pic, it appeared to be a completely different girl, she was darker skinned and looked like a mexican chick, she was originnaly pale skinned with black hair like an emo chick.. i almost asked my mom if i can fly out to go see her, we live in different states..

so what the hell happened here.. i felt so ashamed afterwards i deleted my FB profile for like 8 months then slipped back on silently hoping no one caught on


Stuff like this really doesn't surprise me anymore to be honest. I can understand why you would be embarrassed/ashamed because it happened to you. But really, this has happened a lot and will continue to happen going forward to people.


Go to hell.
I thought you had died, good to see you're still kicking. Why isn't SZ grabbing any boobies in your avy? That's all you should be ashamed of.

Anyways, if you can't physically put your penis inside of it (barring necrophilia/bestiality ofc), you shouldn't date it. A golden rule forgotten in this digital age. Don't be embarrassed, who gives you a fuck, just learn from it.



My blades will find your heart
The internet is not a safe place.

Also here "friend" was also your girlfriend, at least that is what I think.


I suspect it was the Russians. My buddy got scammed on match.com when some super hot chick started messaging him. She was clearly out of his league and clearly living in Russia, but he wanted to believe it was real. I felt bad for him, but luckily he wised up when she started asking for money.


Dojo Trainee
sorry to tell you, but there is no such thing as dating a person via social media. dating means spending time together, going places together, making out, porking, etc. yes, the pain is real when you find out you have been fooled, and it sucks someone took advantage of you that way. but there is an easy way to never let it happen again; date REAL people in the REAL world. the internet is full of liars, hustlers, thieves, and sociopaths. and too many digital natives try to substitute old-fashioned relationships with online ones. turn the computer off and go meet actual people in actual physical locations. online "dating" may seem like a safe alternative for socially awkward people, but ultimately it makes you feel even more unsure about yourself than you did before when things go wrong.

social media is a cancer to actual human relationships and to human social development. use it to stay in touch with people you actually know who are too far away to see, not to acquaint yourself with strangers. online buddies are one thing, but a romantic relationship only works if you, i don't know...KNOW the person? can actually see and touch them? unless you live in a monastery there is no reason while you can't give it a go with a local girl made of flesh and blood. leave internet "relationships" to the psychos and douchebags. internet-based "romances" are nothing more than a high-tech version of children making imaginary friends.


Dojo Trainee
sorry to tell you, but there is no such thing as dating a person via social media. dating means spending time together, going places together, making out, porking, etc. yes, the pain is real when you find out you have been fooled, and it sucks someone took advantage of you that way. but there is an easy way to never let it happen again; date REAL people in the REAL world. the internet is full of liars, hustlers, thieves, and sociopaths. and too many digital natives try to substitute old-fashioned relationships with online ones. turn the computer off and go meet actual people in actual physical locations. online "dating" may seem like a safe alternative for socially awkward people, but ultimately it makes you feel even more unsure about yourself than you did before when things go wrong.

social media is a cancer to actual human relationships and to human social development. use it to stay in touch with people you actually know who are too far away to see, not to acquaint yourself with strangers. online buddies are one thing, but a romantic relationship only works if you, i don't know...KNOW the person? can actually see and touch them? unless you live in a monastery there is no reason while you can't give it a go with a local girl made of flesh and blood. leave internet "relationships" to the psychos and douchebags. internet-based "romances" are nothing more than a high-tech version of children making imaginary friends.
mmmmm porking :)
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