Uhh no. What the actual fuck?
Just decline matches with bad ping. No one is forcing you to play against people half way across the world.
Funny.. thats what I am doing. And when you combine this with all those people that decline ME for whatever reason, even when connection is good and both are on wired. I WAIT more than I play at the end. That totally sucks ass. And no, I do not prefer to play ranked because it is even more annoying, 90% WiFi gangsters that I can not decline because at the point of measurement it had 140ms and then in the match I have to fuck around with 250ms or whatever bullshit. Also, people leave after losing 1 round or winning 1 round, ranked just does not make any sense at all at this point. At least not for me.
I stopped playing online because of this, I love the game, I love the Netcode, it is actually good if you are not forced to play vs high ping WiFi gangsters... I can not even say when I had someone with less than 100ms ping as opponent, it seems that I never ever get paired with someone from my region at all.
This game really needs an option where I can set a threshold to what I want to accept or not based on the ping. AND the game needs an option so I can disable all connections to WiFi in general. I decline them ANYWAY so give me that option so I do not WASTE my time and sit there and press my fucking decline button all the time! I want to play... ffs.