Finalized Matches:
1. KIT Forever King vs GGA Max FT7
2. CR Whiteboi vs EMPR Jupiter FT5
3. GGA 16 Bit vs RM Biohazard FT5
4. RM Honeybee vs EMPR Limbodawg FT5
For a brief example of what Ultra Fight Night is you can read this post on Eventhubs here
Basically a chance for high caliber players to duke it out on the main stage as an official headline match in a longer set. For KiT 15 Ultra Fight Night will be played on our main stream, PandaXGaming on Friday night. Some names (unannounced elsewhere) that are doing matches for SF or Marvel: KBrad, Sanford, JWong, Cloud805 and many more.
While past versions of Ultra Fight Night have focused solely on Street Fighter and Marvel, I have interest in branching out into Injustice if the community also has interest. I have slots for at least two Injustice matchups (FT7 or FT10), so my question to you is: Who will step into the Pandagon?
What we are looking for:
Desirable: Two players with past history of wanting to beat each other
More Desirable: Two really good players
Most Desirable: Two really good players with past history of wanting to beat each other
Not desirable: Mirror matches
So who that is going to KiT15 would like to participate?
If you are not going, what two players would you like to see play who are going?
Some things to note / get out of the way:
Players are not being compensated
Players are not having venue fee waived
Other exhibition matches can be played on the dedicated (NYCFurby) stream, but these are the "best of the best"
Forever King is sponsored by KIT and is also the defending KIT champ, so it is very likely he will be involved in one. So add who you would like to see him beat. I mean play.
The block of time would be from 6-8 PM, so keep in mind you would have to be there at that time. MK9 starts at 4 PM so there should be a good number of players who already plan to be there that early...
So give me your matchups.
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