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Rumor: Street Fighter 5 to feature... [Deconfirmed]


Pay to win options.

Although Capcom did not announce a new fighting game at E3 this year, according to Sponichi Annex, the online portal for the Sports Nippon Japanese newspaper, one of the fighting games maker's top executives did make a few comments regarding the next Street Fighter.

Capcom president and COO Haruhiro Tsujimoto said to media representatives in a group interview at E3 that the Osaka-based games maker has plans to develop a Street Fighter 5, and that it would not only fully utilise the unique features of online gaming, but also attempt to broaden the player base by making it more accessible for newcomers.

"We'd like to steer away from making the next game such that skilled players will win, but unskilled players will lose almost instantaneously," Tsujimoto said.

As a means to achieve that (prevent unskilled players from losing instantaneously), Capcom is looking into possibly implementing some kind of pay-for-advantage system in Street Fighter 5 that will allow new players to cover for their lack of skill in matches.

PS: At least, there won't be stage interactables

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Part-Time Kano Hostage

If this is true then SF4 will be played for another 5 years lol.

That's just stupid. Did they not learn anything from gems in SfxT?

Capcon just don't learn from their mistakes it seems.

Doesn't matter WHAT the fighting game is. If you suck more than your opponent you will always lose instantly. If something like an autoblock gem is good for beginners then it'll be absolutely ridiculous in skilled hands.


Grundy think you handsome!
Wait, is this really true? I only found one article on this and that was from eventhubs so I am not taking it seriously. If this IS true then I am glad I never got on the capcom train in the first place.
pay to win online.... anyone who uses this feature should get struck by lightning while bathing in a pool filled with hair dryers and toasters.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Something I've learned from online play in MK9 and Injustice is that newcomers do not care about winning to the point of utilizing any handicaps. They just goof around and mash shit. If they enjoy the game enough and become curious, they will invest the time to get better at it. If not, they will move on to another game.

What Capcom needs to do is take a lesson from NRS, and expand their single player experience. I remember buying Street Fighter x Tekken, only to realize all there was to do was online play and practice. -_-
At first I was thinking this would be the end of street fighter....but then I thought about it and decided it might not be that big a deal. Nobody in the competitive scene really even takes online that seriously in the first place (nor should they). Most of the top players are just going to play amongst themselves online anyway, so maybe its not so bad to let the pleebs have a handicap so that they can feel themselves a bit.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
"We'd like to steer away from making the next game such that skilled players will win, but unskilled players will lose almost instantaneously," Tsujimoto said.
Is this translation bit goofy or is he saying they want to steer away from both skilled players from winning and unskilled from losing. Because that is retarded.

If' he saying they don't just want unskilled players to lose 100% of the time vs a skilled player...so they just want the unskilled player to lose less often or less quick so they feel like they are better than they are after lining Crapcom's pockets? Okay, good luck with that since they seem to know those who don't invest time into the game care solely on winning and not fucking around.

And what kind of model are we talking about here? Buying auto correct perks? Having your limbs invisible to the other player online? Locking special moves and move sets behind pay walls? Next thing you'll now they'll be trying to cater to casuals more than MK does. I don't want to see these Hearthstone like models in my fighting games where you need to grind or pay to get an equal playing field or equal content.

The seem to falling lower and lower as time goes on.