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TYM Tattoos thread


Hey everyone,
As the title says, this thread is all about tattoos and ink. I'm surprised there isn't one already, to be honest, so here we go. I think getting a tattoo is an important decision to make and one that you don't want to regret especially if it's colored lol
So let's share our experience with body ink and help anyone thinking about getting one. Posting pictures is a plus of course!
Feel free to discuss tattoo placements (body part obviously lol) , pain, prices, aftercare, reasons for getting a tattoo (if any), tattoo meaning (again, if any) and anything that might come along with tattoos (socially, professionally...)

I'll start with myself. I got a tattoo 4 years ago on my right foot. Reasons why I got it? Nothing really. It's a tribal seahorse. Seahorses are just fascinating, especially the males. Male seahorses carry their babies until their birth and take care of them even after that, while the female seahorse wanders off like a true whore lol
This is a sign of true affection imo, and since I happen to be an affectionate and emotional person myself, I decided to go with a seahorse.
With that being said, let's talk about the pain. Pain really depends on different factors really. In my case, it was unbearable. Worst pain I have ever experienced. I hadn't eaten anything all day, I was stressing out, and it was scorching hot outside. Plus, the foot has to be one of the worst body parts (yet one of the sexiest imo lol) to get it tatted. Why is it so bad? Simple. Its bony structure, and (for the people with minimal anatomy knowledge), the lateral and intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerves as well as the small saphenous and lateral marginal veins. (aka, most important nerves and veins in the foot lol). So not only will the pain be atrocious, the bleeding will be scary lol
I paid 145$ for it. It's probably a 12x5cm (length/width), but then again, the price also depends on different factors, such as the artist's reputation, the kind of ink used (don't expect a colored tattoo to be as cheap as a plain black one).
The aftercare. Keep it away from sunlight and don't apply any kind of pressure on it for the first few days. I had to wear flip flops for almost a week and used a thin layer of a lotion called Bepanthen, 3 times a day until the skin peeled off (yes it peels off lol). Kept applying the ointment for almost a month. Then after that, it felt like it was never there in the first place :)
I don't think it'll affect me in anyway because I barely see it myself. Very few people got the chance to see it, other than that, I sure as hell won't be going to brag about it to anyone like "Dude, check out my tattoo!" , take off my shoe and stick my foot in their face hahaha

Hope this helps!


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Sweet. I have 3 Tattoos. 2 on my Back and 2 on my Wrists. The 2 on my Wrists i count as one since they are a pair. On the left side of my Back i have the Ironfist Tattoo. It is a way to represent my inner self. A way to connect with who i really am. The Ones on my Wrist are the Chains from the Game Bioshock. The Main Character in the Game had Tattoos on his wrists and i decided to get those. It is a way to tell myself i always have a choose in life. Another person should not determine what i can and cannot do. I am my own self. And the last one is a custom Tattoo of the Big Daddy and a Little Sister from Bioshock. This one is in Full Color.

Price Wise the Iron Fist Tattoo was around $50 Bucks. It was the First one i ever got. I fucked up caring for it and put on Too much A&E so it is slightly faded but its whatever. It wasnt that bad of pain until he started shading it in. Second one was the Chains. Which was around 60. 30 For each one. Same artist. Also this tattoo is on the lower part of the wrist away from the hand. That was i am able to hide them for Job Interviews. Now this is the part you need to bare with me. But when this tattoo was getting done i was able to numb my hand and the area around my wrist so it was barely Painful. As for taking care of this one. FUCK. Like seriously. WTF. Taking a shower without that much water getting on my Wrist is hard as fucking hell. But i didnt put that much on this time so it looks nice. The last one also done by the same artist took 3 different sessions to complete. The pain was not bad until the very end when he was adding a bit of Yellow.This one was Paid for in Magic the Gathering Cards. Im serious. Taking care of it was easy since i was used to the first one.


Sweet. I have 3 Tattoos. 2 on my Back and 2 on my Wrists.
Wait, doesn't that make them 4? :p

On the left side of my Back i have the Ironfist Tattoo. It is a way to represent my inner self. A way to connect with who i really am.
I take it you like fisting? HAHAHAHA Yeah it'a a cool one, kinda like Batman's logo lol
Jack's wrist tattoos are cool. As for big daddy and little sister, I personally wouldn't have done it. I think it's too much for a tattoo. When are you going to get a Shazam related tat? Maybe the lightning bolt? :p
@RM Chongo , man you're still a bit young for that and I honestly wouldn't recommend a tattoo on your hand or any visible part of your body for that matter. Think about job interviews and careers in the future, as Indecisive already stated.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Wait, doesn't that make them 4? :p

I take it you like fisting? HAHAHAHA Yeah it'a a cool one, kinda like Batman's logo lol
Jack's wrist tattoos are cool. As for big daddy and little sister, I personally wouldn't have done it. I think it's too much for a tattoo. When are you going to get a Shazam related tat? Maybe the lightning bolt? :p
@RM Chongo , man you're still a bit young for that and I honestly wouldn't recommend a tattoo on your hand or any visible part of your body for that matter. Think about job interviews and careers in the future, as Indecisive already stated.
The Cains are a pair so no they count as one. :p. I got the Big Daddy and Little Sister and do not regret it at all. It really wasnt that bad. I have seen more complex tattoos before. This one was not that bad at all. The only reason it took 3 sessions is cause the second one i started bleeding too much. Which is a problem hehe. And im a huge fan of the series so i went with something that i love very much. And nah im no getting anything Shazam Related. Hehe. Also Getting a tattoo that is visible is difficult to some extent. Since in the work environment you have to deal with that not wanting Tattoos thing. Since its a stereotype and shit like that. Unless you know where you are going to work is okay with visible tattoos dont get a visible one. IMO.


I have always and will always want a tattoo like Maynard James Keenan from Tool has. He has a tattoo of his spinal cord on his spinal cord.

I just don't have the balls to get it done, nor the amount of money it would probably cost.


I have an art nouveau styled mermaid sitting in a goldfish pond going on down my back. My BFF has a tattoo of the muse of dance on hers so I guess that's kinda how it started lol. I'm still working on color, but I've moved and have to find a new artist.


Regina George of discord
I'm planning on getting a tattoo soon... It will be a butterfly with a rainbow and it will be on the right side of my waist :) I'm thinking about it tho... Because i won't be able to help someone else out with blood if it's needed :(


Best Doomsday in the world
How original.

And on your hand, you won't find a job.
I agree with thinking twice about getting it on your hand. I don't really agree with having to be original though, as long as it means something to you. I have the Japanese Kanji for love on my left peck. The reason I got it really resonates with me and will be around for my entire life, so even if it's unoriginal, what it means to me is original. Plus I actually speak the language and I'm minoring in it. Most of the tattoo's I want are from that culture.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
I'm getting an alteration of the MK dragon on my arm in a couple of months or so. Eventually I'll turn it into a full sleeve .


aka - RM_AtK !
Was it as painful as it looks?
Haha they definetly dont feel good. so if anyone says a tattoo doesnt hurt or they like the feeling they are full of shit. best way i can describe a tattoo to someone who hasn't been under the gun before : it feels like someone is holding a lighter to your skin and dragging a rake or their nails across it. it's not unbareable *some areas get to be pretty fuckin bad (like the funny bone and elbow were terrible) * but it does infact not feel good lol.

look how swollen my arm is in the pics u can see the skin lifted from the normal skin by like a few cm lmao.