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Who do you think the best character overall? (Not skill wise)


RM Phanatic
I'm talking appearance personality...Etc.

In my opinion its Noob Saibot(Only reason why he my 2nd main). He dresses in all black...He has the best laugh...His mask is better than all the ninjas...He is just the best lol.

I'm not sure if a thread like this has been made if so delete it or lock it or whatever if not who do you think the best character overall?


Visually Noob Saibot is very cool looking. Noob and CSZ I think look the coolest on screen characters.


Online Punching Bag
Kung Lao used to be super cool looking in MK2, all mysterious and battle hardened. This one the way they made his face look and the way he acted in the story, he just seemed like a pompous dumbass who deserved to get his neck broken.


Mortal Kombat is NOT dead.
Rain has so much swag. He's purple, he kicks you around the world, and uses an uppercut in all his Bnbs. Ermac is also a bad ass, just everything about him. Noob's throw might be the coolest move in the game.
Ermac used to be really cool looking in UMK3, but he kinda looks lame now. His abilities don't look all hardcore and menacing like they did in UMK3. Especially the lift, he looked more badass lifting in UMK3.

Otherwise, KUHBAWL.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Noob, Ermac, and Sektor..

Noob and Sektor have awesome laughs.. (Sektor's is kooler though)

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Noob, Ermac, and Sektor..

Noob and Sektor have awesome laughs.. (Sektor's is kooler though)
But Shang's laugh is better ;) and he is overall the coolest looking character. The guy steals souls and summons flaming skulls- Noob can't touch him. He is also one of the few characters who's alternate costume is substantially different from his primary costume. Lol people like Ermac, Reptile, and Noob look basically the same in their alts.


Cyrax & Smoke are my two favorite character designs. Sound effects, costumes, classic costumed, hair, masks, resets among other things.


Getting better with age
Kano. Epic Beard. The only reason Kabal is alive. Doesn't give a fuck about sides as long as they have the green. Banned in his own country.
Took his country hostage at knifepoint. Now breaking into movies that people have SEEN (hold that, Cage). I can keep going.

Other than him, Quan's a badass. We all know who came begging to him in the storyline, I rest my case.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Too many to name, not one dud on the roster tbh.

Top 5 in terms of cool.

1.Sektor, dude isn't soft like the other two robots, as inhumane as they come.
2.Skarlet-Tampax was there.
3.Baraka-End of round blade scrape on ground is uber swag.
4.Cage, best baby in the game, cracks me up every time.
5.Kano, spits down foes throats and calls them bitches.

This game is tight as hell.

Shoutouts to Jade as well, best teats in Edenia.