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"He Runs, He Always Runs" Peckapowa Wins GameUnderground Monthly #9


Old Member
  • Another month has passed, and as such, another New England Injustice tournament is in the books. As it happens every month, the good people over at Game Underground in Framingham Mass, TO's for GUTS I, GUTS II, and the soon to be announced GUTS III, welcomed us with open arms and allowed the NRS boys to do their thing once more.​
  • First round action saw a severe ineptitude in bracket making as @Peckapowa, his greater than or equal to Viking's Zod (his words), and his infinite character design grading wisdom took on crowd, fan favorite and all out sexy beast @Benbeeach in winners to start. Pecka was able to withstand the hard fraudulent Manhunter counterpick by Ben and made short work of Superman to advance.​
  • In more questionable bracket making splendor, the Green Lantern of America (caution: old leaf) . . . if we're only going by the original 13 colonies . . . and then counted them backwards, and stopped at 13, TYM staff member, and sometimes @AK Pig Of The Hut training partner @CptXecution took on New England powerhouse SmallBiggi and triumphed over his much ballyhooed Manhunter, 2-0.​
  • The rest of the tournament saw great showings from perennial television championship level talent in @Ken123103 and @Dr Morganstien beating their training partners and tournament demons finally in (me) and @imblackjames, getting 3rd and 4th place respectively.​
  • Ultimately Pecka was able to overcome a bracket reset in Grand finals by CptXecution, to 3-0 with Martian Manhunter, because ya know, why go top 5 when you can go top 1.​
  • Special shouts to the newcomer, our new Flash, Daniel Low Paw, DarthPaw, @CRUM and his heartbreaking Catwoman loss and @crosstalk and his UCONN Huskies. Missing was our EVO 9th place finisher @gridman but there's always next time.​

  1. @Peckapowa (Zod, Martian Manhunter)​
  2. @CptXecution (Green Lantern)​
  3. @Ken123103 (Superman)​
  4. @Dr Morganstien (Hawkgirl)​
  5. @Benbeeach (Manhunter,Superman,Hawkgirl, Sinestro) /@imblackjames (Shazam, Zatanna)​


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Ive seen the leprechaun
i want to say i guarantee ill do better next time but if i dont ill look like a fool but ill strongly hint ill do better lol


Searching for an alt.
Thanks Ben, great write up!

@Ken123103 is absolutely my tournament master, he's eliminated me three months in a row. I overcame bad matchups, counter picks, training partners, and then went and lost my mojo/only favorable matchup all day on stream. Gonna have to attend more tournaments, its the only cure I know for that. Back to the grindstone.
Also, If I went to one of these monthlies...can anyone house me and possible either fran or KDZ ?? I really miss boston
online screws your timing up, and cptxecution has probably played my zod and martian about 500 times problem is its always online, that set we played was the first time i've ever seen james drop a combo and i dropped shit i never ever do with zod, gonna have to grind it out before ect
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when are these tournaments? is there a thread?

I live in Boston was looking for offline play. Still a beginner but I'd love to get in on this.


Ive seen the leprechaun
when are these tournaments? is there a thread?

I live in Boston was looking for offline play. Still a beginner but I'd love to get in on this.
Generally the beginning of the month but it varies. Ill make a post about it next time


Brain Dead Bro
that's my boy!!

Also when the fuck is guts III!?!?!?!?!? I want a reason to go back to my favorite city!!
Venue fell through, there will be an announcement soon he says.

Also, If I went to one of these monthlies...can anyone house me and possible either fran oorK DZ ?? I really miss boston
I have an open door policy to anyone in this community, i could house all 3 of you comfortably if needed...I've got a ton of room...I'm 45 minutes from GU.


Searching for an alt.
Also it should be mentioned GU is still running MK9 at all these monthlies. So much fun, so many dropped combos.
Venue fell through, there will be an announcement soon he says.

I have an open door policy to anyone in this community, i could house all 3 of you comfortably if needed...I've got a ton of room...I'm 45 minutes from GU.
Is it closer or further away from boston :joker: either way that's awesome and thank you. PM me your phone number, I would really love to go up there one weekend and make a few days out of cracking out on injustice