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I think I really need to say this...

B W1zZ

Remember how MKA Scorpion could basically take off half your life in unbreakables, all the while keeping you in a 50/50? Or the broken version of Skarlet they call Sareena? All the characters capable of killing you for getting thrown? XDDDDD
Yup, on top of all of the air cancels, 33's, impale glitches etc...you could literally be screwed from guessing wrong once.


It's funny you bring up the OTG. Imagine if the guaranteed reset tech was found DURING the OTG days. O_____________O

Also, I don't think the reset will net him more wins...but it will make him a shit ton more difficult to fight.

rofl na man just block high you are safe


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Just block high? Then Smoke will just d4 you to death. Seems like a stupid thing to keep doing, until you realize you aren't doing shit if you get hit by d4.

Helter Skelter

I love this game to bits but this game NEEDS a hotfix. The consistency is out of whack.

I feel Sub-Zero deserved to lose his damage exploit. It was a load of bullshit.
However, I can't for the life of me understand why Jax, Smoke and Cyrax got to keep their damage exploits.

Things that NEED to be changed:

-All fixable glitches (maybe excluding Shang's damage boost after the round) need to go.
-Throws should be breakable while blocking.
-Throws should render both characters invincible from anything outside of the throw (Clones, Mega Force Balls, Bombs, etc.)
-Sweep should become untechable knockdowns.
-Jax's and Smoke's Enhanced OTG moves should not pop up high enough to combo from.
-Cyrax second net in combos removed (the Sub-Zero's can't freeze you twice).

Character changes:
-The characters without armor or an invincible move need to get one:
•Mileena = Neckbite
•Sektor = Flamthrower
•Sindel = Hair Whip or alternatively. Make Hair Whip drain meter AND let Cartwheel have armor.
•Noob = Teleslam
•Cyber Sub = Ice Beam
•Ermac = Not Sure
•Sub Zero = Already has armor but kinda needs it on ice beam.
There are other characters but I'm not sure.

Instant Air Fireballs:
-Kitana's Air Firball now 6%
-Kabal's Air Fireball now7%
-Skarlet's unchanged
-Mileena's Unchanged
-Liu Kang's I'm not sure.

Those are legit changes and I think we should start tweeting and hassling NRS to get them made, because we all know a lot more than we did last EVO and shit is gonna get real. People actually said Mileena was the best character last year. It makes you think, right.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Helter, I don't mean to get on you, but your post is kinda the stuff I referred to in my OP.

We're still too wrapped up in wanting this game fixed, when there's a good chance we won't get any of that.

Helter Skelter

To be honest, THTB.We need to put up a petition for a final hotfix before EVO and it needs to be put on any and every fighting game site avaiable.

The balance isn't a problem for me, because this game is actually stupidly balanced (putside of matchups). It's the consistency of the game mechanics itself.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
I don't think so .... sorry, but I completly .... disagree

I don't think old MKs have the same competitive appeal as this one. MK9 brings back interest about competitive scene/aspect for this franchise, I know that existed before tourney for others MK games, but, sincerely, I don't care, I did not follow MK after UMK3, and this game is way better than UMK3, so, past competition and currently nowadays competition regarding UMK3 does not matter to me ..... only MK9 , so, it's the game I care and talk about

This way, this game, yep, has a lot of bullshit on it, we know it's not purposely, sounds more like bug, glitches, or just laziness regarding programming and testing / homologation, but, it's still here, even after patch 1.05

If this game is supposed to be "serious" and a mature grown up fighting game for people who enjoy fair competition, yeah, NRS, if might have interest in promote the game as the ultimate competitive experience, they could hear about the problems the game has , and so, did their "post-sales" support, and fix the God Damn thing, no matter how many times.

But, if their interest was just in 2011, when the game came out, and so, in order to help promotion and sales, they fixed as much as they could, in order to show their "supposed" interest in community ( costumers ? clients in the end ?), so, after the game sold more or less 3 millions, suddenly it's time to move on, and kinda "we accomplished our profit with this shit, so, let it lives by its own" ? lol, kinda greedy, hum ? sort of .....

I see no problem in people, specially loyal and dedicated players, to point out the unfair stuff this game has. People who do not complain about something that , in the end, is unfair and kinda almost as "cheat nature", are people who accepts stuff "through their throats down" without worrying about. If so, this game works better being "4 fun only", and not as competitive.

Today, you can fix a game using a online download patch, and we have a growing up community, we have internet and communication channels.

In the 90's years, we had nothing, so, yeah, you had to accept "shit as shit" and shut the fuck out .... but, after some time, everyone got tired of crazy stuff in FG, and normally moved from a game to another one, or even for other genres of games ..... very few people had interesting to keep so loyal to a game that was broken as hell and had none perspective/chance to be "fixed" ....

This problem does not occurs today, things can be fixed during a month of analysis, tests and development. Today you have a lot of people to point out and suggest what can be improved, and what can make competition better.

I don't hate MK9 even with these errors, in fact, I love this game, but, it's stupidity just cross your arms and pretending and fake that problems don't exist and nothing can be done to solve and sort this out.


Zoning Master
To be honest, THTB.We need to put up a petition for a final hotfix before EVO and it needs to be put on any and every fighting game site avaiable.

The balance isn't a problem for me, because this game is actually stupidly balanced (putside of matchups). It's the consistency of the game mechanics itself.
I believe NRS has already stated they cannot fix the input bug, meter drain glitch, and hitboxes without touching the core engine of the game. I assume the inconsistent frame data on some moves can be fixed. So can be the resets.


Dojo Trainee
I agree. As far as I know, every fighting game has had it's crap yet it never stopped people from playing. Street Fighter, Killer Instinct. Street Fighter evolved into a solid game because the crap didn't stop people from playing it. You actually used to be cool if you knew the bugs and could exploit them. Now with the internet everybody knows and it's considered cheap.


Blue Blurs for Life!
There's always going to be some bitching about how a game is designed, for one or more of these following reasons:

1) Fans really want to see a game developed into its best shape or form, and they can't stand the things that take away from the "perfect game." Like glitches and resets.

2) They want to learn, but are uncertain of how to do so and therefore finding ways to vent their frustration. This usually occurs whenever somebody gets their ass handed to them by a beast player and they don't know where they went wrong.

3) They don't want to learn and instead find things to complain about because they have no better way to spend their free time.

I've been guilty of the first two items, but never the third.

You can't deny that there are still some bullshit drawbacks to Mortal Kombat 9, but is that enough to affect your dedication to improving your game? That's something only the players can answer for themselves. I know damn well for a fact that I will support this game with every breath in my body, no matter how irritating the ordeal can get. It's all part of growing and learning.

Fans expect too much at times, always thinking they will get the "perfect fighting game." Truth is, as much as I may vent about how they did some things, NRS is just as human as the rest of us. They are not gods with extraordinary talent. They too will make mistakes as developers, so it will be their responsibility to learn from them. At least these patches show they are making an effort to listen to the wishes of the fans, but there are some things even patches can't fix.

I think you've worded it completely right, THTB. Rather than constantly cast the blame over things that cannot be changed, it is time we accept the game for what it is and become our own masters, strive to improve ourselves.

Will there be a hotfix? Maybe, maybe not. There is a Version 1.06 patch rumored to be included in the upcoming Komplete Edition for the game. Will it fix what current problems we have, or increase the amount of issues? Dunno about that.

But rather than constantly hold discussions on what should be fixed and shouldn't, let's instead leave those talks to NRS and do what we, the players, are destined to do: breathe life into the gift we are given. Let's strengthen ourselves as a community, not look back over our shoulders. Ultimately, such discussions do not benefit us.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
yep, we gonna support the game, no matter what. Period.

It's simply the fact that the game could be fixed and improved at any moment NRS decides, but, it's their decision, it's at their hands , in the final. Maybe they are not so passionate for competitive scene as us, fans. hehe :D

The game can be played the way it is, but, it's a fact that some crazy stuff can be exploited, in an explicity way. Nevertheless, I wanna see what Cyrax players gonna do on Evo, hehe .... sort of curiosity.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
I can happily live with MK9 as it is now, but if I had the option to remove the OTG damage exploits I would.


"Strength isn't everything"
There is certain stuff I love in this game that shouldn't be, and one particular thing that really pisses me off about the community.

Like Quan Chi's Run Trap, its brilliant, you have to play the fight without making a mistake when he has meter, all the while trying to make him break, and manage both your meters, you cannot spend meter on anything against him, or you will have no breaker to break his Three bar :en rune combo, So if he lands a JIP on you and rushes you down with :en runes and you have no breaker, then you have to say ''well, I didn't make him use his meter, and I didn't save mine'' fair is fair, there are ways to be beat him, and when he doesn't have that, he doesn't have much.

The thing that I find annoying, is that everyone is making a MASSIVE stink about Sub Zero losing allot of matches, and having problems with limited damage, no come back factor, low hit box characters, inconsistent Air to air with JP 22 Freeze or slide...The truth is, he isn't an amazing character, he is not a top 10 character, but so what? There are other characters that struggle in this game that are also not top 10 and its never a big deal like it is when it comes to Sub Zero. There is Jade, Kano, Stryker, Sindel, Sheeva, NW, Baraka, CSZ Noob, etc, but it nevers causes a big of fuss over it, more than Sub Zero, Is it because he is the poster boy for MK and he ''SHOULD BE'' top tier?, or because he all had him wrong when he first played MK9 and he really was never as good was we first thought, what is it that makes Sub Zero struggling in this game special?

Please enlighten me.

The harsh reality is, the only way he will be a top 10 character, is if they off his ass completely, and give his best tools to CSZ = My Dream.


i dont agree with this post. In the old days we coudnt do crap about the game we bought. it was what it was... now that we do have a chance to evolve the game we should be quiet ??? if we have the possibility to improve the gaming experience we should just not bother ?? so we gather all this knowledge about a game we sign in to forums and gaming communities and we should be quiet ??? im not saying we need to cry as much as we are crying but... it is gaming evolution at its best and what you are saying is... dont use it ???... stupid post... i am a crappy player and im not into it even 50% as much as other players here but i still find this post, nonsense.... IMHO. dont dake karma from me


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Gives SZ a new "old" move (Ice Shower), give him a couple of new combo strings with juggle starter feature, cut down his Ice Puddle start animation by 6 or more frames (and make it dash cancelled), make Ice Clone no dissapear when very close to enemy ........ this make him a lot better than he is currently.

The point is : doing this will make people start to say "Now, he is overpowered!!"

lol :D :D


"Strength isn't everything"
Things that NEED to be changed:

-All fixable glitches (maybe excluding Shang's damage boost after the round) need to go.
-Throws should be breakable while blocking.
-Throws should render both characters invincible from anything outside of the throw (Clones, Mega Force Balls, Bombs, etc.)
-Sweep should become untechable knockdowns.
-Jax's and Smoke's Enhanced OTG moves should not pop up high enough to combo from.
-Cyrax second net in combos removed (the Sub-Zero's can't freeze you twice).

Character changes:
-The characters without armor or an invincible move need to get one:
•Mileena = Neckbite
•Sektor = Flamthrower
•Sindel = Hair Whip or alternatively. Make Hair Whip drain meter AND let Cartwheel have armor.
•Noob = Teleslam
•Cyber Sub = Ice Beam
•Ermac = Not Sure
•Sub Zero = Already has armor but kinda needs it on ice beam.
There are other characters but I'm not sure.
I agree with some stuff you have come up with, and for good reasons.

I like that you want core mechs of the game to be enhanced or fixed, such as Sweeps being untechable knockdowns, that's cool, its a reason to use more fundamental normals, the throw breaking system is not incredibly technical in this game, you can't break a throw blocking, this stops people from getting throws were there is no frame advantage, the opponent pokes KL after 112, and he tries to throw, it will tech. I don't mind that, but if they put in a more sophisticated system, then fine with me.

Smoke bagging an extra 10% for an :en smoke bomb is fine with me, as long as it doesn't OTG reset, so I can agree here, but again its about fixing core gameplay stuff.

About the armour though, they have been a little inconsistent with armour, but we also have to be very careful who we armour and why, an example would be Sektor, if he had an armoured move he would be fucked up, not only is it hard to get in, but when you get in, he can armour out, same with Noob, its almost impossible to break through constant up knees without him having armour aswell, Ermac is the same, a brick wall, and when you get close, he armour lifts you for a combo or something, Sindel, because she is a dodgy enough character, she could probably use armour, but again it would be no reward for the opponent once he gets past the field of fire balls, Mileena has no problem getting in and builds meter like shit, she has an armoured :x, thats enough for me, CSZ getting armour on his :en ice beam would be doing the same job as his parry, armour for CSZ is not about breaking out of pressure, its about getting in on the opponent to start your own, which is almost impossible against certain characters, but again, its only specific matches that this is a problem,so it would be either be fix his teleport to be like Human cyrax, or give him Armour on his :en far dive kick.

I agree with you though on getting the core stuff fixed, random frame advantage especially.


missiles are coming
While I sometimes get involved in the hypothetical of how the game could be better, I feel that my main concern is how can I get better at the game.

That said, if exploits are left unchecked; as a competitive player I will drop my characters for more tournament viable ones. That is how I will sadly adapt. Sure I'll keep playing some characters due to character loyalty, and hopefully I (or someone else) will find something about them that helps.


That's about right.
The bottom line is this, we shouldn't be wanting hot fixes/patches to take things out that SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN IN THE GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE. I have always bitched that I think this game needs proper hit trades, but I'm biased because of my SF history. I've come to accept maybe it wouldn't work in MK. I for one am sick of the inconsistentcies in this game, to the point I quit playing it. I couldn't make myself go to a major because of them. It's too much.

Smokes "new" reset; When you guys see how easy it is to do now....you'll be pissed. It's despicable.

My main game now is SCV and it's not perfect by far, but it's only day 3-4 so it needs time to grow, but MK has had time and well...smh

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I agree... the community as a whole, we need to shut up and level up. That can't be argued. I'm JUST NOW starting to pick up footsie and proper spacing gameplay. There are enough well rounded players that I don't keep bad habits.

However, and I think THTB will agree somewhat as well, there are some DUMB things that this game has, that could at least be patched out. Guaranteed damage resets and random advantage. I think those are the TWO things that have to be fixed... and soon. They won't really change the core game. No one is losing a move, or even a combo. Simply something that is fundamentally broken. The game as is, is not bad at all. Fundamentally it is beautiful and rewards great gameplay.

I will step up as part of the online community and say that the online community is trash, and we are total babies (not everyone, but majority... so don't get your feelings hurt). I find myself complaining about stuff that I shouldn't... I should freaking learn how to deal. I have a good group of guys that are going to help me with that. But seriously, online players... learn to AA, learn to not Jump around, learn footsie. Find a good friend and just practice it. ASK the offline guys what you should be doing. They aren't idols or gods... they are freaking DUDES who want to help so they can have the added competition, and the reward of helping.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
The game is "playable" : you can avoid a reset, if you, primarly, don't get hit by the combo sequence that starts the "reset possibility", in Cyrax case, you have to have a mandatory combo breaker, and avoid at any cost to be caught by any single net, if Cyrax has, at least , 2 bars levels filled ....

What means that, against some characters, you normally will play much more stressed anxious and cautious as hell, trying to give none room for any stupid mistake.

Anyway, I will never support any kind of reset that is not "purposely" engendered by the developers ..... resets are fun and a good sample of brainy exploitation of game engine and gameplay mechanic core, but, after some time, turns into a cheap method to guarantee unfair advantage in ultra disputed matches.

But, if the current unescapable "resets" will not end being fixed, so, let's just move on, accept this shit on our game, and carry on supporting MK9 as competitve scene.

It's how life work on, for goodness and evilness
