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Where are you from?


Dojo Trainee
This may be an innappropriate topic, but I was just curious where everybody was from. Seems like most are from either the west coast or the northeast. I'm from Nashville,Tn., and just thought it would be cool if anyone was nearby so we could duke it out in person, or maybe just get drunk.
deep south texas.

but i honestly doubt that anyone lives near anywhere i do.
i would like to know too.
but shit, for me playing with people offline is a longshot from hell.



I'm from the outskirts of Detroit rock city, A shirts, cadillacs, big titties.... lol nah but i am from Michigan, live in the suburbs about 45 mins from Detroit. Have only met one other MK player from Michigan and he lives about 15 mins from here! He's a youngster tho and i dont think he's a member here.
Hello, I'm new to the community so I thought this was an alright way to introduce myself. My PSN is "ks_ness". I sometimes get messages asking if I'm from Kansas, but the "k" and the "s" are meant to be my initials, haha. I'm actually from California.

Tim Static

Please refrain from posting NON-MK2 related topics in the MK2 forums. Only post threads in the related sub forums. Thank you.

PS- i'm from Columbus, Ohio


Arcade Tech
This may be an innappropriate topic, but I was just curious where everybody was from. Seems like most are from either the west coast or the northeast. I'm from Nashville,Tn., and just thought it would be cool if anyone was nearby so we could duke it out in person, or maybe just get drunk.
i live in Nashville, TN, what part r u from?


Me and DavO live in FL, im only posting for him cause I havent seen him post in a while so idk how often he checks the site.


Québec, Canada. I speak french, that's why my english sucks even if I have a good connection against most US players.