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Best & worst movie you've seen in 2014 so far?


What's the best & worst movie you've seen in 2014 so far?


Worst - Godzilla

I went in with high expectations but damn what a letdown this movie was.
The trailer is probably one of the most well done trailer ever made that makes you think
" wow this is gonna be so epic & there is no way this movie will be a letdown "
but like srsly. Also the trailer is hella misleading, it makes you think
Godzilla is the actual threat, but no it's the Mutos. Ye, those are gonna send
us back to stone age. -.-
Mutos got more screen time than Godzilla. They probably should have just
called this movie Muto.
The first half is a bore fest. In fact, things don't really pick up until about 90 minutes in. Every time you think a fight is going to happen the movie just cuts to something else. I was astounded.
It wasn't even the lack of Godzilla fighting that made this movie boring to watch, it was the lack of Godzilla doing anything at all.

If you like drama + alot of side stories and 5 minutes of action then this is the right movie for you!
Ye, I am kinda angry now since I am a huge Godzilla fan, but this movie was a huge disappointment.
The biggest disappointment I have seen so far this year.
What was the director thinking while making this movie?

Best - Edge of Tomorrow

I went in with low expectations and came out speechless.
Hell I am not a Tom Cruise fan and tbh I don't like his movies at all, but
this movie was so good - words can't even describe how epic this movie is.
You have to see it to know what's up lol.
No srsly, in case you haven't seen it yet, go and see it!
The trailer was kinda " ye hm looks like a decent movie with some cool special effects and explosions "
but it's so much better than this.

I don't wanna spoil anything here lol, just go and see it yourself.
For me this is not only the best movie of 2014 so far, but one of the top 10 movies I have seen all time.


STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Edge of tomorrow is really good... but top 10 ALL TIME? Nah.

Godzilla was ... eh.

I'll post mine later... was I remember what I've actually seen this year and when I'm not at work. haha

Deleted member 28105

Assuming these are only movies made in 2014, I concur with both of your selections.

Godzilla had one of the greatest trailers of all time. However, once Brian Cranston died, the acting sucked, the plot was scattered and lack-luster, and to top it off, they didn't even really do a great job with Godzilla himself. Atrocious movie.

Edge of Tomorrow was genius. The Groundhog Day premise, combined with phenomenal acting and stunning sci-fi visuals made this an incredible movie. Really put Tom Cruise back on the map, as his performance with in the film is not to be understated. On top of all of this, the films comedic aspects also soared.

I am looking forward to seeing interstellar. Like all of Christopher Nolan's movies, I have no clue what it is about, but hell, his track record is nigh immaculate. I am also looking forward to not seeing the new Transformers movie, and I sincerely hope most of you share this mindset, so that we can stop throwing money at Michael Bay.

Don't disagree with me.

This is the best of the year:

By far. Not even close. One of the greatest movies of our time, not just this year. It was fantastic.

If you haven't seen it, it just came out for rental/DVD

...and yeah, Godzilla was another movie that became completely horrible because hollywood doesn't know how to do emotional investment without forcing us to care about a miscellaneous wife and kid.


Nut Breaker
Best: Captain America 2 the Winter Soldier: An engaging story, intense action, and an ending that actually affects the Marvel Universe as a whole. It's as good as it gets when it comes to a super hero movie.

Worst: Amazing Spider-man 2: Bad story, bad villains, and way too much CGI.


TYM's Head Herpetologist
I haven't been particularly blown away by any of the new films this year, for better or worse. But I guess for this year, my choices would be:

Best: Edge of Tomorrow
Worst: Amazing Spider-Man 2

But if we're just going by what I've seen for the first time this year...

Best: Frozen
Worst: Movie 43 (seriously, don't even think about watching this)
Last edited:


King of the Bill
Worst, amazing Spider-Man 2.
Best, X-Men.

Edge of tomorrow is a close runner up but I feel like we needed a great X-Men movie for so long and it finally delivered.


The First Element
Couldn't really say my best as i have many on the same par..but my worst is ..X-Men Day's Of Future Past! So disappointing there is hardly any action.


Assuming these are only movies made in 2014, I concur with both of your selections.

Godzilla had one of the greatest trailers of all time. However, once Brian Cranston died, the acting sucked, the plot was scattered and lack-luster, and to top it off, they didn't even really do a great job with Godzilla himself. Atrocious movie.

Edge of Tomorrow was genius. The Groundhog Day premise, combined with phenomenal acting and stunning sci-fi visuals made this an incredible movie. Really put Tom Cruise back on the map, as his performance with in the film is not to be understated. On top of all of this, the films comedic aspects also soared.

I am looking forward to seeing interstellar. Like all of Christopher Nolan's movies, I have no clue what it is about, but hell, his track record is nigh immaculate. I am also looking forward to not seeing the new Transformers movie, and I sincerely hope most of you share this mindset, so that we can stop throwing money at Michael Bay.

Don't disagree with me.


You, sir, are seriously the gif master on this site. I swear to it.


Master of Quanculations
What the hell is WRONG with you people?

Worst movie of 2014: ROBOCOP

They destroyed my favorite movie in every single way possible. Over dramatic acting, removal of violence, no key villain, overloaded cast and sub-plots, insults to the original suit design, removal of the personal story, robocop making jokes, the actor walking around with his face showing for the whole movie, fumbling of the original metaphors like ED-209... Get out of here.

Best: Either "Her" or Xmen, but i havent seen enough and I'm sure there are better movies for 2014.


Well-Known Gay Member
Best: X-Men: DOFP
Worst: The abomination that is Dark Knight Rises (what? I saw it only this year) ugh I hate the Dark Knight movies, the only good thing about them was Heath Ledger as Joker


Chode Juggler
Assuming these are only movies made in 2014, I concur with both of your selections.

Godzilla had one of the greatest trailers of all time. However, once Brian Cranston died, the acting sucked, the plot was scattered and lack-luster, and to top it off, they didn't even really do a great job with Godzilla himself. Atrocious movie.

Edge of Tomorrow was genius. The Groundhog Day premise, combined with phenomenal acting and stunning sci-fi visuals made this an incredible movie. Really put Tom Cruise back on the map, as his performance with in the film is not to be understated. On top of all of this, the films comedic aspects also soared.

I am looking forward to seeing interstellar. Like all of Christopher Nolan's movies, I have no clue what it is about, but hell, his track record is nigh immaculate. I am also looking forward to not seeing the new Transformers movie, and I sincerely hope most of you share this mindset, so that we can stop throwing money at Michael Bay.

Don't disagree with me.

Thanks for the spoiler you dickhead

Edge of tomorrow was good


Divekick x 1000
Edge of Tomorrow best this year by far. One movie worth going to the theaters for.

Worst is a tie between Robocop and Transcendence. Both wasted 2 hours of my life. Thank God for piratebay so I didn't have to go to the theaters and get wallet-raped.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I am quite the opposite of you @LiangHuBBB, I like virtually all of Tom Cruises movies and knew Edge of Tomorrow would be awesome and it was by far the best movie I've seen so far this year. I also liked The Fault in Our Stars as well.

I liked the story part of Godzilla and liked the movie overall. The human element in movies is what drives me and if it was a straight up monster fight the entire time destroying everything in their wake, I would have hated it. Not as good as Pacific Rim, but good.

As for worst? I,Frankenstein was complete dogshit.


Favourite: Wolf of Wall Street (but that's late 2013 i know :p)
Least: Ride Along

Ice Cube plz :'(. I loved him as a rapper, not so much as a 'comedian'.