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Team Ohio VS Team New York 5 V 5 @SBV side event


Zoning Master
Kevin Ryman said:
I am inclined to agree with this post. No disrespect to players like REO or Erik Warda but I feel it would be better if Kabal were banned in this face off. This would allow the better team of true skilled players come out as victorious and not because of a blatantly overpowered character.
I don't care about Kabal.

Ashenar said:
I hope you guys can get this streamed it would be fun to watch.
The word tonight is that P2W from Console Combat will try to stream the 5 on 5 battle along with the tournament.


Come On Die Young
I talked to Medina4life on Skype, and he said he might be able to record these matches (assuming streaming won't be an option with the venue's internet) unless you guys already had something set up.


Just a slightly above average player.....
leave kabal alone imo tired of seeing this game get watered down and turned into a bland fest.


"Strength isn't everything"
The top best players from both states against one another in a big side event (cap at 5). Haven't decided on how much money we should do it for, $20 each sounds good to start things off. Raise if needed.

So far this is the list on who is interested and wants to be in it:

Perfect Legend
Master D.

New York
Classy Sasquatch
Erik Warda
Dark Rob
Chris G

Teams are going to have to decide on who the five to represent is going to be since the cap is 5 players.

Discuss on who will win / what will happen, yes - no? etc.
That new york line up looks ridiculous.
I think I may be more excited to see the 5 v 5 battles than the actual SB tournament. Either way super hype.

I am originally from NY so I have to go with NY FTW.

We may have to get an ATL team together and challenge NY at NEC.


As of now, I may be making a 5v5 trophy to bring to OH for this... stay tuned...

Also, keep in mind that the Kombat Network will be there, and will have stream equipment with us as well as a 4g connection, so we may have the ability to stream... working on it now...


As of now, I may be making a 5v5 trophy to bring to OH for this... stay tuned...

Also, keep in mind that the Kombat Network will be there, and will have stream equipment with us as well as a 4g connection, so we may have the ability to stream... working on it now...
Switch to Verizon! My buddy at work gets 20 down 6 up on their network.
Kabal is not OP, iaf can be rough for some characters to deal with, but I can't even think of which ones. A lot of people use him at high levels because at high levels he is fun to play with. There isn't any other charater in the game that gives the player a comprable feeling of control over thier character. Besides everyone that uses Kabal is going to get carpal tunnel.


Kabal might be the best character in the game, thats debatable I think. Either way though, hes not OP. Stop setting yourselves up to make excuses for Ohio when they lose :p

They had to use kabal to win! KABAL!


Kabal is not OP, iaf can be rough for some characters to deal with, but I can't even think of which ones. A lot of people use him at high levels because at high levels he is fun to play with. There isn't any other charater in the game that gives the player a comprable feeling of control over thier character. Besides everyone that uses Kabal is going to get carpal tunnel.

lol at carpel tunnel, i see people stressing their wrist and fingers too much doing this hope they ease up on those iagbs a little


Zoning Master
Kevin Ryman said:
I would like to hear an explanation as to why Kabal is not deemed OP. What is preventing all the participants in this team clash off to all go Kabal? This games longevity will dwindle because of this one character I'm sure everyone remembers nightmares from that one horrid character game called Ultimate. Do we all want history to repeat itself?
Man, every time I visit this thread someone is complaining about Kabal.

Freddy, who is a tournament legal character now, owns Kabal full screen away just like Kabal owns Sub Zero full screen away. iaGBs are not an issue for Freddy whatsoever. Players who are unfamiliar with this character, which includes the vast majority of the community, are in a big surprise. Besides, Raiden, Reptile, and possibly Mileena and Liu Kang are good picks versus Kabal too.

Tim Static

Man, every time I visit this thread someone is complaining about Kabal.

Freddy, who is a tournament legal character now, owns Kabal full screen away just like Kabal owns Sub Zero full screen away. iaGBs are not an issue for Freddy whatsoever. Players who are unfamiliar with this character, which includes the vast majority of the community, are in a big surprise. Besides, Raiden, Reptile, and possibly Mileena and Liu Kang are good picks versus Kabal too.
Kabal is the new Kung.

Someone get a hat on that guy.



Head Cage
The top best players from both states against one another in a big side event (cap at 5). Haven't decided on how much money we should do it for, $20 each sounds good to start things off. Raise if needed.

So far this is the list on who is interested and wants to be in it:

Perfect Legend
Master D.

New York
Classy Sasquatch
Erik Warda
Dark Rob
Chris G

Teams are going to have to decide on who the five to represent is going to be since the cap is 5 players.

Discuss on who will win / what will happen, yes - no? etc.
why don't we just do 9 vs 9. All ohio needs is 2 more people to compete plus who ever wins the pot tht money can go towards their scene.

Ex: If ny wins we put tht money towards the gamer edge. EVEN more setups to play on and such.


I am your god
We should all agree on a charity. And donate the winning 100%. It will be the trophy that will give bragging rights to a city. Ever little bit to a charity helps. Let's show other communities we can talk all out smack, but in the end our rivalry is just about the game. Guys OHIO, CA, NY/NJ, all the USA. Be real will couple of hundred buck make you that richer? There will be plenty of money match this weekend. Plus this will make our community look very marketable for future sponsorships.

See y'all there


The charity thing and bragging rights actually sounds really good.

And if people want to just do a 9 v 9 we can do that instead of a 5 v5.


We should all agree on a charity. And donate the winning 100%. It will be the trophy that will give bragging rights to a city. Ever little bit to a charity helps. Let's show other communities we can talk all out smack, but in the end our rivalry is just about the game. Guys OHIO, CA, NY/NJ, all the USA. Be real will couple of hundred buck make you that richer? There will be plenty of money match this weekend. Plus this will make our community look very marketable for future sponsorships.

See y'all there
Jimmy is right...

Since it's Breast Cancer Awareness month, I vote that we donate the money to Susan G. Kommen for the Cure. I will build and donate a trophy for the bragging rights...


Head Cage
Jimmy is right...

Since it's Breast Cancer Awareness month, I vote that we donate the money to Susan G. Kommen for the Cure. I will build and donate a trophy for the bragging rights...
This is a very good idea phil. Why didn't i think of that? I LOVE TITS!



That's about right.
wowzer...this is a hype thread. This is what the MK community is missing right now...hard core shit talk. It hypes tournaments and player matches through the roof. As far as OH vs. NY....I'm closer to Ohio and lived there a good year of my life so I will be rooting for OH.