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People have been asking me about certain mu's with nightwing so here is my opinion of what they are. If u have any comments or questions, feel free to SPEAK UP. This is just my OPINION.
nw/other character:

Aquaman 6-4
Ares 5-5
Bane 6-4
Batgirl 5-5
Batman 6-4
Black Adam 4-6
Catwoman 5-5
Cyborg 3-7/4-6
Deathstroke 5-5
Doomsday 6-4
Green Arrow 6-4
Green Lantern 4-6
Harley Quinn 5-5
Hawkgirl 4-6
Joker 6-4
Killer Frost 5-5
Lex 6-4
Lobo 6-4
MMh 5-5
Raven 5-5
Scorpion 5-5
Shazam 6-4
Sinestro 4-6
Soloman Grundy 6-4/7-3
Superman 4-6
Flash 5-5
WW 5-5
Zatanna 4-6 she hasn't been fully discovered in my opinion but I see it
Zod 4-6

Some might agree/disagree but this is the answer to those people who were curious.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
I agree with your Superman number. I upplay and troll by saying it's 7-3, but Nightwing has the tools to deal with him.


Dead Kings Rise
4-6 against Aquaman
5-5 against Bane
6-4 against Catwoman
4-6 against frost
5-5 against Lex
Sinestro and Zod are both 3-7
WoWo is at least 4-6
Joker 5-5

I like it though
How is it 5-5? U must be doing something im not
Well for zoning im escrima Im very good at baiting zatanna players to doing the wrong zone. Like I might do a ground spark then I jump knowing their gonna throw a low ring. Plus if she switch stance I can just wingding or make the read and ground spark. In staff I counter zone or wait for her to trance then I get my staff pounds in


How does Shazam approach you in this MU? In staff mode (assuming a non- flying interactable stage where we could get a knock down and then approach), full screen we are beaten completely, MB Staff Pound checks the start up of Teleports, it can usually catch Torpedo on the second pound, and dashing is punished by any of your lunging moves/Staff pound if you feel like.

Once we get around HM range, if you see us press a button (regular b2, a HM, another dash, even try to be ballsy and teleport in to you other side), standing 1 or d1 hits us out of any of that. If we ever are in and try to play the poke/footsies game with you, d1 doesn't have the reach to compete with you, MB f3 can be beaten by f1, 1 and b2 HM you can just mash out an attack and hit any follow up we try to do.

Corner game wise, your quick rise setups make our "get out of jail free" much harder to execute and take us out, on the off chance we do teleport out and you jump back on read, we can get full comboed. If we stay in the corner, we fall prey to your + frames, and depend on pushblock (which is a bad commit for Shazam in this MU, we don't earn meter as freely as we would like to) to get out but again, you can punish our mobility tools to get out.

On oki, staff spin can hit us out of HM, b2, torpedo, etc.

Escrima wing is bearable imo, although getting a clean punish on MB Wingdings can be difficult, since you have plenty of hang time, I honestly can say this is a me kind of thing and not a complaint of "Shazam doesn't have the tools", anybody who can help me with that I would appreciate.

Disclaimer: All my opinions are my own and not representative of my employer!
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PSN OROCHI-dragon / Archangel-44
I think the Ares match up is more 5-5 in the first stance and 6-4 in staff. NW beats him up close in most situations (in staff stance) and staff poke projectile can catch all ares projectiles and teleport on reaction. I will say that mb godsmack catches NW's normals nicely though.


Dead Kings Rise
Don't they stop Killer Frost from doing her thing..

I mean, isn't jumping back one of the main answers to her? You don't have to Wingding everytime but having that option looks great to me.
they stop shitty slides.

If she blocks them from optimal wingding range she can block and punish with slide or at least force us to block. Delay MB don't work since she's sliding the second the first 3 are gone. You don't get hit but you can't punish the whiffed slide and then you play the parry mindgame.

Also IMO Staff is better in the MU anyways.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
they stop shitty slides.

If she blocks them from optimal wingding range she can block and punish with slide or at least force us to block. Delay MB don't work since she's sliding the second the first 3 are gone. You don't get hit but you can't punish the whiffed slide and then you play the parry mindgame.

Also IMO Staff is better in the MU anyways.
A lot of times when people say Wing Dings are THAT punishable I begin to question it... lol.

I swear I've tried with Arrow with a bunch of different timings and kouldn't even at least dash in and force him to block a D1.

I have punished them with Flash though but that's a 6 frame move...


Dead Kings Rise
@EMPR_MURK I hate just writing down numbers without explaining, so he's my reasoning

I would think Bane is 6-4 but the issue is our wakeups are so bad against him that we just kinda die when he knocks us down. He has a lot of specific knockdown setups against us. 113 is a godsend.

Aquaman I feel is at the very least 4.5-5.5 his favor. You need meter for so much against him. You can kinda keep him fullish screen with ground blasts but you have to spend meter since if he makes the right read you eat 21%. You also need meter for pushblocking rush and even more meter if you get him in the corner. Also he blows our escrima wakeups out of the water (f2 1=3 ender, then charge a b3. If we wakeup at all he whiff punishes us. I do get that this is a staff MU but you will get stuck in Escrima and it sucks when you do.)

Catwoman I could be wrong about but I don't see how its even. We kinda just outclass her.

Frost I've played the MU a ton with very good frosts and at the end of the day, it doesn't matter that we can blow up parry on reads, the fact that she still has it and can convert into a vortex blows.

Lex is 5-5. It's a battle of momentum. NW is easier to get momentum started but Lex momentum is scarier. We have a lot of stuff to blow up trait, and he has a lot of stuff to blow that up. For example if he has trait and you throw out a staff spin to try and break it, if he blocks all but the last hit, then lets go of block and absorbs the last hit with armor he gets a full combo. Zoning is pretty even, whoever get's their stuff thrown out wins. If he throws out a probe you can MB Ground Blast it on reaction. It'll blow up Lex if he does anything, you're +18 if he blocks it, and you recover in time to block the probe.

Sinestro and Zod can just kinda do whatever they want and we have to hold that.

WoWo is just a bitch to fight. A lot of people compare this to rock paper scissors where lasso beats escrima, staff beats lasso, shield beats staff, and escrima beats lasso. IMO staff doesn't beat lasso, it just does better then escrima. Attemping any oki with flipkick is a huge risk, her air mobility is an issue since we can't do anything.

Joker is weird because j3 and j2 are godlike and the only answer we have in escrima is a premptive j1 or scatterbombs (lol) We also can't duck a lot of his mids, but our staff wakeups can get us out of situations most other characters have to hold, like BgB teeth shenanigans.
Alright, i'll select a thread that got recent posts on it & that have been started by a member of my Klan to send out my message :

I have started this account about one month ago & i'm still waiting for the confirmation email to arrive so i can start adding other Emperors on my friend list.

Anyone that's a official member here & also a Emperor - like you Murk bro - please tell any Moderators or Admin to send me a confirmation email so i can confirm & make official this account since i lost the info of my EMPEROR_LUTHOR TYM account.

Thanks in advance EMPR family



You the best Nightwing and I respect your opinion bro, but I don't think Aquaman has any losing matchups lol

Also I don't think Batman loses to NW
And you're the best BM but I feel that NW beats AQUA. As I said before, the stage makes a difference in some NW mus so I say depending on what stage is selected, NW normally beats AQUA 6-4


TYM White Knight
Wing Dings suck against Frost :(

The NW community is actually fairly consistent with matchups. Only a 1 point difference in most.