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Kung Lao changes


bro that's boring
it has purpose it's plus, but that's defeats the whole purpose, lao was never supposed to be plus on strings, he needs to be minus to "invite" you into stop his pressure so he can jump back and dive kick your mistake, he gets right you die, he gets wrong he dies, you hesitate, THEN the mental advantage allows him to keep going, he doubts himself, you regain your neutral, that's Lao bro.
Now he does this over and over and over, yes it's fairly easy (that's why it's boring) on top of that, if they hesitate now you have B2, F2 jump back and Kameo setups.

Bro he had plus moves in MKX too. He was like plus a billion on his ex hat on block in vanilla, and then Lord Paulo - hallowed be his name - came from Heaven and reduced to to +3, which he could still use to apply pressure/force mistakes.

Was he not Kung Lao in MKX?

So what you're saying is that they gave him MORE options in MK1.

And that's bad.

It's bad to have more options when you're pressuring an opponent.

The Kung Lao community is cooked.
bro that's boring
it has purpose it's plus, but that's defeats the whole purpose, lao was never supposed to be plus on strings, he needs to be minus to "invite" you into stop his pressure so he can jump back and dive kick your mistake, he gets right you die, he gets wrong he dies, you hesitate, THEN the mental advantage allows him to keep going, he doubts himself, you regain your neutral, that's Lao bro.
Now he does this over and over and over, yes it's fairly easy (that's why it's boring) on top of that, if they hesitate now you have B2, F2 jump back and Kameo setups.
Hmm players always counter attack after 21, I usually 21 walk back and whiff punish.
212 walk back.
212sektor flame.
212 rising kick etc.


Hmm players always counter attack after 21, I usually 21 walk back and whiff punish.
212 walk back.
212sektor flame.
212 rising kick etc.
Exactly! If you want to be super risky, you could 21 jump back ex divekick if you think they're just gonna mash. So you can still divekick like crazy if you want.

I mean Sektor Missile is right there. That'll cover any amount of divekicking you want to do, honestly.
Bro he had plus moves in MKX too. He was like plus a billion on his ex hat on block in vanilla, and then Lord Paulo - hallowed be his name - came from Heaven and reduced to to +3, which he could still use to apply pressure/force mistakes.

Was he not Kung Lao in MKX?

So what you're saying is that they gave him MORE options in MK1.

And that's bad.

It's bad to have more options when you're pressuring an opponent.

The Kung Lao community is cooked.
MKX ex orbiting hat was plus 30 if I remember correctly lol
Most MK1 Lao players play him right. It’s just tym honestly.


MKX ex orbiting hat was plus 30 if I remember correctly lol
Most MK1 Lao players play him right. It’s just tym honestly.
Yeah that was back when Lao and Erron Black were jailing people for 9 years by doing string into ex special move into string into oops I just built half a bar of meter back let me do another ex special move into more pressure.

Vanilla MKX was a game people played for money.
Exactly! If you want to be super risky, you could 21 jump back ex divekick if you think they're just gonna mash. So you can still divekick like crazy if you want.

I mean Sektor Missile is right there. That'll cover any amount of divekicking you want to do, honestly.
Yes I do jump back divekick too. How is it that I have only been playing this game for no longer than 2 months and I already know more about the character than half tym?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Bro he had plus moves in MKX too. He was like plus a billion on his ex hat on block in vanilla, and then Lord Paulo - hallowed be his name - came from Heaven and reduced to to +3, which he could still use to apply pressure/force mistakes.

Was he not Kung Lao in MKX?

So what you're saying is that they gave him MORE options in MK1.

And that's bad.

It's bad to have more options when you're pressuring an opponent.

The Kung Lao community is cooked.
That was clearly a mistake, because Tempest Lao could loop that hat into a blockstring with his plinking string while building meter with 0 gaps and no one could do anything about it. Defeating the whole purpose of coming back with a dive kick, he didn't needed until his pressure was reduced, at least for tempest, every other Lao variation was playing Lao.


Zoning Master
Kung Lao is top tier with Sektor and high mid tier with Mavado.

He does not need any buffs, including a long-range d+1 and/or a faster armor attack.

Some of these buff suggestions, such as a safe b+2,4, are foolish and represent a lack of understanding of the game and its meta.

I reiterate: Kung Lao is strong, fun, and unique.

Stop trying to ruin the character with braindead buffs or changes that would make the character worse.


Kung Lao is top tier with Sektor and high mid tier with Mavado.

He does not need any buffs, including a long-range d+1 and/or a faster armor attack.

Some of these buff suggestions, such as a safe b+2,4, are foolish and represent a lack of understanding of the game and its meta.

I reiterate: Kung Lao is strong, fun, and unique.

Stop trying to ruin the character with braindead buffs or changes that would make the character worse.
Me agreeing with m2dave??

What manner of timeline is this????


MK1 is the best MK period.
Stop with this nonsense. Lao definitely needs buffs

Nobody using him except online Tony's kid. Lao ain't winning no majors vs the cream of the crop characters in the game he gets steamrolled.

The White Lotus Society will adopt the Kitana accords and ask for buffs regardless of what low gun shots has to say on the matter
Stop with this nonsense. Lao definitely needs buffs

Nobody using him except online Tony's kid. Lao ain't winning no majors vs the cream of the crop characters in the game he gets steamrolled.

The White Lotus Society will adopt the Kitana accords and ask for buffs regardless of what low gun shots has to say on the matter
View attachment 22328
Haha can’t tell if trolling.


Stop with this nonsense. Lao definitely needs buffs

Nobody using him except online Tony's kid. Lao ain't winning no majors vs the cream of the crop characters in the game he gets steamrolled.

The White Lotus Society will adopt the Kitana accords and ask for buffs regardless of what low gun shots has to say on the matter
View attachment 22328
You don't even play the game.

More importantly, Kung Lao has plenty of Top 8s in stuff like TNS and Rip's Arena.

He's a good character.

Skill issue..


Zoning Master
Movado? I have never played movado with Lao, I should try it out.
You get launching armor (i.e., EX b,f+2 into up kameo), very good pressure as back kameo jails after 2,1,2 on block, solid meter-less conversions (i.e., d,b+4 into up kameo), and juggles after back throw (i.e., toss the mine and back dash, then do jumping kick, b+2,4, 1,2,1~b,f+2).

how about safe on block ex hat @M2Dave ?
This game does not have many (EX) special moves that are safe in block strings.

The developers want you to use kameo attacks.

EX d,b+1 is good as a round ender because of its startup and traveling speed.

EX b,f+1 jails after 2,1,2 and is -7 on block with slight pushback.

Instant aerial b,f+1 is one of the very few great projectiles in this game, so let us appreciate what the character already has instead of requesting nonsensical buffs.