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Community Real Talk Thread - IGAU and MK9 Players, Please Read

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
0.1% of 3 million is not 300,000, but rather 3,000. During the lifetime of MK9, there had to have been at least that many.

math blowups. but you get my point. id still say there were probably less than 3k. im not counting online monsters that never showed their face to an event ever. they dont matter when we are talking about how alive a tournament scene is because they dont contribute to it


The Ignore Button Is Free
Like, I'm pretty sure 99% of us are all guilty that we wanted Injustice to come out ASAP to replace MK9 because we wanted a new, more balanced game...

Well, I regret saying that because I wish MK9 was still alive today. But it's not. It's dead.
I don't like to play Injustice, but I don't want it to die for the people that play it. I still like to watch and support it.

I hope when MKX comes out, Injustice isn't shoved to the side. I have strong urges to play MK9, but almost noone plays it now.
I'm in that 1%. And everyone plays MK9 lol.

I have a huge hunch IGAU will be pushed to the side. It sucks that some people don't know how to play more than one game, but o well.

I still think the community killed MK9. It didnt die on its own. "Top" players say one thing and the followers join in. That's what happened to MK9 and I'm pretty sure its gonna happen to IGAU as well


"On your Knees!"
I'm in that 1%. And everyone plays MK9 lol.

I have a huge hunch IGAU will be pushed to the side. It sucks that some people don't know how to play more than one game, but o well.

I still think the community killed MK9. It didnt die on its own. "Top" players say one thing and the followers join in. That's what happened to MK9 and I'm pretty sure its gonna happen to IGAU as well
Aitn't that the truth...


I'm in that 1%. And everyone plays MK9 lol.

I have a huge hunch IGAU will be pushed to the side. It sucks that some people don't know how to play more than one game, but o well.

I still think the community killed MK9. It didnt die on its own. "Top" players say one thing and the followers join in. That's what happened to MK9 and I'm pretty sure its gonna happen to IGAU as well
Sad story but true bruh, I would not be surprised at all if igau was kicked to the curb like mk9 was. I was in the one percent wanting ppl to just play both


TestYourMight SUCKS
The MK and Injustice fighting game community is a hateful, angry, and aggressive community where agreeing with someone and taking correction is almost considered a sin. The only players that will get along are the hardcore offline tournament players who play against each other in person where no trash talking, violent behavior is allowed to take place. Online though where the heart of the community lies its another story. Online the MK community is a dangerous, violent and disrespectful place to connect with. So yes this will fall on deaf ears for sure.
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RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
Sad story but true bruh, I would not be surprised at all if igau was kicked to the curb like mk9 was. I was in the one percent wanting ppl to just play both
it all depends on how people take it when mkx comes out. there are different faces in the community and now we know where things went wrong. we'll see how it goes


Cage ban wagon?
One thing I never understood is why people never supported MK while playing inj. When MKX comes out I'll still sign up for the inj tournaments. NRS players gotta remember we have to stick together. It's not like inj is capcom... play both games!

Also I've been working to introduce players to the competitive scene of MK. I'll message online players that are decent in ranked match and I sho them tym and tournies and stuff and I think it helps a lot especially when a top player does this with someone. This will definitely expand our scene and get us out there.

Also quick question... DOES ANYBODY HERE LIVE NEAR OR IN UPSTATE NEW YORK (NEAR ROCHESTER). I'm planning on getting my bros good and play at the highest level along with a few other friends of mine and @DanCock

I would like to get level up sessions going like VSM back in MK9

Also like thing, does anybody know a kid on here that lives in rochester? He is also on toryuken and goes to Monroe community college? One day I went to the E-lounge that I have in my college and played the kids in there that was playing injustice and after I beat them I talked to this one kid that said he follows tournies and was on tym and shoryuken.

If you see this quote me or inbox me if you would like to play with us offline and get in on some level up sessions. And that goes for anybody else interested in getting better at MK or picking up MIn. I don't mind playing inj but it's not my main game.



i was here before mk9, when the IGAU players came the site went to shit for months. now mkx has been announced and its gone to shit again.

i really wish tym would make up its mind. is it the conpetitive resource it always claims to be? because it lets its guard down to complete casuals with no idea and we already MKO MKU and TRMK for that kinda mentality

i would suggest a very simple questionaire on sign up like who won evo MK 2012, who won IGAU evo 2013? sure anyone can google the answers but they are immediately exposed to something they may never even know existed otherwise. those who cant google can go to the million other shitty sites to stop this one being polluted.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
I'll read and listen.
I'll type something out tomorrow. The issue is does it even matter? I'm not a top player, so what I say will just get ignored. If i wrote what i wanted to say on lets say REO's account, everyone would read it in great detail and love it. If i were to write it most people would pass over because it has more than two lines. I could write something on how to save the community but only a hand full of people would read it. Its really sad.

Mr. Aquaman was correct. People praise what these Top Players have to say when a lot of time they whine and complain as much as the next person. But their threads don't get closed, they get praised and people follow what they say. Its the sad truth of this site. And possibly the community. If you don't do good then you are not seen as important. If you do end up doing well god help you if you do not do good at the next tournament or if you are not able to make it to the next event because everyone will start calling you our or saying you are trash.

Part of me honestly doesnt even want to get top 8 because people would begin to question shit at the next event if i didn't get top 8 or if i went 0-2. I understand what Crimson is trying to do and to some extent i give him an A for effort for trying to help. But to be honest it doesn't even matter. People are going to dislike injustice, People are going to dislike MK.
For MK 9 obviously people either disliked it since they stopped playing it competitively or they decided to listen to all the players that said this game sucks/this game is dead and decided to stop playing because of this.

Honestly i have fun with MK 9. The game has some fucked up shit. i mean like MB glitch, no trades, things like that. What i don't like is when i go to a fucking tournament the MK9 players begin talking trash about injustice for no damn reason. Just out of nowhere saying how the game sucks basically mocking us. This kind of shit makes me not want to bother with the community.

There is a difference between not liking something and going out of your way to shit on something. As for Injustice i enjoy the game a lot. I will support this game. I consider it my main game at the moment. And i will go to tournaments i am able to go to. Although i have said before that i think the game is going to die when MK X comes out i am NOT SORRY for what i said.
When MK X comes out i will continue to play Injustice. I said what i said because i feel like the hate from all the MK players and all the shit that is being said about the game just cause you don't like will end up being its downfall in the long run.

I would hope that people still go to tournaments for injustice if you enjoy playing the game. If you do not like the game thats fine. But dont go around saying the game is shit: Its not shit, you're just shit; you dont understand the game, you dont like the characters, you dont like how it plays. Idk. But not every fighting game is for you. And not every fighting game has to be the same.

NRS did something cool with Injustice. And thats something that i like about it. But as a community if we want to grow then i would say to stop the fucking complaining to some extent. You know what this means. I should not have to explain this. Stop fucking saying X or Y coast doesnt travel. WHO FUCKING CARES.
If east coast cant travel to X tournament is cause we either have other shit to do or we cant afford it. Same thing goes for West coast, Mid West Etc. Second stop caring about ranking systems. It doesnt fucking matter whos the fucking best. If you are as good as you say you are then go to tournaments and start fucking winning.

Also, stop caring if a tournament is a major or not. Like seriously, who fucking cares. We will never figure out what makes a major. It should not fucking matter. Technically anything can be a fucking major if enough people show up to it. So go to tournaments even if some player says its shit.
Im not calling anyone out with this but seriously experience it for yourself if you can. And if you have issues talk to the TO. Not the person running brackets. Don't make a thread on TYM. Talk to the TO in person. The TO's do their best to try and make the tournament fun for as many people as possible. I have had fun at each tournament i went too.
And if i didn't have fun i told the fucking TO in person. And then next time things were better. Its that fucking simple. If they cannot do it ask them why in a nice way. Hopefully they will be able to answer the question. ALSO who cares if the tournament is on what stream, who cares what time it fucking is. If your fucking bracket is at 9am go to bed early. Plan for it. Its not hard. I've done it before. You probably can as well.

As for the Stream, if we get stream time NICE. If we don't oh well. Shit happens. Hotels lie to TO's. Complaining and saying the tournament sucks because of lack of stream is not going to help. The stream is no the most important thing about the tournament. And if you think it is then maybe fix your priorities. Tournaments used to not have streams. Remember that time. Ya shit sucked. Having a stream is something we should be fucking grateful for regardless on if are game is new or not.
Also the name of the stream gets the numbers. Spooby gets fucking 10K for a local. A FUCKING LOCAL. If Jaxel streamed Next Level he would get like 100 people. Sometimes just the name matters regardless of what game is on.

Also if we really want our games to strive we need to start going to tournaments. It doesnt matter if its a local, regional, basement, major, house. WHO FUCKING CARES. A tournament is a tournament. Playing with people and meeting people who love what you love is something you should not pass up. If you are able to go then go. Have fun. Not going to these events will help to kill the game.

This now brings me to MLG. 64 people. We asked for so much and offered up just 64 people. Thats all i'm going to say about that. Smash capped their game in 1 week! Ill just let that reality sink in. Their game is 13 years old. And they capped in a week. Also Go read Mr. Aquamans Post because i fucking agree with what he said 100%. He is right.

So ya this is my long fucking rant. I'm going to bed. Peace.

OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal

i was here before mk9, when the IGAU players came the site went to shit for months. now mkx has been announced and its gone to shit again.

i really wish tym would make up its mind. is it the conpetitive resource it always claims to be? because it lets its guard down to complete casuals with no idea and we already MKO MKU and TRMK for that kinda mentality

i would suggest a very simple questionaire on sign up like who won evo MK 2012, who won IGAU evo 2013? sure anyone can google the answers but they are immediately exposed to something they may never even know existed otherwise. those who cant google can go to the million other shitty sites to stop this one being polluted.
That wouldn't really work though. I don't think you can expect new players to know what happened at past tournaments. I joined in July of 2013, and if you asked me who won MK at Evo 2012 I'd be like "What's an Evo?" lol. Obviously google is always an option but having an entire questionnaire for a person to fill out is doing too much. It gives off a bad impression IMO.


That wouldn't really work though. I don't think you can expect new players to know what happened at past tournaments. I joined in July of 2013, and if you asked me who won MK at Evo 2012 I'd be like "What's an Evo?" lol. Obviously google is always an option but having an entire questionnaire for a person to fill out is doing too much. It gives off a bad impression IMO.
i am a member of sites which have had such questions for registration before. the questionnaire need not be long or hard, 1 or 2 questions maximum, and need not be as specific as i said, maybe it can be multiple choice just one or two questions. "What is EVO Fighting Tournament?" would be easy enough for any monkey.

the point is this site in the past has represented itself as the #1 competitive resource for NRS. at least that was my interpretation and i could be wrong. we should be attracting FGC members but we get flooded with ppl who just have no idea. like i say tho this mindset is fine and great, but i would prefer a site without it.

Icy Black Deep

Still training...
I'll type something out tomorrow. The issue is does it even matter? I'm not a top player so what i say will just get ignored. If i wrote what i wanted to say on lets say REO's account everyone would read it in great detail and love it. If i were to write it most people would pass over because it has more than two lines. I could write something on how to save the community but only a hand full of people would read it. Its really sad. Mr. Aquaman was correct. People praise what these Top Players have to say when a lot of time they whine and complain as much as the next person. But there threads don't get closed. They get praised and people follow what they say. Its the sad truth of this site. And possibly the community. If you don't do good then you are not seen as important. If you do end up doing well god help you if you do not do good at the next tournament or if you are not able to make it to the next event because everyone will start calling you our or saying you are trash. Part of honestly doesnt even want to get top 8 because people would begin to question shit at the next event if i didn't get top 8 or if i went 0-2. I understand what Crimson is trying to do and to some extent i give him an A for effort for trying to help. But to be honest it doesn't even matter. People are going to dislike injustice, People are going to dislike MK. For MK 9 obviously people either disliked it since they stopped playing it competitively or they decided to listen to all the players that said this game sucks/this game is dead and decided to stop playing because of this. Honestly i have fun with MK 9. The game has some fucked up shit. i mean like MB glitch, no trades, things like that. What i don't like is when i go to a fucking tournament the MK 9 players begin talking trash about injustice for no dam reason. Just out of nowhere saying how the game sucks basically mocking us. This kind of shit makes me not want to bother with the community. There is a difference between not liking something and going out of your way to shit on something. As for Injustice i enjoy the game a lot. I will support this game. I consider it my main game at the moment. And i will go to tournaments i am able to go to. Although i have said before that i think the game is going to die when MK X comes out i am NOT SORRY for what i said. When MK X comes out i will continue to play Injustice. I said what i said because i feel like the hate from all the MK players and all the shit that is being said about the game just cause you don't like will end up being its downfall in the long run. I would hope that people still go to tournaments for injustice if you enjoy playing the game. If you do not like the game thats fine. But dont go around saying the game is shit. Its not shit. Your just shit. You dont understand the game. You dont like the characters. You dont like how it plays. Idk. But not every fighting is for you. And not every fighting game has to be the same. NRS did something cool with Injustice. And thats something that i like about it. But as a community if we want to grow then i would say to stop the fucking complaining to some extent. You know what this means. I should not have to explain this. Stop fucking saying X coast doesnt travel. WHO FUCKING CARES. If east coast cant travel to X tournament is cause we either have other shit to do or we cant afford it. Same thing goes for West coast, Mid West Etc. Second stop caring about ranking systems. It doesnt fucking matter whos the fucking best. If you are as good as you say you are then go to tournaments and start fucking winning. Also Stop caring if a tournament is a major or not. Like serious who fucking cares. We will never figure out what makes a major. It should not fucking matter. Technically anything can be a fucking major if enough people show up to it. So go to tournaments even if some player says its shit. Im not calling anyone out with this but seriously experience it for yourself if you can. And if you have issues talk to the TO. Not the person running brackets. Don't make a thread on TYM. Talk to the TO in person. The TO's do their best to try and make the tournament fun for as many people as possible. I have had fun at each tournament i went too. And if i didn't have fun i told the fucking TO in person. And then next time things were better. Its that fucking simple. If they cannot do it ask them why in a nice way. Hopefully they will be able to answer the question. ALSO who cares if the tournament is on what stream, who cares what time it fucking is. If your fucking bracket is at 9am go to bed early. Plan for it. Its not hard. Ive done it before. You probably can as well. As for the Stream if we get stream time NICE. If we don't oh well. Shit happens. Hotels lie to TO's. Complaining and saying the tournament sucks because of lack of stream is not going to help. The stream is no the most important thing about the tournament. And if you think it is then maybe fix your priorities. Tournaments used to not have streams. Remember that time. Ya shit sucked. Having a stream is something we should be fucking grateful for regardless on if are game is new or not. Also the name of the stream gets the numbers. Spooby gets fucking 10K for a local. A FUCKING LOCAL. If Jaxel streamed Next Level he would get like 100 people. Sometimes just the name matters regardless of what game is on. Also if we really want our games to strive we need to start going to tournaments. It doesnt matter if its a local, regional, basement, major, house. WHO FUCKING CARES. A tournament is a tournament. Playing with people and meeting people who love what you love is something to not pass up. If you are able to go then go. Have fun. Not going to these events will help to kill the game. This now brings me to MLG. 64 people. We asked for so much and offered up just 64 people. Thats all im going to say about that. Smash capped their game in 1 week. Ill just let that reality sink in. Their game is 13 years old. And they capped in a week. Also Go read Mr. Aquamans Post because i fucking agree with what he said 100%. He is right so ya this is my long fucking rant. Im going to bed. Peace.
Edit this RIGHT NOW and use your enter key. Then I'll read it.

Icy Black Deep

Still training...
I wanted to post some stuff from the NRS side on all of this, but it devolved into name calling and general jerkery. I'll just let you guys be.
What a straight-up troll.

If NRS wants to take some kind of leadership position step up and do it.
If they don't that's fine, but don't come in here and say, "We were going to give you a shinny, but then you ruined it by your fighting, so why don't you all fight about that for a while."


That's about right.
So I read this as me personally taking 250$ out of my shitty pay check because I like most people in this community means nothing to you. I personally sponsor some of my guys who are struggling, I personally like to throw money into pots. It's not much because I am not a rich fuck head or some business. So it's thoughts like that that make me go...

NRS games were treated just fine at every major ive been to, you expect to be treated like SF, well we get maybe half the entrants, so rather than say fuck that crimson decided to try and help. Any pot bonus attracts players, even the smallest. Money talks. How come a tournament with a 250$ pot bonus is going to have way more entrants than mlg which is looking at what 8k?! Illuminati BS.

Quickly becoming my favorite poster.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
I'll type something out tomorrow. The issue is does it even matter? I'm not a top player so what i say will just get ignored. If i wrote what i wanted to say on lets say REO's account everyone would read it in great detail and love it. If i were to write it most people would pass over because it has more than two lines. I could write something on how to save the community but only a hand full of people would read it. Its really sad. Mr. Aquaman was correct. People praise what these Top Players have to say when a lot of time they whine and complain as much as the next person. But there threads don't get closed. They get praised and people follow what they say. Its the sad truth of this site. And possibly the community. If you don't do good then you are not seen as important. If you do end up doing well god help you if you do not do good at the next tournament or if you are not able to make it to the next event because everyone will start calling you our or saying you are trash. Part of honestly doesnt even want to get top 8 because people would begin to question shit at the next event if i didn't get top 8 or if i went 0-2. I understand what Crimson is trying to do and to some extent i give him an A for effort for trying to help. But to be honest it doesn't even matter. People are going to dislike injustice, People are going to dislike MK. For MK 9 obviously people either disliked it since they stopped playing it competitively or they decided to listen to all the players that said this game sucks/this game is dead and decided to stop playing because of this. Honestly i have fun with MK 9. The game has some fucked up shit. i mean like MB glitch, no trades, things like that. What i don't like is when i go to a fucking tournament the MK 9 players begin talking trash about injustice for no dam reason. Just out of nowhere saying how the game sucks basically mocking us. This kind of shit makes me not want to bother with the community. There is a difference between not liking something and going out of your way to shit on something. As for Injustice i enjoy the game a lot. I will support this game. I consider it my main game at the moment. And i will go to tournaments i am able to go to. Although i have said before that i think the game is going to die when MK X comes out i am NOT SORRY for what i said. When MK X comes out i will continue to play Injustice. I said what i said because i feel like the hate from all the MK players and all the shit that is being said about the game just cause you don't like will end up being its downfall in the long run. I would hope that people still go to tournaments for injustice if you enjoy playing the game. If you do not like the game thats fine. But dont go around saying the game is shit. Its not shit. Your just shit. You dont understand the game. You dont like the characters. You dont like how it plays. Idk. But not every fighting is for you. And not every fighting game has to be the same. NRS did something cool with Injustice. And thats something that i like about it. But as a community if we want to grow then i would say to stop the fucking complaining to some extent. You know what this means. I should not have to explain this. Stop fucking saying X coast doesnt travel. WHO FUCKING CARES. If east coast cant travel to X tournament is cause we either have other shit to do or we cant afford it. Same thing goes for West coast, Mid West Etc. Second stop caring about ranking systems. It doesnt fucking matter whos the fucking best. If you are as good as you say you are then go to tournaments and start fucking winning. Also Stop caring if a tournament is a major or not. Like serious who fucking cares. We will never figure out what makes a major. It should not fucking matter. Technically anything can be a fucking major if enough people show up to it. So go to tournaments even if some player says its shit. Im not calling anyone out with this but seriously experience it for yourself if you can. And if you have issues talk to the TO. Not the person running brackets. Don't make a thread on TYM. Talk to the TO in person. The TO's do their best to try and make the tournament fun for as many people as possible. I have had fun at each tournament i went too. And if i didn't have fun i told the fucking TO in person. And then next time things were better. Its that fucking simple. If they cannot do it ask them why in a nice way. Hopefully they will be able to answer the question. ALSO who cares if the tournament is on what stream, who cares what time it fucking is. If your fucking bracket is at 9am go to bed early. Plan for it. Its not hard. Ive done it before. You probably can as well. As for the Stream if we get stream time NICE. If we don't oh well. Shit happens. Hotels lie to TO's. Complaining and saying the tournament sucks because of lack of stream is not going to help. The stream is no the most important thing about the tournament. And if you think it is then maybe fix your priorities. Tournaments used to not have streams. Remember that time. Ya shit sucked. Having a stream is something we should be fucking grateful for regardless on if are game is new or not. Also the name of the stream gets the numbers. Spooby gets fucking 10K for a local. A FUCKING LOCAL. If Jaxel streamed Next Level he would get like 100 people. Sometimes just the name matters regardless of what game is on. Also if we really want our games to strive we need to start going to tournaments. It doesnt matter if its a local, regional, basement, major, house. WHO FUCKING CARES. A tournament is a tournament. Playing with people and meeting people who love what you love is something to not pass up. If you are able to go then go. Have fun. Not going to these events will help to kill the game. This now brings me to MLG. 64 people. We asked for so much and offered up just 64 people. Thats all im going to say about that. Smash capped their game in 1 week. Ill just let that reality sink in. Their game is 13 years old. And they capped in a week. Also Go read Mr. Aquamans Post because i fucking agree with what he said 100%. He is right so ya this is my long fucking rant. Im going to bed. Peace.
i agree with almost everything you said here and im going to address a few points.

1.) yes, the NRS community has some shitty ass community figureheads and its a sad reality that people listen to whatever top players say. in almost every single community, the dude thats support the games the most and bring positive energy to the community are the community figureheads. how well you play a game has zero correlation to how well you can lead a community.
2.) regional rivalries will always exist, but in this community its kinda OD. i feel like sometimes its on a personal level more than just a rivalry within the game. but if you're going to call out NE players because we dont travel, want to play us so bad but don't come to NE events, idk what to tell you guys. thats some of the dumbest logic ever. you cant make someone travel but you can travel yourself.
3.) the name of the stream certainly does matter as far as viewership goes. spooky, levelup, art and capcomfighters are really the only streamers that get mad viewers. also, using jaxel isn't really the greatest example but thats for another day.
4.) smash community is a blow up honestly. comparing us to smash is kinda ridiculous because we're just a fraction of the size of them, so them reaching their cap in a week and ours not reaching it isnt really a good comparison. honestly, i think 64 players isn't bad at all. its way more than sc5 and kof got when they were main games and its around the same that tag 2 got which was their cap at the time. however, we could do better, and the way the issue has been handled is more discouraging than anything. instead of complaining about the number of entrants, we should be looking at how to do better next time if we get a chance.

with all that being said, i feel like this community needs a reform in order for it to expand. the only thing giving it hope for expanding is the fact that NRS keeps developing games because its making them money. i think there needs to be new community figureheads, more entities like KN that will run tournaments on their own instead of banking that the event organizer will have NRS games as a main event and an overall attitude adjustment that sheds some sort of positive light towards the community. i hate all the negativity going on all the time. sure, pop offs and rivalries are hype, they can still happen but it should be done in a way that doesnt come across more personal than anything.