Blue Blurs for Life!
I just announced this on the Final Round stream while Top 8 was going on, but as promised I am posting about it here.
@FOREVER KING has accepted my challenge for a Batman exhibition from which the winner will walk away with $40 extra. I offered for it to be a first to five, but we both agreed on doubling that to a first to ten.
I initially offered to inflict the character lock only on myself while King uses who he pleases, but instead he chose to keep it limited to Batman mirrors as per our original terms. We are also fighting on only one stage: Atlantis.
The channel from which this will be streamed is unclear at this time, but you will be notified on what it is once we have made the arrangements. NOBODY will miss this. It will occur during the evening hours, running on Eastern Time.
King, I'm thankful you gave me a second chance to go through with the challenge after I'd backed out last year like a fucking coward. This time, there aren't ANY take-backs. It's you and me, all for nothing. Regardless of the outcome, I look forward to hanging up my bat cape with my self-respect having been restored.
Will post in this thread later with additional details as they come. Keep checking back.
@FOREVER KING has accepted my challenge for a Batman exhibition from which the winner will walk away with $40 extra. I offered for it to be a first to five, but we both agreed on doubling that to a first to ten.
I initially offered to inflict the character lock only on myself while King uses who he pleases, but instead he chose to keep it limited to Batman mirrors as per our original terms. We are also fighting on only one stage: Atlantis.
The channel from which this will be streamed is unclear at this time, but you will be notified on what it is once we have made the arrangements. NOBODY will miss this. It will occur during the evening hours, running on Eastern Time.
King, I'm thankful you gave me a second chance to go through with the challenge after I'd backed out last year like a fucking coward. This time, there aren't ANY take-backs. It's you and me, all for nothing. Regardless of the outcome, I look forward to hanging up my bat cape with my self-respect having been restored.
Will post in this thread later with additional details as they come. Keep checking back.