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Video/Tutorial - Raiden Raiden's New X-ray Attack as seen at EGX 2014

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Like it...fits him much better..
Only issue I have is it raises the bar and could makes some fatalities seem weak...
But so far it seems the line is xrays break bones and crush organs vs fatalities leaving you with giant holes and in pieces..so thats fine..


Here... I am a god!
I freaking love it, this is what a god should do! Now I hope Fujin makes it in just to see what his x ray would look like.


The First Element
Even though i liked the previous one better..which was more Raiden-like!You can't not like the fact that this will catch a random teleport on reaction! Has good range too.


I dont like it. Along with the injustice xrays, it never felt right when the stage was clear skies than randomly turned into dark clouds or vice versa.


Dedicated Broly main
That was over the top ridiculousness. I LOVE IT! When I think of Raiden, I think of him doing stuff like that. He should be able to kill you out right...just like that.
I agree this X-Ray looks absolutely SICK! Tbh it looks more brutal than his Fatality that we have seen :D Atleast to me lol.
People are seriously saying "this game looks more like injustice" because of one damn xray animation? People who have played it say its 95% MK 5% Injustice, but people still say its just a reskinned Injustice because of the ANIMATION in a single damn xray move? What the hell is wrong with you ungrateful bastards this xray is BADASS isnt that what matters?
No one even said its a reskinned injustice lol


#1 Enemy : Rust.
I don't get that feeling personally, I simply think THIS is what a Thunder God would actually do to win a fight, compared to his previous one. The other fighters' X-Rays are also a very good indication of their "power level" and/or powers. Though I think it's fair to say a thunder god has powers akin to a superhero, maybe that's why this one feels out of place to you?
Yeah you have a point, and I thought about that aswell, but it still feels weird.
I liked how Raiden in previous game he "demoted" his God powers to fight alongside earth worriors, thus making him more in place to fight against the invaders. He was still powerfull, tho not that much above the others.


First part is far too cartoon/comic like for my liking but the back-breaker was cool though. Still prefer the first one - grabbing someone's spine and electrocuting it was awesome :(

Combine the two? Electrocute the spine and then break it...

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
And Subz gets back up like it was just a scratch!

They X-ray animation takes way too long. Meh more time to download your opponent I guess.


Dedicated Broly main
I disagree, IMO it's timed perfectly well to show of Thunder God's power. However subzero's xray is way too short compared to others.
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