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MKX what were they thinking??


This is my billionth life cycle.
I disliked Injustice because it was a game of "who gets to do their BS first" type of game but at least the BSes were varied. This game doesn't even have varied BSes. Just de fitty fitties
I think this is really huge. A lot of characters had some really broken stuff in injustice, but a lot of it was really different from one to the next. In MKX, its all just variations of 50/50s, run cancels for pressure/chip/meter, and vortexes. I find myself looking for characters to play as an alt, but I can never really settle on one that seems unique and fun in its game plan thats distinctly different from my main.


*Spit* No Charge
He can do what he wants, I voiced my opinion can't I have one?
It's just very hypocritical for you to say, you didn't like how he said it. Then, you turn around and act like a dick, because you don't like the fact that he has a different opinion than you. It's funny how people told me to only use this site to look at combos, and for nothing else because a lot of the people on here were cancer. I guess they were right.
What if in the next game tittle they make it to were there are no overhead or lows or just 1 overhead or low per character they cant have both.


Winning feels better when you take a little damage
What if in the next game tittle they make it to were there are no overhead or lows or just 1 overhead or low per character they cant have both.
So you propose that every character is johnny cage?


After this video.....i have lost all hope in Hat trick, not even gonna give it a chance now. same with master of storms raiden

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
What if in the next game tittle they make it to were there are no overhead or lows or just 1 overhead or low per character they cant have both.
That would be a little extreme kneejerk no? That's kinda they did to the zoners in this game and would pretty much kill or neuter any pressure archetype in MK11. I would like it however if both options didn't lead to high damage and crazy corner carry


Bacon Lettuce Tomato
Just saying. Vocally disagreeing with OP is fine. I think the game is alright, not one of the best fighters I've ever played, but it's growing on me and I really enjoy it now that I'm playing top tiers.

Actively telling OP not to post because he dislikes the game is straight up dick-riding fanboyism.

This isn't a forum to SUPPORT Mortal Kombat. This is a forum to DISCUSS Mortal Kombat. And plenty MK fans don't like this game. Get the fuck over it. The people who don't like the game paid the same $60-100 that you did.


*Spit* No Charge
I would like to say that NRS as a company is still only four years in trying to make competitive fighting games. 2011-2015.

They're probably the least experienced company that currently makes fighting games on a mainstream level that does this. Other people will tell me UMK3 was competitive. You can make any game competitive, but was it designed to be? No it wasn't. Only in 2011 did NRS try to make a capable tournament fighter.

They still have a lot of room to improve, definitely.
Isn't NRS made from the majority of the people who worked on MK1-> MKX?
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Nine Inch Nails fan from Metro Detroit, Michigan
Isn't NRS made from the majority of the people who worked on MK1-> MKX?
Essentially yes, they are that exact Midway studio with some additions along the way as well as some departures, but they still did not focus on competitive aspects. Deception was trying to get nominated for EVO and they wouldn't patch it for it to qualify, likely due to insufficient funds and what not. But then Boon had to come out and say they just make fun fighting Games not meant to be played at that level or some shit. I forget the whole interview or what he said but it was in one of the History of Mortal Kombat videos.

Look at the 22:05 mark.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
This game is 100x better than MK9. It is your opinion to hate this game or how it was made, or whatever it may be, but please keep it too you self. The same things that you showed were in MK9.

Nothing new. Please do not make anymore negative (and by negative I mean the way you were talking in the video, "WTF were you thinking NRS?") videos on a forum that supports the game,
How dare anyone have an opinion other than... "omg this game is amazeballs!".

lol... k.


Falls down too much
You make some legitimate points in the video, but your tone sucks. It turns it from constructive criticism to just plain criticism, and that will just get more hate. I think what you have to say is very good, just don't lose that point to childishness.

I don't care about useless moves, usually moves usually just have a different purpose that you haven't thought of yet. At least in games where they don't make moves just for the sake of padding the movelist (SC, Tekken), but the 50/50 stuff is already getting boring. I've watched every Top 8 of pretty much every tourney on twitch, and even though I identify with MK more than SF for the most part I can say I'm generally more hype for the USF4 top 8 than MKX already as too many matches have ended in the corner with people applying mixups for the win. It's the same and it's predictible, even if the 50/50s aren't.

I would suggest giving each variation one normal, invincible only, non-metered wakeup move that's unique to that variation. Make sure it's an unsafe move, at least a little so it can be punished if baited, and make it lose to specials so that if you want to pressure someone on the ground you have to be unsafe without a mixup to do it. Of course I haven't thought this all completely through, such as those suck ass variations where there's no different offensive move, but this would go a long way to making people respect wakeup and the corner game.

And LOL at people telling a player that won a tourney this weekend What an MK game is supposed to be.

edit: for comma clarity!


Original OBS mbr/VSM/G4S
To everyone that says "but xyz (insert game here)" game has useless strings this is not xyZ & from what i see @Peckapowa cares about the game and not "xyz" came to a site that is an mk site to voice his opinion. If he posted this on redit kappa trolls would of flipped on him.

Imo he wants mkx to be better and theres no issue with that imo. I saw this video over the weekend and didnt even comment as i been busy but to everyone saying "but xyz got dum useless strings" correct me if i am wrong but this aint "xyz" this is mkx soooo lets stop comparing games as thats a waste of time.

With that said imo ure in the best place to make videos and soeak abiut the pros and cons of the game. Just ignore the haters as no matter where you post you got thise issues.

Lata and i hate how combos that look like hit low arent low. Really fucks with me at times and forces me to kearn thse strings of who i am playing. I had this issue with mk9 nightwolf which his combo starts with if i recall right a foward 3 which is low but it doesnt hit low. I blame unreals hitboxes for that heh.