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Is this skill?


@funkdoc I can AA just fine online in mk9 man, unless the input delay is horrendous.

@Charybdis All I got from your post is a whole lot of bs trying to put words in my mouth. Analyzing someones gameplay can be different from saying that person has no skill. I specifically said that in my original post, that I don't know if he plays this way on purpose because it works for him; he may be a fundamentally strong player. Also that doesn't mean it's the only or best way to play, you see people doing well with characters like KL who has no 50/50s or Cage with his pressure, or Quan's zoning. I shouldn't have to spell everything out for you, I'm sure your smart enough to figure that out. If you watched that and can honestly tell me that was a good display of skill and gameplay then I have nothing more to say to you.


He got to Grand Finals and gave Sonicfox difficulty. If you think that doesn't require skill, I have nothing more to say to you and I'll leave you with this http://www.sirlin.net/ptw
He gave fox difficulty because fox can always guess right on 50/50s and can AA effectively in a game where AA sucks right? Last post to you, you are seriously ignorant beyond belief.


A good player will block and punish mix-ups . A great player will not put himself in a situation where he would have to block the mix-up at all. In reality very few characters such as Scorpion and Ermac put you in a situation that forces a guess block. Sonya isn't one of them. Also i would like to add that this game is where the nrs community WILL obtain its knowledge of spacing, anti-airing and all around and general fg fundamentals . Its because of the fear of these mix-ups and the massive corner carry of the combos that people will learn to play footsies and defend properly. That is if scrubs constantly complaining about 50/50s and what not don't kill the game in several months , because since they can't adapt , they bitch and moan.


best post

sonya is actually the simplest example of the current mkx dominant meta -> get in, migh/low/throw mixup, reset, rinse and repeat
not that other characters play different though, erron, cassie, raiden and many more play exactly the same (with more or less tools to zone or space)
this being said, each mkx character is overpowered in his own way
basically once you get caught into some stuff, it's almost impossible to escape beside guessing right, knowing exactly opponent's hit levels and what's the best comeback or break / armor through into a launcher and setup of your own

post combobreaker there was a huge discussion on this very topic but in the end it lead nowhere.
This is the shape of this game and the solution is very simple either you accept and like it / learn to or you look at another fighting game


We are returned! Death to the False Emperor!
best post

sonya is actually the simplest example of the current mkx dominant meta -> get in, migh/low/throw mixup, reset, rinse and repeat
not that other characters play different though, erron, cassie, raiden and many more play exactly the same (with more or less tools to zone or space)
this being said, each mkx character is overpowered in his own way
basically once you get caught into some stuff, it's almost impossible to escape beside guessing right, knowing exactly opponent's hit levels and what's the best comeback or break / armor through into a launcher and setup of your own

post combobreaker there was a huge discussion on this very topic but in the end it lead nowhere.
This is the shape of this game and the solution is very simple either you accept and like it / learn to or you look at another fighting game
Thank god I didn't have to disagree with someone with a Seasons in the Abyss avatar. Jeff Hanneman would never have forgiven me


Stand Back I'm a Doctor!!!!!!
@DavS13 your quote

"This is not skill. Not even close, yet this guy made it to grand finals.Say what you want about sonic fox, but if you deny he is extremely strong fundamentally you are kidding yourself. This guy reminds me of those scrubs you get matched up with online, just with greater game and fighting game knowledge but no decrease in scrubyness. Maybe this is his gameplan and he is just doing what works (and it obviously is), maybe he is actually strong fundamentally and doesn't see the use for it in this matchup. I don't know."

this whole paragraph is a huge contradiction. What he is doing is not skill as you say. He reminds you of scrubs except no decrease in scrubyness? But maybe he is strongly fundamental. You said maybe his fundamentals are strong and he doesn't see the use for it in a match-up. What doesn't he see the use of? His gameplan? Fundamentals? What?


All i'm going to say here is you guys need to restart your argument and have the OP define skill. With such a pivotal term being undefined nothing can be accomplished but an emotional battle. After he defines it, then you can logically see if it meets his definition.


My blades will find your heart
Online almost always looks bad, because of the input delay. It makes AAing, Backdashing, and punishing much harder, so there isnt much reason to not go in and
My thing is this. It's clear sonicfox is really good. No doubt there. But you have to admit doing good with batgirl or erron black is pretty straight forward. Land a jump in and you have the advantage all game.

It's the same as reo in mk9. It's was clear he was one of the best, but I wanted to see his results with a character that had to work a little harder than kabal. But reo made it to Evo finals with mileena and he's also no where near as arrogant as sonic fox, so I still liked seeing him win.

Sonic fox on the other hand tbags and every time I see him win I just think, show us what you can do without that broken meterless vortex or that 75/25 command grab block string. Last time I saw him use a different character (ermac) he got demolished and then instantly go to erron black and went 2-0 effortlessly, because of command grab
EB does not have a vortex.

Also EB is his main, why would he play anyone else? His command grab setups are dumb but there is a lot of dumb shit in this game.


Is say hes pretty decent. He kept me from getting top16 in esl last week. Alot input delay, but he still knew what he was doing.
Online almost always looks bad, because of the input delay. It makes AAing, Backdashing, and punishing much harder, so there isnt much reason to not go in and

EB does not have a vortex.

Also EB is his main, why would he play anyone else? His command grab setups are dumb but there is a lot of dumb shit in this game.
I was referring to batgirl. If erron black lost his command grab shenanigans I think fox would be less consistent. Reo isn't using a character as broken as kabal and he isn't doing as good as he did in mk9. He's always top 8 yes but not always top 1-2 like in mk9. I think erron blacks command grab is a big reason why fox is no.1 all the time. Without it he'd be like the other top players placing between top 16-8. That's just my opinion though


Stand Back I'm a Doctor!!!!!!
I was referring to batgirl. If erron black lost his command grab shenanigans I think fox would be less consistent. Reo isn't using a character as broken as kabal and he isn't doing as good as he did in mk9. He's always top 8 yes but not always top 1-2 like in mk9. I think erron blacks command grab is a big reason why fox is no.1 all the time. Without it he'd be like the other top players placing between top 16-8. That's just my opinion though
Which shenanigans with command grab should he lose?


Believe in Magic yet? Let us Dance
So you can be a person who uses the same few strings or specials, yet still be skillful by using them at the right time and on reads. With that said: Sonya is a stupid character. She reminds me of batgirl who has these safe 50/50's for days. Even a gimmick double 50/50 that is quite difficult to get out of. Ie: her initial high low string into her military stance into command grab, low, or overhead. And she has pretty good damage... just an irritating character that is well set up in the construct of MKX game style.


Stand Back I'm a Doctor!!!!!!
So you can be a person who uses the same few strings or specials, yet still be skillful by using them at the right time and on reads. With that said: Sonya is a stupid character. She reminds me of batgirl who has these safe 50/50's for days. Even a gimmick double 50/50 that is quite difficult to get out of. Ie: her initial high low string into her military stance into command grab, low, or overhead. And she has pretty good damage... just an irritating character that is well set up in the construct of MKX game style.
sonya has a 50/50 into 33/33/33
but she is super unsafe. there is probably only one string she has thats safe. maybe 2


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
I was referring to batgirl. If erron black lost his command grab shenanigans I think fox would be less consistent. Reo isn't using a character as broken as kabal and he isn't doing as good as he did in mk9. He's always top 8 yes but not always top 1-2 like in mk9. I think erron blacks command grab is a big reason why fox is no.1 all the time. Without it he'd be like the other top players placing between top 16-8. That's just my opinion though
Fox's Ermac is nearly as good as his Erron Black. What helps him out is that he's best at playing the close to midrange rushdown game and the game is designed to make that style be the best.

REO's best at zoning and this game doesn't reward what he does best. His game is all strategy and practiced measures. It's beautiful to watch, but he's going to have to go outside himself to put it all together in this game.

Only thing that could stop Sonic Fox this year is if he somehow tires at the game or the spotlight. His reactions are just insane. Watch the way he keeps opponents at his character's optimum range at all times. That kind of reactive movement can't be taught or learned.


Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
He's jumping because Sonya's j1 is really good. He's using b1 and b3 because there also really good. He has skill. You shouldn't need to restrict yourself from using your best tools to be skillful.


Normalize grab immunity.
All i'm going to say here is you guys need to restart your argument and have the OP define skill. With such a pivotal term being undefined nothing can be accomplished but an emotional battle. After he defines it, then you can logically see if it meets his definition.
The non defensive, no confrontation, logic post. Out of nowhere too. @LRK128 how do you do it.

I don't even have to watch the match. I'm sure there was skill. I'm sure the players played to the best of their ability. I'm sure they know the ins and outs of their characters as much as they can in 2 months. The part that gets weird is when either player got the other into the "Blender" or as i like to call it. "The Guess". then they recycled "The Guess" and won. It's what MKx is right now. hopefully something changes or else more posts like these will start popping up. And they will be from non players. Purely spectators. The ones NRS needs if they want anything more than a good first week sales report. Also the same people this community needs if they want to shed any stigmas NRS games might have. like getting booed at EVO.


"I saw you staring"
I want to say first that posting stuff like this asks for people to bash at you, especially if that is your opinion on a top level player even when you say you don't mean harm. The way you delivered it makes people want to beat you up for real. It makes you sound like a scrub. Im just trying to be real. Its the nature of TYM. You did say that you called him a scrub so that won't be taken very lightly by anyone.... and yet you said you are not trying to hate on him either. Its pretty insulting. If I was a tournament player (from this point....I wish) and someone said that in another post, I'd punch my computer screen. I believe you genuinely did not want to create enemies or hate.

You have to understand that these players are trying to win a tournament here. They are not trying to win an unranked player match, they are trying to compete for something that requires higher standards and money. These players aren't just looking for what's fair or what is properly balanced, what they are looking for is "how am I going to beat this game or these characters using my high level intelligence in Mortal Kombat?".

It would be nice if we have a fighting game that is very balanced, fair, and based purely on skill. That's going to satisfy many fans for fighting games. Realistically, its not gonna happen because the only way that would work is if everyone used the same character. Every fighting game has something top tier.
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sonya has a 50/50 into 33/33/33
but she is super unsafe. there is probably only one string she has thats safe. maybe 2
I haven't spent much time with her, but I'm pretty sure you can cancel her high and her low into MS, and then hit confirm into a full combo. If they block it, you have more than enough time to cancel your MS into a block, and you'll be something like -5.

That is the definition of a safe 50/50, so calling her "super unsafe" seems odd to me.