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Who is your main and how do I beat you?

The Celebrity

Professional Googler
Although this forum has a strong collection of individual matchups, you have to go digging for the most part. Essentially though I find that in MKX, while some matchups overall help, its mostly knowledge of that character, not the character you pick that wins the match for you.

I've done threads like this before for LoL and as long as people actually take it seriously, it can be a very good compilation of the gameplay methods to beat a character.

Keep in mind that this is subjective. What one person may have trouble with on their main may not be the same for someone else, but that does not mean they are "wrong". This is to cover a variety of skill ranges, from online warrior to offline champion.

Stunt Double Johnny - Armored launchers. Whenever you see a move cancelled into mimic on block, use it. You'll either punish me for the raw mimic, or armor reversal through the BF4. Do this a few times and it suddenly becomes much more difficult to re-mimic as Johnny.

Sonya - Learn to backdash out of B14 in the gap between B1 and 4. It goes from being an annoying overhead low, to a free full combo whiff punish every single time. If a Sonya player has to second guess themselves using B14, their pressure will take an enormous hit. Also, if you backdash it, they can't cancel into Grenade/MS.

So TYM, who is your main, and what gives you the most trouble.
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Thread Referee
The sad thing is, all of these responses are both troll-y and true. Now if you excuse me, I have some exterminating to do. *enrolls in final(?) week of ESL*