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MKX Character Voices Tier List


Dedicated Broly main
Raiden iz nomber 1

I mean... "Where have you bin, Bird Lao?" sounded ultra cool.

Ironically Lao sounds worst to me.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
S+ - Ermac

S - Kotal Kahn, Sub-Zero, Quan Chi

A - Cassie Cage, Ferra, Kitana, Raiden

B - Kung Lao, Kano, Scorpion, D'Vorah

Garbage - Reptile
Kotal Kahn's voice is so cool, he's probably my favorite so far. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kano, and Ermac's all standout. Ferra's is pretty funny. I don't care for Reptile's from what I've heard.

S+ Kotal Kahn

S Kano, Ermac, Sub, Scorp

A Kitana, Quan, Ferra

B Raiden, Cassie

C D'Vorrah, Lao

D Reptile, Torr
I accept these tier lists.


Dedicated Broly main
Also why people hate Reptile's voice so much by putting him under "F / Garbage" category?
I think the way he said "I will tear your flesh" sounded really cool and very character-like. Shouldn't he sound like lizard? Because that was lizard'y enough to me.


Also why people hate Reptile's voice so much by putting him under "F / Garbage" category?
I think the way he said "I will tear your flesh" sounded really cool and very character-like. Shouldn't he sound like lizard? Because that was lizard'y enough to me.
Yes, he should sound like a lizard, and I am glad that he does, I just find it garbage tier because I don't think it was done right at all. From the one line of dialogue we've heard from him, he sounds far too silly for the serious tone that MK X is bringing. If they had given him a more sleek and hiss filled voice besides this raspy and cartoon-like one, he would have easily been up there with Kotal and Ermac.

New York Pizza

The new announcement voice is 10 times better than the MK9 one.

It would be even 100 thousands times StyliShSome if we could change the announcements voices with the characters in the game.

Imagine Kotal being the announcer, or Kano, or Sub-Zero.
MK9 announcer voice was excellent. Smooth, masculine, and direct. Sure got me hype before every match.


Plus on block.
I'm calling bullshit.

Quan's voice is easily the best in the game.

He sounds intimidating, intelligent, and alluring.

Like the baddest ass in the Hell should sound.


Just an insignificant speck of feculent scum.
I'm calling bullshit.

Quan's voice is easily the best in the game.

He sounds intimidating, intelligent, and alluring.

Like the baddest ass in the Hell should sound.
People only started making fun of his voice after the Kitana trailer where he said," Finally found a way to kill me?" I'll admit it sounded bizarre but normally his voice is top tier.
S: Raiden and Quan Chi

A+: Sub-Zero, Kotal and Scorpion

A: Ermac, Ferra, and D'Vorah

B: Kano and Cassie

C. Kitana

D. Reptile and Kung Lao

-Raiden's voice just fits like a glove.

-Didn't appreciate Subby's new voice until "How many souls do you harbor...?"

-Ermac sounds demonic. It's growing on me. Ferra is unique with her cartoonish voice. D'Vorah sounds nonthreatening, and I'm thinking that's the point.

The rest range from good (Kano) to flat out poor (Lao).
Are we judging based upon the lines spoken as well as sound of voice or just the sound of the voice?

Glad the community could come together on a consensus: Reptile's voice needs a buff.

Tanya's voice seems pretty cool.

I'm a little disappointed with Erron Black's voice. Objectively it is fine, but I wanted more of a raspy Clint Eastwood or a Southern drawl or something. More cowboy, "Gotta have more cowboy!"


Erron Black is S++
What? Kano and Quan-Chi voices are great
Jax is cool but his voice in MK9 was better, Why everybody hates Reptile's voice?
Cassie is nice but Sonya and Johnny voices are shit tier in this game lol but everyone is better than D'vorah damn she's annoying as hell that stupid insect


S+ - Ermac

S - Kotal Kahn, Sub-Zero, Quan Chi

A - Cassie Cage, Ferra, Kitana, Raiden

B - Kung Lao, Kano, Scorpion, D'Vorah

Garbage - Reptile
I'm bored, so I'm gonna update this now that we have the whole cast and I've been able to hear and judge all the voices better.

S+ - Shinnok, Ermac, Ferra

S - Kotal Kahn, Sub-Zero, Quan Chi, D'Vorah

A - Erron Black, Cassie Cage, Johnny Cage, Raiden, Kung Jin, Liu Kang

B - Reptile, Takeda, Sonya Blade, Jacqui Briggs, Jax, Kung Lao, Kano, Mileena,

Garbage - Kenshi, Scorpion.

Kenshi and Scorpion just sound so forced and stale. They can be good in certain bits of dialogue but for the most part make me cringe.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I'm bored, so I'm gonna update this now that we have the whole cast and I've been able to hear and judge all the voices better.

S+ - Shinnok, Ermac, Ferra

S - Kotal Kahn, Sub-Zero, Quan Chi, D'Vorah

A - Erron Black, Cassie Cage, Johnny Cage, Raiden, Kung Jin, Liu Kang

B - Reptile, Takeda, Sonya Blade, Jacqui Briggs, Jax, Kung Lao, Kano, Mileena,

Garbage - Kenshi, Scorpion.

Kenshi and Scorpion just sound so forced and stale. They can be good in certain bits of dialogue but for the most part make me cringe.
I dunno man, Scorpion's dialogue in this game sounds his least forced yet IMO. Things like "Lin Kuei SCUM!" at least sound more heartfelt than "hurpa durp I will avonge da fimily and clenzzzz" etc.

Maybe the actual presence of Hanzo plays a part in that, who knows.