First post patch Quan Chi had a d1 which was -7 on block and +6 on hit. That means that after someone blocks your d1 you can't do anything (even block) for 7 frames (if you didn't know this game runs at 60 frames per second, so 1 frame=1/60 of a second). But if you hit with d1 you opponent had to respect the next 6 frames. But now he is -9 after a d1 on block, it is full combo punishable by some characters. On hit all you get is 3 frames. Even a follow up with a throw (which is 10 frames) can trade with a 6 frame poke now. And of course armor, backdash, jumping are easier options for your opponent now.Can someone thoroughly explain what the new hotfix (-9) changed exactly and how it affects Quan in situations you'd use it in? I don't know shit about frame data and the like, so an easy to understand explanation would be much appreciated.