Head Cage
I guess this is my last shout outs post Ill ever make.
First id like to make a shout out to Sweet Johnny Cage and LI Joe who without them ECT4 wouldn't be possible.
Shock and summoning for doing what they do best and being kick as people.
@JamesMK for telling me it was ok to steal one of summonings beers lol
pherleece SwiftTomHanks Blackula for being proficient staff members. Wasn't much for me to do beside commentate. *shrugs*
Mikemetroid for showing me some cage stuff and commentating with me. Your the shit and always fun to be around.
KevoDaMaN for being such a troll this entire weekend. Calling out errrbody saying there free and how ud body anyone. XD
@Rapzilla For sharing some cCaptain Morgan with me.
KT Smith for being....KT Smith
First id like to make a shout out to Sweet Johnny Cage and LI Joe who without them ECT4 wouldn't be possible.
Shock and summoning for doing what they do best and being kick as people.
@JamesMK for telling me it was ok to steal one of summonings beers lol
pherleece SwiftTomHanks Blackula for being proficient staff members. Wasn't much for me to do beside commentate. *shrugs*
Mikemetroid for showing me some cage stuff and commentating with me. Your the shit and always fun to be around.
KevoDaMaN for being such a troll this entire weekend. Calling out errrbody saying there free and how ud body anyone. XD
@Rapzilla For sharing some cCaptain Morgan with me.

KT Smith for being....KT Smith