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Mortal Kombat 9 @ EVO 2013 Possibilities


Do not touch me again.
MortySeinfeld Pig Of The Hut have it right.

Business-wise, it would be absolutely ridiculous not to have MK9 at EVO. As I've said before, they could basically acquire an extra entry fee from every Injustice player for free (and/or vice versa).


Waiting for Havik
EVO 2013 will be

Tekken Tag 2
PS All-Stars

Anyone who doubts All-Stars should think twice. Seth is lead designer. It's a Sony game, and Sony sponsors EVO.
MK9 had a good run. I hope you guys put some of that prize money away.
How is that people can forget about KOF XIII? That game is amazing and was a hit at EVO.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Well, SF and Marvel are in for sure (no idea why, those games are boring to watch :p) so that leaves 3 or 4 spots?

I think it all depends on if Injustice is in or not...

SF version 2353456
P4A/All Stars

If Injustice is in MK won't be, if it isn't... how could they not pick up MK?


Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
TTT2 had seventy-something at SB, not 48

Regardless, if MK9 makes it for one last EVO, I'll do my best to attend
but most likely it will be a side tourney if EVO brings in Injustice instead


Brain Dead Bro
I really don't think EVO will include a console exclusive game, it just won't bring in the numbers.

I've always had high hopes for MK9 at EVO again if they run 6 games again.

SSF4:AE 2012
Injustice: Gods Among Us

We'll see....

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
They've done console exclusive games before. The last being TvC in 2010.


I think Injustice or TTT2 could kill MK's chance.

TTT2 will definitely be there as the representitive Namco game.

Street Fighter and Marvel games are a shoe in.

It's a shame that SF X Tekken is so damn glitchy as I had high hopes for that game, but it's flop could be MK's saving grace.

But why would MK get the go, ahead of KoF? It seems both communities are as big as each other but I could be wrong on that, just seems like KoF would have just as good a chance as MK, so why choose one over the other?

I think Evo will be used ultimately as massive PR for Injustice which will be a damn shame.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!

Playstaion allstars is a steaming pile of shit with lame ass characters

on a serious note, its a exclusive title so i doubt it will ever bring in enough players
This is subjective, Smash Bros Melee and Brawl still sold like 8 million copies each despite being exclusive to the Gamecube and Wii respectively. I can agree with the roster in PS-All Stars being meh (lol @ Sony taking the time to license new emo Dante into the game but not Crash Bandicoot), but then everyone thinks UMVC3's roster is still complete trash compared to MVC2's and it's still played in droves.

And Tekken going multiplatform has done next to nothing to expand the community.


Come On Die Young
I actually disagree with everyone saying KoF will make Evo 2013. I love the game and would rather see it than any other non-MK game, but it's no secret that a significant amount of people signed up for the free t-shirt. There was not enough international attendance to make up for the huge discrepancies between the number of signups and the KoF turnout at majors. I even heard a case where someone who didn't play the game at all made it out of his Evo pool for free because only 1 other person showed up. We can't pretend Mr Wizard didn't realize this, either.

TT2 will make it just because there's no other 3D game to compete and they need to have one. But I can't see it being that popular. Their community likes to fuck themselves in the ass I guess. I wonder what will happen if Mr Wizard tells them no more free rides just because they have Namco behind them.

Right now I see it being

The last spot, or two spots if they do what they did this year, will be a tossup between MK9, P4A, KoF13, and PS All Stars.


Fear the Skulls
I would like to see MK9 at EVO 2013 but they seriously need to patch this damn game. The brokenness of this makes people not even want to play it. It would have far more people wanting to play the game if it didnt have so many flaws other fighting games dont have. Also I dont see MK being at EVO next year. Didnt we have the lowest turn out and the lowest views?

Mr. Mileena

If I'm not mistaken, didn't MK have the lowest turnout for evo 2013?

I don't think MK will make it for a 3rd year, Injustice may.

KOF had a brilliant turnout, most said that was the hypest game at EVO

I feel it will be

AE 2012
Tekken Tag 2
Persona may make it or Injustice

The others:
SF x Tekken

MK may or may not make it, if Injustice does, i doubt mk9 will