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MKX what were they thinking??


Nine Inch Nails fan from Metro Detroit, Michigan
Double Helix's KI was their first crack at a fighter and they did a pretty good job on it, though. Great online too, if not the best.
Funny enough DH had such a bad track record until they did KI. Then Capcom had hired them right after to do the remake of Strider which was fantastic. Can't say it was all Microsoft, perhaps they just needed time.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Double Helix's KI was their first crack at a fighter and they did a pretty good job on it, though. Great online too, if not the best.
They had formerly competitive players having a huge impact in the development of the game. And being able to build a game's engine from scratch gives you a ton of freedom to mold it around various things, such as online, I'm pretty sure. Could be wrong on that one.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
They had formerly competitive players having a huge impact in the development of the game. And being able to build a game's engine from scratch gives you a ton of freedom to mold it around various things, such as online, I'm pretty sure. Could be wrong on that one.
Either way, they've made good choices.


ki was great but i didnt like it, i can acknowledge it was a good game, but i think s2 was a bit broke. Personally i didn't like the breaker system it ruined for me.


mk9 was better because it's infinitely more enjoyable

people weren't making buff threads every other fucking day because their precious fap material didn't have a dash up into 50/50 or a looping reset so already the community was a lot more likable

staggering strings and relatively unsafe mix-ups is far more entertaining to watch and play against than using your half-chub to flip a coin to decide whether you'll block high or low. it isn't fun getting corner carried into even more damaging 50/50 set-ups

"but there's more diversity" is there though? most of these characters offer the same exact game plan in that you shove your opponent into the corner as soon as possible with all the insane carry that just about everyone has and then you toss out whatever you feel like and you get to be a big boy

mkx is more polished but it, in my opinion, is systemically flawed, far more than MK9 ever was

ofc if nrs puts noob in then i'll take it back


No respect for Kung Jin
This game is 100x better than MK9. It is your opinion to hate this game or how it was made, or whatever it may be, but please keep it too you self. The same things that you showed were in MK9.

Nothing new. Please do not make anymore negative (and by negative I mean the way you were talking in the video, "WTF were you thinking NRS?") videos on a forum that supports the game,
Are you trolling? Once last patch to fix Cyrax, K-balls, Sonya's down 4, and Kenshi and I would never stop playing that game. MKX isn't even a fucking game, it's a coin flip. Oh my 50/50 landed? Let me try it again until you are dead. It freaking blows compared to MK9. And telling him to "keep his opinion to himself" while at the exact same time telling him just how wrong he is? Do you know the definition of hypocrisy?


"I will cut a hole in you"
Yeah i agree with you lol there's just way too many punishable normal moves & useless moves noones ever gonna use , I understand if its for hard knockdowns but for a stun & 0 capability to cancel makes most of the moves point less :| and on top of that punishable


Loud and Klear~
If the string/move has at least a single use I can let it slide, but sadly every fighting game character ever really has a few normals/specials/tools are that useless or overshadowed by something better they have so you never see them get used.

I enjoyed watching it tho. It's a comedy video, everyone trippin about this needs to relax.

OP Go through Jacqui's stuff you'll have a blast with some of her strings and her pointless EX moves.


*Supreme Member*
I think what Ryan is trying to say is It just sounds negative and shitting on the game because his criticism is not even constructive.
Point out the useless strings and the crappy specials, sure. But offer some insight on how to make the move/string more useful while keeping balance in mind...
Then, you will have a killer series of this nature.


Where the hell is Reiko's wheel kick
mk9 was better because it's infinitely more enjoyable

people weren't making buff threads every other fucking day because their precious fap material didn't have a dash up into 50/50 or a looping reset so already the community was a lot more likable

staggering strings and relatively unsafe mix-ups is far more entertaining to watch and play against than using your half-chub to flip a coin to decide whether you'll block high or low. it isn't fun getting corner carried into even more damaging 50/50 set-ups

"but there's more diversity" is there though? most of these characters offer the same exact game plan in that you shove your opponent into the corner as soon as possible with all the insane carry that just about everyone has and then you toss out whatever you feel like and you get to be a big boy

mkx is more polished but it, in my opinion, is systemically flawed, far more than MK9 ever was
If it weren't for posts like this I would be getting nuts by feeling alone in this

While playing casuals with friends we are like
- there's still something I don't lik...
- hidan shut it
- I flawlessed you, then you got to hit me and I lost 2 rounds in a row
- oh de comebacks


after all this " its been like this since x ,we don't like it but we won't complain" Posts, I understand why NRS just gives 2-4 strings/specials a thaught and just randomly generate the other strings/specials cuz apprently everybody just "deals with it".

When kano trailer came out I was so hyped when I saw him doing Fulgore air laser, then i got the game an realized the normal laser is a better anti air than the "anti air laser".

btw peck u sound like cleveland from family guy and i love it :D


Winning feels better when you take a little damage
umm you are on a forum for mk.... im pretty sure that makes you a fan boy
A fan knows what is good and bad and expects the best from his frachise but is willing to dismiss something if it is bad

A fanboy will defend something to the death regardless of it's quality because it has a name slapped on the cover of the box


fear the moobs
So i've been pretty disappointed with how this game plays. can't say i wasn't surprised, but im just wondering why, this video is just a dry run i want to do some other characters.

just no. i'm tired of people complaining about this game for bs reasons. Why is this move there? please tell me a figthing game without moves that are sooo bad you'll never use them. and are you really complaining about an anti air that's preemptive? i'm done just no


I honestly was expecting you to complain about how strong Kung Lao is.
Lol, i actually think he's one of the better implemented chars in the game. It's like half their energy they spent trying to balance him. He's really not unfair imo.


Filled with determination
Funny enough DH had such a bad track record until they did KI. Then Capcom had hired them right after to do the remake of Strider which was fantastic. Can't say it was all Microsoft, perhaps they just needed time.
Seriously what happened in between them shitting all over Silent Hill and them making one of the best new fighters around?


I think what Ryan is trying to say is It just sounds negative and shitting on the game because his criticism is not even constructive.
Point out the useless strings and the crappy specials, sure. But offer some insight on how to make the move/string more useful while keeping balance in mind...
Then, you will have a killer series of this nature.
Xbox only has a 5 minute record option, that's my problem. I could break down every char how to fix them if i have the right equipment.
You are asking a question that could be applied to EVERY other fighting game out there and has been brought up for years in fighting games. From SF to VF to Tekken to KOF to Skullgirls to Marvel and so on and so forth. Why do it? Dunno. Does it kill anything? Hell no, you're going to find what works the best anyway. Even in games with 100 moves or more per character, roughly 15-20% of the moveset will ever see any religious use in competitive play. That's just how things operate.

Could they make useful options out of those moves? Of course. But if there's gonna be a better option anyway, what does it matter?

I realistically don't see the point of the thread.
i honestly think that killer instinct is a game that utilizes every normal/string/special that each character has. Every tool can be used for something. It's also a very balanced game and many top players can't agree on a tier list because they're all so close. It's just that the combo system is very unforgiving and you either love it or hate it. It's too bad really

lm Tweakk

you can laugh, but mkx revolves around guessing much more than mk9 did, due to the fact that there are much more 50/50s which yield enormous results. Also the 50/50s along with knockdown game, the Run Button and lack of anti-airs dillutes the footsies and zoning game which made mk9 diverse and a higher skill level imo. Mkx has too much rock paper scissors
Your literally vocolinzing every thing wrong with this game perfectly , I don't understand how people can't understand that this game needs balances to the meta not the characters.


You are asking a question that could be applied to EVERY other fighting game out there and has been brought up for years in fighting games. From SF to VF to Tekken to KOF to Skullgirls to Marvel and so on and so forth. Why do it? Dunno. Does it kill anything? Hell no, you're going to find what works the best anyway. Even in games with 100 moves or more per character, roughly 15-20% of the moveset will ever see any religious use in competitive play. That's just how things operate.

Could they make useful options out of those moves? Of course. But if there's gonna be a better option anyway, what does it matter?

I realistically don't see the point of the thread.
Actually most of the normals in street fighter have specific niches, whether it be anti-air, quick punisher, priority. The sweeps have a point, most of the most were put in the game for a reason. Theres a difference from oversights and moves getting weeded out, and half of a characters strings being complete fluff. I can be much more constructive next time if you like. By pointing out oversights you should then realize there are solutions. I'll make a kl part 2 and then do quan.
I complement NRS on MKX but it's not perfect. Also, every fighting game has moves that could be considered "useless" but I think they throw em in there for good measures. My only gripe about this game is 1. Online, and 2. how strict the window is for strings and juggles. I play Tekken and can dial-a-combo all day long without dropping. MKX...Shit, I be droppin them shits all day long lol. MK9 seemed a bit easier to pull combos and strings off. MKX feels more like Injustice to me, which explains why I have trouble pulling off some moves. It's still the best thing smoking right now. IMO.