Green Arrow
- Super needs to complete animation during trades, they fixed Ares and Harley Quinn's issues where they got knocked out of Super after landing it's initial attack but not Arrow.
- Less or no Damage Scaling on Freeze Arrow
- Queens Gambit string to be safer, f2, f2d1, and f2d13 are all extremely punishable on whiff and sometimes hit on an airborne opponent
- Standing 1 to have a slightly bigger hit box so it doesn't whiff after landing a jump 2 on some characters
- Fix a glitch to where if d1 freeze arrow hits, sometimes the opponent can block during the freeze and not get combo'd. This happens even if he is right next to GA and gets hit by the freeze and sometimes can block the freeze after getting hit by d1. It's definitely a bug and is inconsistent

- a little more invincibility or distance on his back dash, it's nearly useless when trying to avoid interactables and strings that are normally back dashed by half the cast
- Take away the infinite
- More cool down on trait
- Less meter built during orbs
- Orbs disappear if MMH is hit
- OH teleport goes back to prepatch MMH, having to neutral jump to punish the OHT or block to punish the regular teleport was a fair way of dealing with the 50/50
- Shrink the blast radius of OHT so its not ridiculous like prepatch DD supernova
- Make hook charge a true invincible wakeup, especially if meter burned
- Make meter burned cleaver have armor at the press of the button, it doesn't activate immediately like Doomsday's MB Venom
- More cool down on trait
- Trait doesn't trap you if d4 and whatever you do trades, and that's even if your attack came out first
- Trident Rush builds less meter
- trait doesn't reduce damage on gunshots
- Is fine
- Is fine
- Make the hit box of MB Venom little bit smaller so it's not a wall at the top of our jumps
- B2 to not jump over crouching opponents
- Make trait a reversal
- 212 and other strings that are suppose to hit mid not whiff
- High canister to be OH
Killer Frost
- Is fine
- Is Fine
- Is Fine
- Just give em some love, he really does seem like a 1 trick pony
- Grapple a true wakeup
Universal fix
- No invincibility frames on a "forward" air dash
- Please, finally give us accurate frame data
This is all I can think of off the top of my head.