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Tech - Grandmaster Breaking Ice Clones: Universal Tech


Dojo Trainee
At what point is someone going to purposely run into an ice clone just to break it? now subs will be ready for it.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
After sz dose f4 xx clone (on block) you can run up and break the clone in time to block a b2.
Ok so you dont want to have to think? Ask nrs to remove subz b2 and ice clone then. lol players this days dont want to do any work, all instant gratification huh?

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
At what point is someone going to purposely run into an ice clone just to break it? now subs will be ready for it.
While he is on recovery from canceling stings into ice close.

Ice clone has recovery believe it or not.


Online Scrub Lord
Tom Brady is gonna cry. I wonder if you can put another on the screen right after they break it or is it still in cool down time.


So what is stopping SZ from getting free pressure or a 50/50 on you for blocking the clone, and therefore putting him at frame advantage right in front of you?
So what is stopping SZ from getting free pressure or a 50/50 on you for blocking the clone, and therefore putting him at frame advantage right in front of you?
Yeah... I don't think this is Sub Zero's Kryptonite or anything even close but it exists and is worth being aware of.


So in the corner or mid screen when ur close to an ice clone u can just hold foward and repeatedly tap block and ur character will slowly shift foward ALMOST ALWAYS breaking the ice clone, the problem with this is tho, ice clone does cause a bit of block stun so if u block the ice clone high, u have a few frames before ur able to block low, which gives the sub player a free slide? Idk but if someone is able to test this that would be great.
Yeah... I don't think this is Sub Zero's Kryptonite or anything even close but it exists and is worth being aware of.
The more I think about it the worse it seems. You either mess up the timing and give sz a combo or get the timing right and sz gets the initiative, still I am glad I know about it because if I did not and ran into it in a match I would be severely mindfucked


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
The meta just gets deeper and deeper with stuff like this
This is great for characters without advancing armored specials.

edit: asked a question, resolved said question
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I'll admit - I looked at this and thought "This is as tight to execute as Sonya poking Erron Black out of his EX Wakeup slide" ....

... until I saw the walk block version. Dear lord this is nice.


aka - RM_AtK !
lol nobody realized this before? .. its cool for the neutral game but in the corner hes gonna ass rape u for trying or just put another clone up / b33 you while trying to break it lol


Joker waiting room
For anything who thinks this is an answer to Subzero's clone pressure, D4.

You're a fool if you think Subzero strays far from his clone.

Here is what actually happens;

Keepaway - Sub stays close to apply a shatter/throw mixup, block the clone, get pushed back at - and allow him to set another one

Pushing you towards the corner - Sub stays close/slightly ahead of the clone

Cornered you - Walking forward to block will be the least of your concerns when you're giving Subzero free pressure, damage and chip. Eat a B33 shatter for 45% and practically hand over the round as well if you're willing to potentially give SZ almost a free 50% of your lifebar on top of his corner game


Joker waiting room
I like how people say, just punish a normal with an armored special. GTFO.
Also, using this tech since 2011 :coffee:
Do you have any idea how good this is for any character who can do it?

If you punish B2 on block with 1 bar then you've payed a 1 bar tribute to do 20/30% damage to Sub and escape the corner. B2 is the ultimate hail Mary for Sub.

GTFO with that shit.

Then people have the audacity to complain that Sub is "too safe".