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General/Other - Reptile IGN is revealing new MKX character on Tuesday!


other way around why would you reveal a new fighter on stream when can get more hype from reavling a old characther there like ermac or reptile
Introduce people on stream where you can give some info about a new character.

A Character like Shang or Mileena (Reptile, Ermac or any other Character which was in the last MK) should generate enough hype and interest from the MK fans on his own i assume.


Just an insignificant speck of feculent scum.
My guess is a picture reveal. Like Kung Lao. Than trailer for both will be revealed on Thursdays stream
So a picture of a character reveal for a previously revealed character. That's probably the worst case scenario.


So does this mean we are getting 3 character reveils or just two but spilt up?

Also this information surge could only get better if they drop the date for the demo...and that date is in like a week...
That's exactly my question, someone should ask Tylerlandsdown(sorry if wrong) to clarify this.

3 reveals on a week will be insanely awesome.


It's most likely split, his tweeter said 2, anyway, still good.



Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Ed said it's 2 trailers also... So definitely not already known...
This shall be a dope ass week... So it was written so it shall come to pass...