I wouldnt say the the LOTR setting is forced, it seems like they almost chose this games setting because it would work with the nemesis system well, thats how much the system is a part of the game. Since orcs are animalistic and brutish in nature they are also constantly fighting each other to the top of the food chain all while you are trying to take them out, which makes the world seem the most alive. There is also plenty of lore in general with artifacts to find as well as a journal if you will that updates info on the characters, creatures, plant life... Etc. kind of the way Metroid Prime did this where info on new locations or creatures is unlocked as you discover them. And speaking of creatures what Ive come across so far were the warg-like things, orcs, and these big troll things. The only humans Ive come across were orc slaves that you can set free and the more you free the more notorious you get and eventually slaves will help you fight their captures. However this isnt like a skyrim type world with markets and npcs or something where youll travel to Minis Tirith or anything, you are in Mordor the whole time Im pretty sure. I know that the second half of the game takes place in a different world map that is suppose to be the greener half so there may be new wild life there but thats a long ways away for me. It also looks like you might unlock more core game pieces by doing story missions which I have only done 2 of. The majority of my time with this game has been spent enjoying the nemesis system in motion!