EFL Founder
so today is the first day i've ever played on kaillera. i dropped a few games to somebody earlier and we became friends...and those three were my only losses out of many matches and different people. then i play some guy "dr. no" who picks r. smoke twice, the first i rape, the second i take down with kano whos a weaker char of mine. (to even it up) kid talks relentess shit like "ready to lose?", "joke", "weak". and the whole time im just like...who's destroying who? i tell him "ur the joke". this is my first day EVER playing kaillera and he lol's like he's fuckin mk royalty. the pains of playing online with xbl mics or kaillera can make the game so retarded it aint even fun anymore. sure, i enjoy a little jabbering every so often, makes the game fun. but when some fuckin scrub stalks me like his pedofile fantasy, i just wanna shut my pc off. theres gotta be a block user button right?