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Mortal Kombat X Related Art (and Screenshots)


That Welsh Guy
NOTE: Not all art is official art!

I thought i'd make a thread with art people have done for MKX and or High quality Screenshots people have, I'll start the ball rolling with what i've seen and got, post your own if you like!

You can just stroll through my Imgur aswell I upload them all there ~ https://i.imgur.com/8zWRmZC.jpg

With E3 coming up i'm sure there will be tonnes of Screen shots!

If you've seen anything cool related to MKX post it up!

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I'm trying to get some idea of how Sub Zero looks from the video so I can recreate the Scorpion render through photo editing. What sucks is I'm still learning Photoshop but I'm sure I can come up with something. Unless of course someone out there has already beat me to it.


That Welsh Guy
I'm trying to get some idea of how Sub Zero looks from the video so I can recreate the Scorpion render through photo editing. What sucks is I'm still learning Photoshop but I'm sure I can come up with something. Unless of course someone out there has already beat me to it.
It's a tough one when you're trying to change the mask all together If it's just a face shot it's alot less work but still it's difficult to get it done right without looking like crap, I wish you luck on this and hope you come up with a neat looking one if you can ^^


It's a tough one when you're trying to change the mask all together If it's just a face shot it's alot less work but still it's difficult to get it done right without looking like crap, I wish you luck on this and hope you come up with a neat looking one if you can ^^
Thanks ZigZag. I'm sure I could possibly get it to look good. What worries me is not having a deep understanding of all the tools in Photoshop and what they are capable of. Although I'm not completely oblivious to it by any means, I am still learning as I go.

Also the amount of work it will take to produce such results worries me too, because I might not be taking the right shortcuts in the workflow. I'll have to go do some research on texturing. I think I actually might have found a couple videos to help me with it.

For the most part I was thinking of leaving the light and shadow info that's on Scorpions render, and just adding in the curves and accents on his mask that are unique to him. I think I might have enough to work with using still frames from the video, since they show him from a few different angles throughout, Even though it's too dark to make every definitive line and detail out. The final edit wouldn't come out looking exactly like him in the trailer but I'll try to get as close as possible. It would probably look a bit more abstract to be honest, just because I don't have as much to work from as I'd like to.


That Welsh Guy
That an official Smoke render? That looks awesome, wonder what the significance of the white/black eyed version is...?
It's obviously not official, nothing is official but Scorpion/Sub Zero so far.
Wait till E3 my friend!


That Welsh Guy
has anyone noticed that this poster has a release date? 02/June/2015
Yeah I think it's just some finer detail, it's likely we'll see what we do normally and have an April release but It's possible :p
Oh and if this was made by someone british the month and day would be the other way around, guessing now though.

Living Corpse

You know, if you're gonna have some many fire users in MK can we get some different colors like blue? Cause so far Quan Chi is the only one who uses a different colored fire attack, green.