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Who Do You Think Is Top 5 In EO Beta?

xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
It is OK,I am not aware of your existence too.
Except for the fact that, you're the one who keeps talking shit to some really great players and say stuff that makes you look like you're trying to seem better than the player you're talking about.(Which you clearly are not).

But it's ok, I'm not aware of your "Skill" on this site, you even said shaolin doesn't have safe 50/50s....Even though you main the character....


"More deadly than the dawn"
Fuck the most proven Mileena, let's listen to match up aficionado who lose to lasher and Jason plz sit your ass down bruh.

UNTIL someone other then saltface does something with her STFU. Why didn't foxy pull out his BOSS Mileena in ESL lol! Exactly...

Keep dickridin unproven spews of bullshit, I'll follow my man with the results from day one. The disrespect in this thread is real like saying if ketchup said something about ferra it would mean more then bio.
If you wanna talk so much shit about Foxy, why don't you play him?

The netcode is really good now and you can get 10-0'd in the Mileena Mirror.

Until then, sit down. Forum warrior.


The anticipation is killing me
Well I will admit it's partially true that I've never played a good piercing but with all the nerfs she's moving up and I didn't mention this but backdash is usually the best option after b12 but her zoning got buffed so now what's the point? So I can slowly inch my way back in just to get b12'ed to death? Her 2nd b1 comes out in 8 frames correct? What other mid comes out that fast of can contend with that? I'm not being facetious, I'm genuinely asking what I'm supposed to do against it.
The next B1 will come out in 9f. As for what to do you have listed backdashing, armour, and walk back to whiff punish. You can also low profile the follow up B1 with a d3 or d4. The thing is that the string and the meta behind it needs to be labbed extensively. Look and learn the timings of all the options Mileena can do after B12 and what you can do to counter those options. After you get comfortable knowing every single possible outcome the meta will just boil down to who makes the right read after B12 is blocked.


Regina George of discord
Mileena definitely got better but that's because of her buffs (obviously) and better yet, because of the nerfs to other top tiers, some of them were very hard MU's for her, she still has her bad MU's and we don't even know if the changes will stay but the only fact here is that she got better.

I can see her being upper mid and even high tier (I feel like I'm pushing it with high tier but anyway, idk)
People are crying about her B12 staggers, which is good BUT people don't like to lab shit in this game I swear. I think the only characters that have a harder time dealing with it are Kenshi, Takeda and Jason, and by harder I mean that they have to armor more often than other characters.
Mileena has options after B12 but so do all the other characters, people like Kotal, Johny, Cassie, Scorpion, Kitana, D'vorah, Sub-Zero, Shinnok, Mileena herself, Tremor and others have a waaaay easier time against her pressure because of their fast low profiling, long ranged D4.
If Mileena's B12 left you right in front of your oponent and B1 was a true mid I would ask for nerfs myself, but every character has options. Now, I'm now downplaying or anything, her B12 is good but as other Mileena players have said, it's a fair string for sure, once her oponents start using all their options, she has to commit to other stuff. She has good options but so does everyone else. People are acting like this is pre patch Raiden's F12.

About her D1 it is definitely a good buff, even tho it doesn't affect B12 it gives her betted up-close buttons when combined with her D3 (D3 is miles better than D1 anyway). About her new zoning, I agree that she doesn't need it now with faster pokes (it's not even godlike zoning but it is better fo sure)
At the end of the day we know this character is getting nerfed because of dickriding crybabies, so my suggestions are to take away her sai recovery buffs (even tho they have to fix telekick~sai on block) and that's it. B12 has been +2 since May and people never cried about it until now, take several seats guys, like really.


For the record, I don't think beta Mileena is top 5. But I thought it would be funny to share my being ecstatic about the b12 buff on September 4th (Right after it happened, WAY before beta)

Can we talk about HOW AWESOME b12 is now? With it being +2 (along with f1) we have become AWESOME at irritating the hell out of people.

b12 (on block) can be followed with b12 AGAIN (now effectively 9 frames).

Sure, they could poke out. But then they'd have to deal with a possible (effectively) 6 FRAME ROLL into full combo. Or maybe you'll just add on the 1+3 to stop a poke attempt (because they let go of block)

Backdashing out will lose to a roll

Armoring out? Good luck. b12 can break SOME armor, EX roll will beat out SOME armor, and unless they go for an armored move with + frames, we can just block and get back to irritating and agitating. Forcing them to make some mistakes.

This patch has made Piercing fun for me again because it offers a different play style from Ravenous and ethereal. It makes the reads even more important and gives really good footsie pressure.

We can use b12, 12, 123, 4u3, or f1 and constantly stay +2 which makes the threat of a 6f ball roll VERY legitimate (few things can trade with that at 6f). We have to worry about what? Cassie and Reptile?

Only thing I've noticed so far is it seems like SOME characters might be able to jump out with a jump in, or perhaps I'm just not always frame perfect. I'll have to hit the lab.

So far, the irritation has worked WONDERFULLY though. It also gives you time (while they're working out the best option) to notice their block pattern then you can get an idea of MOST LIKELY being able to catch them with either a low sai or EX roll (b1 cancelled into either, or even b12 cancelled into either)

I ended up quitting Piercing. I don't even play it anymore. On occasion, I'll whip it out but I'm an Ethereal boy. As an Ethereal/Ravenous guy, the improved pokes are a bigger deal. I guess, yeah, Piercing can use them but it's whatever.

Faster air sais? I guess they can be slowed back down if that's what makes her broken. B12 has been here for ages and that was after a VERY brief impression lol


"More deadly than the dawn"
This seems appropriate:
Constantly trying to make out like Foxy isn't a player worth taking seriously just because he lost to Vman who is a super good player and was one round away from taking out Scar and getting top 8 at KIT, on top of Whiteboi who is without a doubt the strongest Jason who has ALSO defeated good players in tournament is thoroughly ridiculous.

He's had some kind of grudge against Foxy and others who think Mileena is good for a few months now while being insanely disrespectful in the process.

I'm just saying that if he's going to go out of his way that much to try and make out like Foxy isn't good, why doesn't he give him a few games and finally start playing instead of being an asshole on forums 24/7.

Netcode no longer provides a barrier. Now you can play and put your money where your mouth is.


Όσα δε φτάνει η αλεπού. ........
Except for the fact that, you're the one who keeps talking shit to some really great players and say stuff that makes you look like you're trying to seem better than the player you're talking about.(Which you clearly are not).

But it's ok, I'm not aware of your "Skill" on this site, you even said shaolin doesn't have safe 50/50s....Even though you main the character....
Did you check the jin's forum?I have the most damaging combos posted for the gay char,so before you speak......check.
I am "no one", yes.Agreed.
But do not say I do not know my char.


Constantly trying to make out like Foxy isn't a player worth taking seriously just because he lost to Vman who is a super good player and was one round away from taking out Scar and getting top 8 at KIT, on top of Whiteboi who is without a doubt the strongest Jason who has ALSO defeated good players in tournament is thoroughly ridiculous.

He's had some kind of grudge against Foxy and others who think Mileena is good for a few months now while being insanely disrespectful in the process.

I'm just saying that if he's going to go out of his way that much to try and make out like Foxy isn't good, why doesn't he give him a few games and finally start playing instead of being an asshole on forums 24/7.

Netcode no longer provides a barrier. Now you can play and put your money where your mouth is.
If you are lucky enough to get paired by the random matchmaking somehow

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Constantly trying to make out like Foxy isn't a player worth taking seriously just because he lost to Vman who is a super good player and was one round away from taking out Scar and getting top 8 at KIT, on top of Whiteboi who is without a doubt the strongest Jason who has ALSO defeated good players in tournament is thoroughly ridiculous.

He's had some kind of grudge against Foxy and others who think Mileena is good for a few months now while being insanely disrespectful in the process.

I'm just saying that if he's going to go out of his way that much to try and make out like Foxy isn't good, why doesn't he give him a few games and finally start playing instead of being an asshole on forums 24/7.

Netcode no longer provides a barrier. Now you can play and put your money where your mouth is.
I know, it's very disrepsectful especially when F0xy has proven himself to be a top player and very fundamentally solid. I had no idea it was a few months of hate, I thought it was just the tier list discussion thread that was bringing out the worst in people.


1. Mileena
2. Jax
3. F/T
4. Kung Lao
5. Ermac

Very tough to say a top 5 since sub zero, Liu kang, shinnok, Kung Jin, Quan, Sonya and cage are easily in the conversation as well. Probably forgetting some too. Ermac is likely not going to last, he's definitely better, but with f34 he's a monster. Doubt it stays like this though.


PSN: JerzeyReign
We're just gonna get nerfed Mileena community, its just that simple. For no real reason except that people can no longer blame lag for getting bodied by Mileena and need a new reason. This stuff is so frustrating to read and I hope NRS sees that these changes are fair but with all the well known players on social media saying she's godlike (which eventually leads to "she's broken") I'll just enjoy her for however long the beta lasts.


"More deadly than the dawn"
I know, it's very disrepsectful especially when F0xy has proven himself to be a top player and very fundamentally solid. I had no idea it was a few months of hate, I thought it was just the tier list discussion thread that was bringing out the worst in people.
He's been like this ever since the tier list thread.

One of the first things he said to me when I disagreed with him was something along the lines of "Keep resorting to commentating because you know you'd get bodied in ESL" or something like that.

he then proceeded to send Mustard and I a big apology private message, only to swiftly forget about it the very same day and go back to being the way he is now.


All too easy...
Question: was there a reason that Mileena players said she had no footsies if she had B12 being in its current state since May? (Didnt know that, I thought it was new since Ive never seen a single Mileena use it for stagger until now). If long range down pokes at max range are how you beat B12 couldnt Mileena just low crush those pokes with F3 and then confirm into roll? Was the speed of her pokes really the only thing holding her back even with a string that good?


Regina George of discord
Question: was there a reason that Mileena players said she had no footsies if she had B12 being in its current state since May? (Didnt know that, I thought it was new since Ive never seen a single Mileena use it for stagger until now). If long range down pokes at max range are how you beat B12 couldnt Mileena just low crush those pokes with F3 and then confirm into roll? Was the speed of her pokes really the only thing holding her back even with a string that good?
We all have said that her neutral game is pretty good since forever (at least in Piercing, it's decent in Ravenous and Ethereal)


The next B1 will come out in 9f. As for what to do you have listed backdashing, armour, and walk back to whiff punish. You can also low profile the follow up B1 with a d3 or d4. The thing is that the string and the meta behind it needs to be labbed extensively. Look and learn the timings of all the options Mileena can do after B12 and what you can do to counter those options. After you get comfortable knowing every single possible outcome the meta will just boil down to who makes the right read after B12 is blocked.
So I'm labbing it right now. Walking back is not an option at all even at max range of they do them back to back, so no whiff punishing unless you backdash. And even if you backdash you have to have a really good normal to whiff punish since there's very little recovery. Also you can't jump at all since b1 anti airs. Just thought I'd share some of what I labbed even though you know this already. I just feel like you have to make hard reads as the opponent and her reads are way less risky. Just my 2 cents.


We're just gonna get nerfed Mileena community, its just that simple. For no real reason except that people can no longer blame lag for getting bodied by Mileena and need a new reason. This stuff is so frustrating to read and I hope NRS sees that these changes are fair but with all the well known players on social media saying she's godlike (which eventually leads to "she's broken") I'll just enjoy her for however long the beta lasts.
This is a weird post, seems kind of desperate. Not sure if it's directed at me or not, as I haven't visited the thread since my last response to Saltface. But just in case.

Lets say that I lost to a Mileena, and that's why I say she's number one. The truth is I've actually beaten every Mileena I've played on the beta. Lets say that happened, though, and i'm the type of guy to cry about whatever I lose to. Is Reo like that too? I mean eventually, since she probably is the best character on the beta, we're gonna run into too many people saying she's the best, so statements like "you're just saying that because you lose to her", will become less and less powerful.