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NEC Pre-Reg ends with Injustice at 112 Entrants

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter

With dwindling numbers when prereg first came around into nearing the only 60 cap it appears there has been quite a push and thanks to everyone we have neared our second cap, per @BigE on facebook it looks like he may raise it again at the door if we hit the 128 mark.

Great job everyone and I for one am overly hyped for this event, we haven't seen these numbers in awhile so cheers up for large pools, beautiful women, and a bar just outside the lobby!

Mortal Kombat 9 ended Prereg with a whopping 64!

Killer Instinct ended at 48!
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Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
The number of entrants is 112
112 is of Lobo's strings
The 2 is 7 on startup, has 37 recovery frames, is plus 7 on hit and minus 7 on block.
The string is called Bad Boy.
Seven has five letters, 7-5 = 2.
Two has three letters, Bad has three letters, Boy has three letters.

Illuminati confirmed.


The number of entrants is 112
112 is of Lobo's strings
The 2 is 7 on startup, has 37 recovery frames, is plus 7 on hit and minus 7 on block.
The string is called Bad Boy.
Seven has five letters, 7-5 = 2.
Two has three letters, Bad has three letters, Boy has three letters.

Illuminati confirmed.
This will all be irrelevant the second someone registers at the door. Good job wasting your time. :DOGE


Administrator and Community Engineer
So, I am going to say this once and then probably leave it alone for good; yes this tournament is free, but if we're honest;

-People are still talking about the game and there are still matchups people are very much interested in seeing
-We had as many people at TFC as were at MLG Raleigh -- and although we're not breaking 100 at every major, we've still had decent entrants at most of the big ones. We'll see what happens at KiT
-There are more online tournaments right now than I've ever seen, and far more than we used to have
-Even 1-man operations like Red Hot Sundays were pulling more viewers than we used to get for say, VSM back in the day

This is all without an ongoing sponsored Pro Circuit w/ Arenas or promise of EVO to build hype.

So for anyone who keeps trying to say the game is dead, just saying it doesn't make it true. I think the people who are enjoying it, will keep on enjoying it for a while :)
Really wish I could go, but can't do travel expenses at the time.

So hype to see great numbers though! Can't wait to watch this!