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Season's Beatings: Redemption Daigo/Momochi/Choco/Gamerbee/Konqrr Oct 15-17, C-Bus OH

Lucky Day

Yeah it's hard to get big numbers for a lot of games now with SFIV.

I think there is some renewed interest in te game lately though, and I know there will be at least 8 players just from central Ohio and a few more from Cleveland.

The hardest part is getting enough of the focus at a big tourney on UMK.

We had at least 5 guys drop out at the last one because they were too busy with playing in other tourneys at the same time and couldn't get away to dedicate time to playing matches.

With SB though they do a really good job of having only a few games running at a time and I think they will put effort into making the games they like (mvc2, st and umk) be a little more front and center.

From what I've been told they are definitely planning on making sure umk is on the main stream.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Yeah, I'm not done with it yet though. I'm pretty proud of it.

Also, that Brooklyn Brawler pic is awesome, lol.
I am gonna have to look into getting one of the 4 player Midway games (Open Ice, NBA Jam) control panels for mine. With that much room, it would be perfect for a 2 player MK set up


Yeah that kind of stuff always happens, where you have players who just can't participate since UMK3 isn't their main game but it's always good having more. As I've stated before, at SJ we had 27 players there over the weekend, but only 16 in the tournament.


I asked Summoning to take measurements to see how universal those setups are but I might get to his house sometime before he gets a chance. It would be a good idea to get one because few of us are as small as we were back in the day! The typical space between P1 HK/LK and the P2 Stick on a Cab is about 4", which means that shoulders are bumping in most cases (which is why I go into a lunge posture generally), but on the cab we have there's a little over 8" between. On FrankieBonez's cab there's about a foot, because I think his was a Golden Tee Golf cab.



It's possible this is the panel we have, it's this or Open Ice because the holes are very similar. Just drill new holes between P1 and P2 and P3 and P4 and you have a nice spacing. Again, we can bring our panel, and use your sticks and buttons if need be. There is a slight issue on ours that we can't quite isolate yet and we of course want everything running as perfectly as possible. P2 stick does not seem to seat properly and has a loose feel to it, and sometimes the button inputs are lossy. I have to go through and recheck everything next time I'm there.

Lucky Day

Yeah, using one of those would be ideal.

Even better would be finding an old dead machine and just stealing the whole panel off it, instead of building one around it like I did.

Drilling that metal is a total pain in the ass though, definitely need the right tools. And even then, it's a little pricey and takes some effort.

That is assuming the NBA Jam panel is metal like the MK ones are.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Yeah, using one of those would be ideal.

Even better would be finding an old dead machine and just stealing the whole panel off it, instead of building one around it like I did.

Drilling that metal is a total pain in the ass though, definitely need the right tools. And even then, it's a little pricey and takes some effort.

That is assuming the NBA Jam panel is metal like the MK ones are.
I know the MK2 panel has the sheet metal. I am pretty sure MK3 didnt, and i have no idea about NBA Jam, NFL blitz or Open Ice.

Lucky Day

All of the MKs I've seen have it. Including your UMK I'm pretty sure it's just underneath the plastic overlay that is put on top of it (probably new graphics for the update from
MK3 to UMK3).

It also depends on whether it's a real Midway machine or if someone converted it. Williams, Atari and lots of others just use wood panels with stickers on top.

It's not a big deal though, with the right tools you can cut holes and make whatever you want to work.


I'd have to double check but I'm pretty sure there's no metal layer on our UMK3 machine, which could be why it doesn't seem to seat the one stick properly. It's hard to explain. The best description I gave was if you tap down it almost feels like biting your teeth when you have water in your ear. If anyone knows what I'm talking about that's the closest I can get it. The whole stick just doesn't feel right. I may put back in the original sticks we had when we got it because they seemed to be fine, but we just replaced everything TWICE. I'll use the old sticks with the new cherry switches.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I have fixed many an MK machine (mostly II) in my day and never seen a metal layer. Maybe they came later. Although the KI2 panel I had used a metal later that the graphics were on. Made the damn thing weigh a ton.


I moved some posts around, because that mock thread was getting posts that were too valuable in it to be wasted there.

Lucky Day

I have fixed many an MK machine (mostly II) in my day and never seen a metal layer. Maybe they came later. Although the KI2 panel I had used a metal later that the graphics were on. Made the damn thing weigh a ton.
Yep, there's a lot of ways they made them.

Lots of companies, including Midway and Capcom, would have both official dedicated cabinets and conversion kits that could be added to existing cabs. I'm sure like you said it depends on when it was made, and maybe even what market it was going to.

You can see the similarity in the panels between the MKII and KI:2 here:



You can tell the metal panels because they have the 4 bolts across the top and bottom that are mounted to the piece of wood below.

A lot of cabs have a piece of plexiglass above the panel bolted on, these are always wood panels with overlay artwork between. And I don't know if any official ones have glass, I've never seen it. It's usually a conversion from another machine.

I don't think any MK1 cabs had it, you can see the flat wood with artwork on it here:


Also, yeah, the metal panel gives 100x more strength to the stick mounting. The sticks are mounted from countersunk holes that are below the metal, but above the wood. And there's a special metal thread in the holes to keep the screws from moving. It's really solid.

(double) Also, this is totally derailing the thread topic, but it would be fun to move the cabinet style discussion to another section, so maybe I'll do that.


Anyone who is going, please register and book your rooms. If you're in our group and need to arrange rooms and split the cost, let us know. We have about 7 people going right now.

Lucky Day

I have a test pad wired up right now, Tim is waiting on his parts order to arrive this weekend, and we'll test everything out then.

Once I confirm that it's all good we're set, it will only take me a night to finish up another pad or two.


Are you using the DB15s or have all sticks and pads wired at once?

Lucky Day

DB15s. The DB15 cable will be wired to the microswitches.

The pads will be able to be unplugged if needed.

The sticks will stay active all the time (I don't want to cut up and mess with Tim's wiring harness).

Lucky Day


Are we definitely using your wide panel? And that will mount into his UMK machine?

Not going to be an issue either way, just want to make sure.


They are default Midway cabs with standard clasps and bolts, so it will lock on there just as a normal panel would, it's just wider. We would have to put in your sticks and buttons on Friday which is no problem, we'll just bring it without anything. Our shit is having issues so I don't want to sub out parts for yours in case we don't get them replaced/fixed in time. I would suggest using the wide panel setup as the default tournament setup.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Wide panel FTW

Below is the kind of panel that I grew up playing on. It was MK3, then Primal Rage, then UMK3, then Tekken Tag. Wide ass panel for tons of room to stand or sit, huge 50" monitor...it was Godlike.


Lucky Day

They are default Midway cabs with standard clasps and bolts, so it will lock on there just as a normal panel would, it's just wider. We would have to put in your sticks and buttons on Friday which is no problem, we'll just bring it without anything. Our shit is having issues so I don't want to sub out parts for yours in case we don't get them replaced/fixed in time. I would suggest using the wide panel setup as the default tournament setup.
Yeah, I'm totally for that. I like the idea of a wide panel, and as long as it's no trouble to put in, then we're set.

We can use our parts, and I'll have extras on hand just in case.

The pads are wired to the switches, not the buttons and sticks themselves, so they'll just snap in once the parts are put in the panel.

Easy to take care of Friday night, and we'll still have plenty of time to get games in on it to test it out.

@Konqrr - Those are nice. Showcase cabs, and you can usually find them on Tekken, Marvel, and various other fighting games.

There's on for sale on craigslist here, wish I had the money, cause I would buy it in a heartbeat.


The first time I ever played UMK3 was on a Megacab like the ones you see Tekken and MvC2 in very often. It was custom for UMK3 back in the day at the mall I would go to, eventually they put MvC2 in it and UMK3 moved to a normal machine.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
The wide panel they have is a Midway control panel but it was for a 4 player game. shouldnt have any issues working on my cab, since its a midway cab too