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Concerned about the state of the MK community...

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Grapple > Footsies
Let's face it. This board is dead. Online numbers are dwindling. People seem to have all but moved on, except for the few hardcore MKers. I LOVE this game and the thought of not being able to find a match at any time like the dying days of Deception is pretty bleak. Has me even questioning putting effort into this podcast thing, I mean will anybody even listen to it? Even TYM and MKU are slow as hell atm. I guess most of the MK player base has moved to Gears, I know there are tourneys coming up and stuff, but I'm pretty disappointed in how quickly this great game is fading into oblivion.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
I'll always be here :)

But yeah a lot of casual people have moved on. I would not be against a updated version of MK9 if it would bring more people in, even if it would cost us an extra 40$. Gotta keep the game alive.


I feel as long as we're all around, and there is enough people to keep us alive we'll be fine.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Honestly most that movedon are non tourney players and strictly online players so I'm happy they've moved on.

When I'm online on ps3 everyone I want to play is on, I'm only interested in playing the best and those are the hardcore players that go to tourneys.

Long live Mk and it's growing community if better players


Bone and Metal
I honestly think we're reaching a better point where the more dedicated and experienced fighting gamers and MK fans are staying put, while all the nooby ragequitter types move onto something else.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
The only part thats dying is the online. Lets face it though the online is bad i don't blame anyone for not playing it.


Play Monster Hunter!
The problem is 98% of the people that played MK are in it for the story and the characters, because the games sucked in the past.

That and the online community is shrinking because the online is worse then fucking SNK games, so there is no reason to play this when you could play any other fighter and have a better time.

Lou Kang

as a player out of the tourny circuit, this sucks cause i pretty much rely on online casual players...i dont know how id even find other "hardcore" mk players


The Free Meter Police
I just recently got into the tournament scene over the last couple months. Before that I ONLY played online. Now I don't even feel like putting the game in when I'm by myself because online is so fucking terrible. I feel like it makes me a worse player. Maybe not. But I barely even want to play it while at home, outside of practicing combos in training mode.


Grapple > Footsies
I was online last night and the most ppl I saw in any room was 18 fucking ppl! And it took like 4 mins to find a ranked match. Granted it was 3am, but still I've never seem it so low. Just kinda depressing.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Pretty much every game online doesn't compare to it offline, don't care what the game is.

But MK? I'll always support it, hell I bought both KE and TE, how many crazy fans do that? lol

I'm always online, and while it's online since it alters the game at times I play for fun while being competitive.

I honestly think one of the bigger issues with the MKC is the lack of respect I see between the offline and online folks. Just so many threads where both are flaming each other or putting each other down.


Come On Die Young
I for one am happy that there will be less and less scrubs so I can actually get matches in with good players. K7, it's not like the online casual players would be listening to your podcast anyway lol. The regulars at TYM are still here.
Played MK9 for the first time in weeks just to check out the patch. There was only one room full of 100 people on PSN. The other rooms had maybe about 20 people in them at the most. Most had 0 people.

Can't speak for the offline scene. Hopefully it's better than the online scene.


It's a mixed bag. Think of all the potential beasts that have been lost because they couldn't really count on MK, the online game. They've moved on to other games - maybe even other fighting games - because the chore of playing online was ridiculous. Had the online been good, there would be many more still playing, count on that. Are you listening, MK10 developers?

Only the ones that love MK and have on offline scene can see MK for what it was meant to be. Unfortunately, that demographic is so damn small.
Honestly, I've moved on from this game. It's really due to how there's really no one locally to play and the online is so terrible that it's almost not worth playing. That's how I feel alot of the players feel. I think the next couple majors(Dev, SB, and NEC) will determine whether the tournament scene is still good. I'm just waiting for UMvC3, so I can actually have offline competition and a decent online. Then again I'm a scrub at this game so I guess it's good I moved on.


"Honestly most that movedon are non tourney players and strictly online players so I'm happy they've moved on."
"Lets face it though the online is bad i don't blame anyone for not playing it."
"I honestly think one of the bigger issues with the MKC is the lack of respect I see between the offline and online folks. Just so many threads where both are flaming each other or putting each other down."
"I for one am happy that there will be less and less scrubs so I can actually get matches in with good players."
This is why the community is shrinking. Especially the lack of respect part. How does a low level player get better if the top level players have this attitude? I am "strictly online" from necessity. Sure I'm not as good as you fellows, but I am respectful and never salty, so why am i lumped in this group?
I've said it before and I'll say it again.. be grateful for what you have.. the game's banned from sale in Australia so we have an EXTREMELY LIMITED ONLINE scene :)



Motor City Warrior
Go online, where believe it or not most people who bought the game are.

Read lobby chat for about 30seconds...

gee how could someone not want to be among these fine folks?


I've said it before and I'll say it again.. be grateful for what you have.. the game's banned from sale in Australia so we have an EXTREMELY LIMITED ONLINE scene :)

Thank you.

To everyone else, stop bitching and keep getting your asses to tournaments to support this game or else you yourself are helping put this game in the grave with your negativity.

And saying this board is "dead"? Umm, okay? If this board was so dead you wouldn't even have any replies to your own thread.


This happens with any game - the vast majority of online players are random casual people who drop it after a couple months or so. That doesn't really mean a whole lot.

That said, I do think there may be something to the idea that the current FG craze may have reached its peak as far as active players. I could still see it growing as a spectator activity, but the disappointing sales of MvC3 and the declining sales of each subsequent version of SF4 suggest we may be jumping the shark. I see poker as the best comparison here...

EDIT: To clarify, this is likely a bigger problem for Capcom than for other developers. People are starting to get tired of their constant updates just like they did with SF2 in the 90s - the timing of UMvC3 (a mere 9 months after the original version) may be the last straw for a good portion of the audience, but we'll have to wait and see how that game does.


This happens with any game - the vast majority of online players are random casual people who drop it after a couple months or so. That doesn't really mean a whole lot.

That said, I do think there may be something to the idea that the current FG craze may have reached its peak as far as active players. I could still see it growing as a spectator activity, but the disappointing sales of MvC3 and the declining sales of each subsequent version of SF4 suggest we may be jumping the shark. I see poker as the best comparison here...
meh... gotta admit it's just frustrating... MK needs UMK9... or more DLC.


Read my edit, STORMS - I actually think charging for an update would be the LAST thing MK needs. More but not excessive DLC would be fine, probably.

Tim Static

To everyone else, stop bitching and keep getting your asses to tournaments to support this game or else you yourself are helping put this game in the grave with your negativity.

And saying this board is "dead"? Umm, okay? If this board was so dead you wouldn't even have any replies to your own thread.
Exactly. I dont have less to moderate and approve new accounts daily.

I understand the online players show everyone else the game is more alive, but i could care less about the online side of things, and I certainly dont care to hear much about people stating they support MK but still refuse to be apart of the offline scene.
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