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General/Other - Tanya Tanya Wishful & Logical Changes


Publicly Educated
Ground teleports now invincible but cost stamina bar.
F4 is now special cancellable
i know what you're thinking but NO.
She should not has a meterless safe move that allow her to escape pressure. DN shouldn't be safely punishing gaps in strings by reversal teleport into pogo. And don't ask for 11f mid AND all those variation specific changes.
The rest of universal changes are okay (Isn't d1 always -4 on block?)
Pogo stance -10 on block. 112, F2, 24, 4 into forward teleport pogo now jails
This is what I don't agree. That's too many 50/50s (some of them are safe) and pressure from those strings. Pogo stance being super minus on block won't be a big deal if pogo jails into 4. The rest are okay

KGA Prosaic

RM Prosaic
Lol. I got a question. Why make this post? There's several others like this. It seems the Tanya community is stuck in some sort of nostalgia to what was and not what is. She still has a lot of dirty set ups I see that gets over looked. I honestly wish tym would purge these forums so we can start over, post relative tech, matches, and actually be useful to the community. These wish list, they don't belong here. Believe me, I do hope for some changes in the future but as it stands. This could be the last patch we have. Your guide on your other post was pretty informal but then just went south at the end. Where you told people to not waste their time with the variation. I'd never recommend that.

KGA Prosaic

RM Prosaic
She was the most dumbly nerfed character clearly done to appease the lazy bitching. They broke their own character in a bad way, she's practically useless and now is good as a scrub killer. She's incomplete in any variation at this point.
Na. She's still Tanya. Don't get that wrong. She can steal the win away fast.

KGA Prosaic

RM Prosaic
Like I said, please show me a video then I'll believe you. If you haven't seen my post then you weren't looking. I'll tag you in my work and if you're interested. My YouTube page is all Tanya and Leatherface.

KGA Prosaic

RM Prosaic

Here's a few of some of my findings. Been meaning to post more but I think I'm just gonna start working on a guide for Kobu and introduce them there.

Vak Phoenix


Here's a few of some of my findings. Been meaning to post more but I think I'm just gonna start working on a guide for Kobu and introduce them there.
Thank you for your contributions, only 20% of this is true block, rest is gimmick on top of gimmick... But as i said thank you for contribution

KGA Prosaic

RM Prosaic
Thank you for your contributions, only 20% of this is true block, rest is gimmick on top of gimmick... But as i said thank you for contribution
I actually deleted my last comment cause I found it to pretentious on my part. I don't want to start some sort of online argument but purely on the love of this character I would like it if you deleted your post. Maybe we could clash ideas together and rewrite the character that everyone has wrote down as dead.

Vak Phoenix

I actually deleted my last comment cause I found it to pretentious on my part. I don't want to start some sort of online argument but purely on the love of this character I would like it if you deleted your post. Maybe we could clash ideas together and rewrite the character that everyone has wrote down as dead.


PS4/EU Ermac main
Universal Changes
  • B313 is now -2 on block I think its fine at -6
  • 2U3 is now -4 on block would be fine at -8 or -10 even
  • 11U4 is now +2 on block has a gap and doesnt launch, but doesn't deserve +2 with a mixup opportunity of 112. neutral would be fine
  • D1 is now -4 on block pokes should stay minus, -6 is acceptable
  • F2 teleport Jip jails don't like it, advancing mid into free mixup situations, gaining meter as well, no to this
  • F2 teleport air Drill jails yes to this
  • Air split dive is 15 frames on startup its reactable and should stay that way
  • Air split dive is +3 on hit yes
  • F4 is now special cancellable would be nice
  • Fully charged F3 is now +5 on block sure
  • Ground teleports now invincible but cost stamina bar i'd be fine with this, its counterable, requires execution and brings out her initial playstyle
  • Air fireballs do the same damage as the ground ones ye
  • All fireballs hit advantage now +8 down from +22 uhh?
  • All fireballs startup decreased by 4 frames oh sure
  • Increase the hitbox of Air EX fireball its alright
  • 243 has a fire on the end of the string should be fuzzyable if Tanya wants to mixup with drill kick and this would probably be the most suitable string to add fire to
  • Reduce recovery by 8 frames on air fireballs i think this is what NRS wanted to avoid nerfing Pyro in the first place, but honestly havent played Pyro enough since the patch to notice the "improved" frames
  • Reduce recovery by 8 frames on air fireballs after air teleport same thing
  • B31 Dust jails not sure
Dragon Naginata
  • B2 hit advantage is now +10 up from +1 yeah
  • F42 is now -8 yeah
  • Pogo stance is now -10 on block maybe start with -15~
  • Pogo stance 4 jails on block she needs this
  • Decrease the startup on Pogo stance 1 hmmm dunno
  • 112, F2, 24, 4 into forward teleport pogo now jails those shouldn't jail.. they should be hitconfirmed into backward on block, forward on hit, I would much more prefer consistent pogo stance continuations on hit (as in the opponent doesnt seem to randomly get staggered to the different side)
  • EX BF2 into 4 now jails yea
  • Jump in pogo stance now jails from max range of Jump in 2 that'd be .. weird, positioning should still matter for her, but again, improved consistency on the continuations would be nice
  • Decrease startup on B1 by 5 frames B1 is a 24 frame high?... feel like it could be even faster
All in all, most of these requests seem fair, especially feel like she deserves more threat with her teleport and it should be possible to use as a mobility tool. These changes also don't seem significant enough to really compete in the current roster (imo) but at least she won't be a trainwreck. Also, I'd still play KJ if she had her armor back on the first rekka, just make Rekkas less advantageous and give her her damage back.
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"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
The universal changes are meant for Kobu, you sneaky boy!! lol

Anyway, invincibility would be too good cause EX teleport hits the oponent which means you'd be beating ANYTHING with it.


Run and Tell ya mama bout that

Hello guys and girls,

i am very certain that most of you have a feeling that Tanya is still a strong character and there might be few reasons for it, such as: not knowing the matchup, too lazy to lab or have never played against her (or purchased her, i know a lot of people that complain about her that don't even have her purchased)

anyway, me and other Tanya mains feel as though that after the July patch Naginata and Pyromancer became obsolete, they require too much work and get nothing in return. Naginata is a pure gimmick variation that has nothing real besides B32 and F42, where as Pyromancer's zoning is overrated and extremely easy to deal with.

Here are my suggestions of making Dragon Naginata and Pyromancer better, i am not going to break the character just going to suggest some of universal and Naginata + Pyromancer changes, i am also leaving Kobu Jutsu out of this picture because it had its time. Also i will not be suggesting the reverting her old changes, because they will not do it, it was taken out for a reason... or not *cough* 34 string nerf*cough*

So... here it goes, you may agree with me or may not... oh well

Universal Changes
  • B313 is now -2 on block
  • 2U3 is now -4 on block
  • 11U4 is now +2 on block
  • D1 is now -4 on block
  • F2 teleport Jip jails
  • F2 teleport air Drill jails
  • Air split dive is 15 frames on startup
  • Air split dive is +3 on hit
  • F4 is now special cancellable
  • Fully charged F3 is now +5 on block
  • Ground teleports now invincible but cost stamina bar
  • Air fireballs do the same damage as the ground ones
  • All fireballs hit advantage now +8 down from +22
  • All fireballs startup decreased by 4 frames
  • Increase the hitbox of Air EX fireball
  • 243 has a fire on the end of the string
  • Reduce recovery by 8 frames on air fireballs
  • Reduce recovery by 8 frames on air fireballs after air teleport
  • B31 Dust jails
Dragon Naginata
  • B2 hit advantage is now +10 up from +1
  • F42 is now -8
  • Pogo stance is now -10 on block
  • Pogo stance 4 jails on block
  • Decrease the startup on Pogo stance 1
  • 112, F2, 24, 4 into forward teleport pogo now jails
  • EX BF2 into 4 now jails
  • Jump in pogo stance now jails from max range of Jump in 2
  • Decrease startup on B1 by 5 frames
Here are my logical changes to make the variations better and not broken, share your thoughts, i am mostly interested in the ones that come from people who play Tanya

@Awkward Sloth @InfamousSloth @SethHendrixson @chrisisnice @Dragons Rule!!! @EdenianWarrior @Cameronwinss @Sindelia @xKhaoTik @any other Tanya that is left...
Dragonnaginata Is still really good, I main her myself. How ever, pyromancer needs the buffs