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CEO Winterfest January 21st 2012 Orlando, FL

The Road to CEO 2012 at Wyndham Orlando Resort on June 15-17 Kicks off with CEO Winterfest www.ceogaming.org

WHEN: January 21st. Doors Open at 11 am First Tournament begins at 12 Noon Sharp

WHERE: Chakra Ultra Lounge
10028 University Blvd, Orlando, FL 32817

HOW MUCH: Door Fee is $10, Plus Game Entree Fees as below(ALLGame Entry Fees will go directly to the pot.)

STREAM: There will be a Stream Powered by IPW Deuce on www.twitch.tv/ceogaming

To Pre Register your Name for quicker Bracket Creation and Check in Please Go HERE https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dGpwQ1FfLVFLMjdxdU5kbWpseVdmcHc6MQ#gid=0

To See Who has Already Registered for this event Click Here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhatbEfrU4lOdGpwQ1FfLVFLMjdxdU5kbWpseVdmcHc&hl=en_US#gid=0

Facebook Event Page to Mingle with other attendees Here https://www.facebook.com/events/185317524889579/

Click the Read More Below for All the Details
Thank you as always to everyone for their continued support and I just wanted to let you all know this is possibly the greatest CEO Venue to date outside of a hotel ballroom.

Chakra Lounge has a Capacity of 600 people, Full Liquor Bar with drink Specials for you guys, Food, Projectors, Sick Sound System and it's located in the heart of the UCF area.

Door Fee is $10 And will be accepted at the door. Pre Register on this Page So checking in saves everyone Time. Please plan to arrive early so you can make it on time. Times have changed since the first CEO Monthlies, Way more people come and I won't be holding up for everyone to show up 2/3 hours late anymore so plan accordingly with your rides. You must be signed up and checked in/paid 30 minutes before the start times listed below for each game.

Spectators and Friends are of course FREE

Cash Prizes with nothing taken from the Pot entries- Less than 50 people will be a 60/30/10 Split. More than 50 in a tourney will be 60/20/10/5/5 Split.

Signups For each game End 15 minutes before the start time. If any tourney has more than 32 Entrants they will be split into 2-4 Pools evenly spread out then cut to a top 8 Final Bracket.

Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Xbox 360 12 Noon $10
- 2/3 Rounds 99 sec
- 2/3 Matches, 3/5 for Winners,Losers and Grand Finals
- Double Elimination
- Winner keep same team and assists/assist order
- Loser may change Team/Assists

Super Street Fighter 4 AE Xbox 360 4 pm $10
- 2/3 Rounds 99 sec
- 2/3 Matches, 3/5 for Winners,Losers and Grand Finals.
- Double Elimination
- Winner keeps same character, Loser May pick a different character
- Winner may change Ultra but must choose before Opponent picks their Ultra.

Mortal Kombat 9 PS3 1pm $10
- 2/3 Rounds 90 sec
- 2/3 Matches, 3/5 for Winners,Losers and Grand Finals.
- Double Elimination
- Winner keeps same character, Loser May pick a different character
- All characters and DLC allowed except for Kratos
**BONUS- If Over 32 players Enter MK9 there will be an extra $100 Pot Bonus**

Tekken 6 PS3 5 pm $10
-3/5 rounds 60 seconds
-2/3 Matches
-Double Elimination
BONUS-If Over 32 players Enter Tekken 6 there will be an extra $100 Pot Bonus

King Of Fighters XIII XBOX 360 3pm $5
-3v3 Mode 2/3 60 seconds
-Double Elimination
-All Characters and DLC Allowed
-Winner must keep Same Characters and Order, Loser May Switch both.

Things to Note:
-This is a Bring Your Own Controller event, Delaying any match waiting on a stick for more than 5 minutes will end up in a Loss of your Match, Please come Prepared.
-Be Respectful to each other and have fun.
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/221343907898387/ If You have a Facebook Be sure to Join the CEO Group or follow me on www.twitter.com/ceojebailey
- If you have any questions or comments please email me at [email protected]

Big D

Relevant In An Irrelevant Time
See ya'll there! I'l get there early for anyone that would like some casuals. Alex, Id be happy to help set up if you want the help. I live 10 min from the Chakra Lounge.


See ya'll there! I'l get there early for anyone that would like some casuals. Alex, Id be happy to help set up if you want the help. I live 10 min from the Chakra Lounge.
We are planning on getting there early as well. I will definately look for you for some casuals.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
The last CEO was very cool, watching Chris G and Tom Brady doing the finals was awesome.

Hope people show up in this CEO 2012.


me and eatbabyz will be attending. hopefully i can get a few other south florida cats to go to this


FYI: There are currently 22 players pre-registered for CEO Winterfest on Jan. 21st.
Full Name GamerTag/Handle Location Game
Ben Velliquette Quantus Sarasota, FL MK9
Nick Guajardo Gweedo Oviedo, FL MK9
Michael Crespo UA MeZMeRiZe Jacksonville, FL MK9
Ryan DeDomenico Big D Orlando, FL MK9
Bud Stanio BudL0! Hollywood, FL MK9
Rey Michael Escanio KingRey Jacksonville, FL MK9
Ryan Magnani XbL Mind Gamez St. Petersburg, FL MK9
Joshua Hernandez FR Miami Rushdown Miami, FL MK9
Thien Diep Salad Petresky Tampa, FL MK9
Robert Araya Dj Milez Plant City, FL MK9
Mauricio Nunez BuddyClub Miami, FL MK9
Daniel Stenquist SaikyoMishima Lake City, FL MK9
Christopher Hernandez NicotineMan Miami, FL MK9
AJ Bartlett Doombot Tampa, FL MK9
Gene Fulgham MonoXideAtWork Jacksonville, FL MK9
Justin Williams Wiz Jacksonville, FL MK9
John Harvey John The Junky Tampa, FL MK9
Ray Daugherty RomeoBravoDelta Winter Haven, FL MK9
Manny Garcia Sumkindofdemon Miami, FL MK9
Mike LyRic Tampa, FL MK9
Gilbert Mancha Manjoume Clermont, FL MK9
Juan RIP Loso Tampa, FL MK9

Make sure to pre-register if you are planning on coming out.


Hey Ashenar, Noobe said that if he can find a ride he will be coming up also. Can you help him out or know someone that he can ride with?