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Dojo Trainee
I'm up for this but I need to know what would be defined as "Knowing a character"

I dabbled with Sheeva and Stryker for a couple of weeks after the last patch so I don't know what that would mean.

Other characters I've mained or had as a back-up at some point in time: Sub-Zero, Kenshi, Rain, Reptile, Noob Saibot
just exclude your mains or you back ups, anyone else is fair game!


I'm up for this but I need to know what would be defined as "Knowing a character"

I dabbled with Sheeva and Stryker for a couple of weeks after the last patch so I don't know what that would mean.

Other characters I've mained or had as a back-up at some point in time: Sub-Zero, Kenshi, Rain, Reptile, Noob Saibot

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
ok so far:

@Wounded Cowboy: Quan Chi

STB Sgt Reed SHEEVA <3!!!

Pig Of The Hut: Noob Saibot

Rampage254: Sonya

who else has a new main, and who needs votes?
Man this idea is hot

we all gotta see if we can provide some video of our new born characters to learn

Ill create a thread when i get some footage in noob area called "Critique my newly voted main Noob"


Plays too much Civ
Okay, I'll wait until I have 5 votes before I call it official for the new main.

Current poll:

Ermac 1

Unavailable characters: Noob Saibot, Kenshi, Reptile, Rain, Sub-Zero