As the great late Christopher Hitchens would say "for one to say you're an athiest is almost like saying you kind of wished there was a God". I like to think of myself as an anti-theist. With a strong scientific educational background, and upbringing, I simply find it ridiculous that anything like God or the Devil could exist. I understand the principles of geology, ecology, evolution, chemistry, biology and so forth and all of these things just back up how ridiculous a concept like heaven and hell is.
As Mayo has stated, this is not what the thread should be about. While it's always heart warming to see more athiests speaking up, especially in America where Christianity and Judaism is so deeply entrenched, im not sure I like the idea of a protest rally or not.
What i've admired about a lot of non-believers, is how we don't knock on doors, we don't force you to adhere to our beliefs, we don't judge or condemn others of different faith and we're genuinely more accepting human beings. Having a rally is kind of going against the grain of that. It's kind of forcing the issue, which is exactly what religious people in a position of power always try and do.
Truthfully, I think religion is beginning to fade, the more modern our world becomes. It was only 500 years ago, that women were burnt at the stake because an epileptic fit was seen as demonic possession. Ignorance and intollerance are powerful tools but can't remain forever. Forcing the issue wont make more people become "born again athiests", time will.
That said, something of a similiar nature is taking place in the UK. Over here we have Local Authorities, which is similiar to the Local Government system you guys have in the States. Recently there has been some controvery a high court ruling that local councils have no statutory right to hold prayers.
Naturally this has kicked up quite a stir, but it's interesting that this has happened here, around the same time a athiest march has/is about to occur in the States. It's showing that times are a changing, we don't have to be afraid of the dark anymore, and that religion has no place in a political and capitalistic society. Perhaps that's a little unfair, what I should say is religion has no business influencing politics or a free market.
The sooner you guys in America stop voting for the guy that says he loves God more than the other guy *cough republicans and democrats*, and the guy that actually really wants to change your country for the better *cough libertarians*, the better.
Right now, if Sarah Palin was running up against Ron Paul for presidency, just those two, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if she destroyed Paul in the polls.
The rally is good in the sense that it shows there are more athiests than I thought in America. I expect that idiot Hannity will demonise them as much as possible.