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The Emperors conquer Ruthless Mayhem [RM] 10-5 in Injustice: Gods Among Us (Xbox 360)!


Well, that's it. Now the Ra Helios blowups stop. Helios, first off welcome to Emperor, glad to have you fighting for us. Secondly, I apologize for any shit I got into you, and you beating Biohazard is convincing. I will need to play you sometime if I ever get an xbox. I'm extremely interested now. Well done fellow Emperors. Hold that RM.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
For me no because my HD PVR wasn't connected. But what I really did was use proper Jb2, Whip, MBB3 and catdash if he dashes towards me in a pattern. Plus I did My tech and High damage combos which made a huge different in the mu. It was a very close Awesome Hype Game.
Would u let me stream you vs @GGA Max FT 10 exhibition??


Injustice got a bad netcode never have any lag problems with ki plus if the connection bad for them its bad for me so a bad connection not really a good accuse
I got bell vibe when i check my speeds on the xbox i judt did it 36.9 up 7.4 down

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Injustice got a bad netcode never have any lag problems with ki plus if the connection bad for them its bad for me so a bad connection not really a good accuse
Do u use wireless or DSL

Also this is a persistent problem w people vs u