Why do you need to level it up? The class challenges use pre-made decks.having to level up druid just to get the Naxx cards sucks
I don't even have the basic cards l0l
am a retard l0lWhy do you need to level it up? The class challenges use pre-made decks.
Haha, nice.I just got alex in a pack.............smh
I crafted 1 a while ago l0l
am a retard l0l
Didn't bother to even go in
MY LIFE IS COMPLETE@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tempo means its based around consistency, it doesn't have the power spikes of some decks (like miracle) but its able to perform better for the area of the game where your combo isn't happening (everything leading up to leeroy). It makes its strength out of its ability to never slow down.noob question
what exactly is a tempo/value deck?
MY LIFE IS COMPLETE@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I disagree fully, it is a very consistent deck, which makes it very good for leveling ladder. Reynad is looking like he will get top 16 this season with zoo, so its definitely viable at the highest rank too.Dunno why people still play ZOO (mostly on 20 -> 10 rank). Its not consistent enough on higher ranks and got several disadvantaged MUs
bro, zoo is hands down in the top 3 atm. the egg and spiders make the deck sooo much stronger against everything. of course the rankings will drastically change every week for while but right now its Miracle, Zoo and Handlock at the topDunno why people still play ZOO (mostly on 20 -> 10 rank). Its not consistent enough on higher ranks and got several disadvantaged MUs
Still waiting for a Tirion.
I disagree, i'm currently rank 2 and while i see more ZOO now its because Nax cards added yesterday are good for it. Other then that i was legend rank 78 in season 2 and legend rank in season 3, probably gonna make it to legend in this season too and ZOO was like extinct there (saw it maybe several times). Reynad is a great player with most of the decks. ZOO is good but it's not the most consistent for sure.I disagree fully, it is a very consistent deck, which makes it very good for leveling ladder. Reynad is looking like he will get top 16 this season with zoo, so its definitely viable at the highest rank too.
All ranks are rife with zoo, definitely the most popular competitive deck. I assure you rank 5-1 is filled with it as well.
Bro, i stil wreck most ZOO deck (with eggs now) players with my aggro hunter deck.bro, zoo is hands down in the top 3 atm. the egg and spiders make the deck sooo much stronger against everything. of course the rankings will drastically change every week for while but right now its Miracle, Zoo and Handlock at the top
Now TYM has downplaying in HS too.I disagree, i'm currently rank 2 and while i see more ZOO now its because Nax cards added yesterday are good for it. Other then that i was legend rank 78 in season 2 and legend rank in season 3, probably gonna make it to legend in this season too and ZOO was like extinct there (saw it maybe several times). Reynad is a great player with most of the decks. ZOO is good but it's not the most consistent for sure.
Once again to be clear - while ZOO is a good deck and i see it quite often while going throu lower (20 to lets say 5-6) ranks its nowhere near as popular in legend rank, where people mostly play Miracle Rogue, Ramp Druid (Coin variation also), Hand lock Warlock atm.
Bro, i stil wreck most ZOO deck (with eggs now) players with my aggro hunter deck.And please show me how in the hell ZOO is gonna beat Ramp Druid other then really bad rng on Druid part. It's good not the best.
Nah, no downplaying here. Thou i assume when the rest of Nax cards gonna be avaible ZOO and many other aggro decks (including my) gonna be hit hard, since many new cards are anti-aggro. I guess silence gonna be the new-old god again.Now TYM has downplaying in HS too.
I dont think youll find much sympathy for playing zoo on ladder
Everybody knows that ZOO is very easy to play, really nothing shocking.for those saying zoo isn't braindead, lol.Zoo bot reached rank 4. Since teching I could care less about zoo, but this is pretty hilarious.
ramp druid only gets the sure win after a turn 2 wild growth, otherwise it can go either way although it is probably in the ramp druids favour. But regardless of that, currently miracle is the best and decks that do good against miracle are handlock, shaman and new and improved zoo. zoo also does well against handlock and shaman making it a dominant class in the current meta. druid on the other hand currently struggles against handlock miracle and shaman which is why its not as good atm.I disagree, i'm currently rank 2 and while i see more ZOO now its because Nax cards added yesterday are good for it. Other then that i was legend rank 78 in season 2 and legend rank in season 3, probably gonna make it to legend in this season too and ZOO was like extinct there (saw it maybe several times). Reynad is a great player with most of the decks. ZOO is good but it's not the most consistent for sure.
Once again to be clear - while ZOO is a good deck and i see it quite often while going throu lower (20 to lets say 5-6) ranks its nowhere near as popular in legend rank, where people mostly play Miracle Rogue, Ramp Druid (Coin variation also), Hand lock Warlock atm.
Bro, i stil wreck most ZOO deck (with eggs now) players with my aggro hunter deck.And please show me how in the hell ZOO is gonna beat Ramp Druid other then really bad rng on Druid part. It's good not the best.
In my experience hunter aggro does very well against miracle rogue. At worst it's even MU but more likely it's in hunter favor. And say what you want, zoo does not very well in legend rank players in current meta (minus this spike with this new Nax cards), talked about that with Trump and many other legend players, we all agree its good but not that great.ramp druid only gets the sure win after a turn 2 wild growth, otherwise it can go either way although it is probably in the ramp druids favour. But regardless of that, currently miracle is the best and decks that do good against miracle are handlock, shaman and new and improved zoo. zoo also does well against handlock and shaman making it a dominant class in the current meta. druid on the other hand currently struggles against handlock miracle and shaman which is why its not as good atm.