In all honesty, the endless teasing and "sooning" does wear thin. But regardless, I'm always happy when we get any new info, be it a reveal or gameplay or other little news. The marketing has had very little consistency, and I think that contributes to some of the harsh feelings here. Lots of big Event presence in the summer, then not so much. Awesome Variations trailers, then...3 months of dead air...then the non-variation ones. They have done 3 streams, with a 4th happening Thursday, but only Ermac has been revealed on stream? They just come across as a bit of a wasted opportunity when they tease with no real payoff, or keep saying "we want to show you, but...". "Don't hover over Kitana/Reptile!". "There's Goro over there, but not today!" It's a little ridiculous. I'm kind of bummed that, with all the talk of new characters, we've basically seen ULTRA MK9 in terms of roster for the last nine months. And that Kitana Konnections vid, while cool, seems completely random. It would have made sense back when she was revealed, but now it is just kinda...there.
With all that said, The game seems like its going to be phenomenal. I'm frustrated simply because everything I've seen so far just makes me want to see more. I guess that's a good thing, and in hindsight, all the teasing won't mean a damn thing anyway. Game will be out soon, and I can stop watching all the saved vids on my PC.