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What character would shoot up to top tier with 1 little change?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Ermac lift armor

Freddy ex spike armor

Jade instant air boomerang , teleport

Rain 9frame RH w raiden teleport

Mileena safe ex roll or armor on ex tele

Shang teleport (lol)

NW needs f3 low and Sonya speed projectile

CSz an anemia

Sub zero his reset

Sonya less down players

Scorpion d1 link able to hellfire and also normal pokes

Jax less down players

Cyrax - less down players

Quan ex trance has armor


Sheeva ......ugh

Stryker better normals

Sektor all 12b1 and normal strings need to lose to T. rex arms and all have the reach of king lao's 2


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
giving cybersubz slide armor would be kinda dumb....cyber sub needs a better teleport and his standing 2 should drop to 10 frames not 15


Kung Lao with a 7 frame D3, and if the first hit of 2,1 and 1,1,2,1 didn't whiff on crouch.

I mean he's already one of the best in the game, but I don't think people would have debated his top 3 status with the above.


Positive Poster!
Jade if the 342 string was fixed.
(3 was i6 , 34 was +4 on block and 342 juggled into itself like Liu's b312.)


ermac would be top10 if his d1 and d3 pokes were both Positive on standing and crouching hit like the majority of the cast.
Also if the 1 in 312 didnt whiff without a jump punch

These are both realistic changes too. Its not like its giving him something stupid for the sake of being considered underpowered. It is also not giving him armor for the sake of "a quick fix" like nrs did with a lot of characters. All this does is give him a more leveled playing ground for footsies


Sheeva's low grab: If this could grab all blocked low attacks, it would be incredible.

Ermac and Rain: If Rains B2 was a low and Ermacs B3 was a low, that would be ridiculous. The attacks 'hit' below but are considered highs.

CSZ: Making his teleport on par with the rest of the cast giving him the mobility to get around mid air fireballs.


-Noob had armor
-His shadows were all somewhat safe
-Upknee advantage actually mattered
-Faster frame data
Lol, this thread is about 1 change!

For instance, Kano needs more of his normals to hit ducking, his normals and specials should be at 0 on block, his horizontal ball should be a bf motion to perform and his ex knife should have faster recovery.

I love Kano, but just giving him one of those wont be enough.

Mr. Mileena

If Jade actually used her LONG staff in pokes. Triple the length of down 1, why punching normals? Use full screen normals.
It doesn't make sense that Kitana's 2 involves her long fan, and Jade has nothing.

Stupid Jade


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Reptile with Ex Elbow Dash armor would make him #1, or you could just make regular elbow safe again.