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Nausea (Spectral/MoS Ermac/Demo Sonya) Wins Glasgow Kombat Weekly #4


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
This week at Glasgow Kombat showed a decent turnout with us managing to get 8 people to enter the bracket. Others were there for casuals which anyone who wants to turn up is more than welcome to come for of course (we have MK9/Injustice on one of the setups and another MKX setup!) :) We had Ricey returning after a few weeks of absence...playing a new variation too! Missing this week was Suleymon and rareqq once again unfortunately but also missing was Cassie of Scotland: Scott the Scot. In his honour not really I was playing Cassie this week! In similar fashion Nausea couldn't decide who he wanted to play this week as there's so many fun variations to play in this game and even pulled out his Demolition Sonya! Sadly the console still would not download the hotfix so run cancels were still iffy (which you might notice in some of the matches) but that didn't stop this week from being packed with excitement!

Here's your top 3 for this week:
1st. Nausea (Spectral/Master of Souls Ermac / Demolition Sonya)
2nd. Bigfool (Kobu Jutsu Tanya / Crystalline Tremor)
3rd. Youphemism (Spec Ops/Hollywood Cassie)

From left to right: Bigfool, Nausea, Youphemism

Commiserations to:
Azarath (Venomous D'Vorah)
Superjohn (Assassin Kitana)
Liam (Inferno Scorpion, A-List Johnny)
Ricey (Cryomancer Sub Zero)
Zero (Grandmaster Sub Zero)

For the full bracket click here: http://www.challonge.com/mkglasgow4

Holy moley did we have some hype moments tonight! From a losers finals where everyone in the place watching was on the edge of their seat from the intensity of the matches and the comeback ensuing to the super close matches between Superjohn and Zero and the usual thriller of a grand finals set between our resident gingers redheads full of insane conversions, comebacks and outrageous hitboxes catching players out! We even had canon hype with a close Scorpion vs Sub Zero set! Make sure to check out the archive below:

Will the circle of me beating Nausea, Bigfool beating me and Nausea beating Bigfool ever end? Will Bigfool finally rekka his way through to his first week won? Will we see someone else do what Azarath managed last week and find their first top 3? Who will Nausea and I decide to play? Make sure to find out next week!

Of course if there are more Scots near enough the Glasgow area reading this that would like to get into competitive MK then feel free to come along and join in! You don't even have to take part in the tournament if you don't want to, you're welcome to come play casuals in MK9, Injustice or MKX with us all night if that's what you prefer. Either way we're to help you out as much as we can because it helps us too :) Anyone interested in coming along can join the Facebook group here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/GlasgowKombat or those that don't have Facebook can just come visit, we run every Tuesday night at MaxXP Gaming: 29-31 Duke St, Glasgow from 3:30pm to 9:30pm. If you're getting the train go to Glasgow Central then get another to Argyle Street, MaxXP is just round the corner! Tournament signups start at 6pm and the tournament starts at 6:30pm.

Fun fact: Before our match in winners Nausea let me know he was "surprised [I'm] still in winners". Then I knocked him into the losers bracket :coffee: He still won the whole thing though, the bastard...I will find a way to beat Tanya damn it!

PS. As I was typing this thread up my converter came through! Next week is going to be a gooooooooood week... #NoMorePS4Pad :D :D :D :D Shoutouts to Brook, it's been working great while I've been using it so far!
PSS. If anyone at NRS could help us solve our hotfix problem that'd be appreciated @tylerlansdown @colt

@Scott The Scot
I guess @Hollywood DMS is happy with my character choice this week ;)
@Tim Static


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Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
Demo sonya is trash character, nothing to see here, he was lucky he won by mere luck.
Demo sonya is not op in any way.

Read this:
Quan chi Summoner bat infinites, infinites, meterless opasfuck
Subzero Grandmaster clone clone clone most favorable matchups in the game opasfuck
Kunglao endless pressure meter gain 11212 negates all wakeups opasfuck

Constant top3 placements by quan sub kunglao .

Sonya is not the droid you are looking for.


Official Sonya simp
Demo sonya is trash character, nothing to see here, he was lucky he won by mere luck.
Demo sonya is not op in any way.

Read this:
Quan chi Summoner bat infinites, infinites, meterless opasfuck
Subzero Grandmaster clone clone clone most favorable matchups in the game opasfuck
Kunglao endless pressure meter gain 11212 negates all wakeups opasfuck

Constant top3 placements by quan sub kunglao .

Sonya is not the droid you are looking for.
Trash character? Shut the fuck up.
Reactions: jmt


Official Sonya simp
Shhh, be veeery very quiet or else the nerf threads will start appearing.
It's trash, bleh, -50 on everything, never will win a major.
Weren't you the guy that said Johnny Cage is a mid tier character that needs buffs right after Dizzy won a tournament with him? I won't even argue with you.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Argues for months regarding Cyber Kano's viability as a solo pick in tournament play.

Plays Cassie Cage.
Don't know if you're being sarcastic or not so whatever man. I've made it pretty clear I played whoever I felt like each week because I had to use the PS4 pad, now I can use my XB1 pad and we have a tournament coming up I'm playing Cybernetic. I still don't get why you always post about me having a different opinion from you just to provoke me but that's your issue.
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Demo sonya is trash character, nothing to see here, he was lucky he won by mere luck.
Demo sonya is not op in any way.
Definitely not even close to OP, but not even close to trash either. Amazing character.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Don't know if you're being sarcastic or not so whatever man. I've made it pretty clear I played whoever I felt like each week because I had to use the PS4 pad, now I can use my XB1 pad and we have a tournament coming up I'm playing Cybernetic. I still don't get why you always post about me having a different opinion from you just to provoke me but that's your issue.

I'm just saying that you spent the first three months of the game's life swearing up and down, policing the Kano forums and arguing for mini-novellas in length with myself, Saltshaker, and m2dave about how you could win ONLY with Cyber Kano. If anyone posted anything that contradicted or disagreed with you regarding his viability, you jumped on them with paragraph after paragraph like a blood hungry forum wolf. You lorded over those forums.

And yet....
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You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Stop man lol.

At our local some of us like to choose a different character each week to bring variety and experience to everyone there.
I've no problem with that. It sounds fun.

Question: Was one of his characters Cyber Kano and did he win?

Look, if he hadn't have been so obnoxious about it before, I wouldn't be making a thing of it now. Since he did, I'd like to see him back up his claims.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
I've no problem with that. It sounds fun.

Question: Was one of his characters Cyber Kano and did he win?

Look, if he hadn't have been so obnoxious about it before, I wouldn't be making a thing of it now. Since he did, I'd like to see him back up his claims.
Youph hates playing Kano on the PS4 pad. Next Tuesday he will be playing on his Xbox 1 pad and will also be playing Kano, if I recall correctly.

Also dude, I'd like to point out that we have guys who are good at the game as competition so Youph picking Cybernetic Kano isn't like "ah shit, pack it up boys! No point in playing, he's whipped out his Kano - instant win" (Not an MK related euphemism lol). So whether he wins or not doesn't actually matter all that much lol. Unless you're refering to something that I haven't read like Youph saying "Yo if I played Kano I'd body everyone" - he didn't say that, but y'know what I mean with my example lol.

I'm curious to see why there's so much beef between you two. Where can I start reading about it? :p


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Youph hates playing Kano on the PS4 pad. Next Tuesday he will be playing on his Xbox 1 pad and will also be playing Kano, if I recall correctly.

Also dude, I'd like to point out that we have guys who are good at the game as competition so Youph picking Cybernetic Kano isn't like "ah shit, pack it up boys! No point in playing, he's whipped out his Kano - instant win" (Not an MK related euphemism lol). So whether he wins or not doesn't actually matter all that much lol. Unless you're refering to something that I haven't read like Youph saying "Yo if I played Kano I'd body everyone" - he didn't say that, but y'know what I mean with my example lol.

I'm curious to see why there's so much beef between you two. Where can I start reading about it? :p
You didn't see how he's been acting in the Kano forums, especially to the Cyber players.

He fought tooth and nail with Dave, myself, Saltshaker among others SWEARING that you could win a tournament with Cyber Kano.

If he says, "You can totally win a tournament beating great comp with Cyber Kano" and he argues and shits on everyone who tells him wrong, then the onus is on him to prove that he's right.

So yeah, him not even touching the character is a blow up and this pad talk doesn't impress me. If he can play Cassie, he could play Cyber. Doing B1 over and over in combos, knife inputs aren't that hard.

If he simply used the character, that would show that he tried. However, for how unbearable he was in the Kano forums for him to not even try is a blow up.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Put it another way:

You can't act like an authority figure on a character forum, police it and tell everyone that doesn't agree with you that they're idiots, and not be expected to back up your talk.

At least when I upplayed Cyber, I eventually admitted I was wrong when people made points I couldn't argue with.

Something he has NEVER done.

@SaltShaker @dribirut

Did this not happen?

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
You didn't see how he's been acting in the Kano forums, especially to the Cyber players.

He fought tooth and nail with Dave, myself, Saltshaker among others SWEARING that you could win a tournament with Cyber Kano.

If he says, "You can totally win a tournament beating great comp with Cyber Kano" and he argues and shits on everyone who tells him wrong, then the onus is on him to prove that he's right.

So yeah, him not even touching the character is a blow up and this pad talk doesn't impress me. If he can play Cassie, he could play Cyber. Doing B1 over and over in combos, knife inputs aren't that hard.

If he simply used the character, that would show that he tried. However, for how unbearable he was in the Kano forums for him to not even try is a blow up.
You're right I didn't see that any of that in the Kano forums. This seems like something I don't want to be involved in lol so I'll let you all do what you's want.

Plus I don't want to speak on his behalf too much, I know he hates assumptions so I'll stop now :)