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Most active platform for injustice?

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
I'd play on PS4 if I started to play it again. Just cause I am lazy and don't wanna plug in my inferior PS3 again. Never had a 360


Psn, Xbox, Twitter: TheGangstaFace
Xbox One just got Inj backwards compatible. I and a couple of my friends bought it and I saw a lot of people going nuts over it on Twitter


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
was he tournament legal?

I would say for injustice 1 it was Both Xbox and ps3. A lot of top players had both systems and where willing to play on both. You had ducky on Ps3 along with honeybee and bio at the start. Pig played on both systems, Jupiter, Etc. It was a nice time cause if you had both systems you could get games with everyone. But its was probably 60/40 Xbox360 over Ps3
For MKX we saw a shift. Cause offline was ps4 and esl was xbone for 2 seasons
Inj2 will depend on esl and offline events TBH
Honestly a big factor will be legacy controllers and if its still in the ps4 inj2


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
I've said this before and I'll continue to say it.

Currently it's PS3 because there has not been a day in my life past the release of mkx where the population of Injustice diminished on there.

I've heard things about xbox 360 population dying long ago, We can all agree PS4 is majority inhabited by scrubs (that don't know the game at all) where it is impossible to get quality games unless you ask someone from tym to do so.

Xbox one recently became backwards compatible (the latest of the consoles).


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
ps4 had ppl playing on it but now that its backwards compat on the one who knows..might get ppl to play again etc

Solomon Gorondy

Should Goro be top 5?
I downloaded the ultimate edition on PS4 and play it regularly. The best part is that you can record your game-play, re-watch it, edit it, and send it to friends. Unfortunately the servers are sparse but you can find a good player every now and then (make sure you send them a friend request).


Administrator and Community Engineer
Xbox did during the games life bc it was he tournament standard. Most top players played on Xbox or both.
Don't confuse top players with the majority of active players for a fighting game -- these are two different things.

"Top players" = 1% of people that buy a fighting game after release. The size of the game's active playerbase depends on everyone else (the other 3-5 million people). And these are the people who will still be playing the game online after the majority of top players have moved on.


all I have is the Green
I play on PS4, and I usually see the same 20~30ish people whenever I go on. There's usually one room with about 15 people in it at a time.


360? ps3? ps4?

Which is the most active platform for the game. I have been playing this a lot lately. Having fun playing games again. (not a jab at mkx its just not for me)

#fearme #pewpewpew
Man, I just hope Sinestro makes it to part 2. You were the main reason why I picked him up, sadly it was towards the end of the game.
I've said this before and I'll continue to say it.

Currently it's PS3 because there has not been a day in my life past the release of mkx where the population of Injustice diminished on there.

I've heard things about xbox 360 population dying long ago, We can all agree PS4 is majority inhabited by scrubs (that don't know the game at all) where it is impossible to get quality games unless you ask someone from tym to do so.

Xbox one recently became backwards compatible (the latest of the consoles).
You and your ps3 community superiority crap lol. You haven't even played the people on ps4 (least not in a while), and having played both I can say that objectively these comments are false. There's plenty of competition on ps4. Granted, maybe the concentration of good players is less but that's because there are like less than 12 people on ps3 injustice regularly.

sorry bout the criticism but I hear this from you way too often