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Video/Tutorial Kryptonian Tech: Zod's Earth Shaker, Trait Grab Made Safe, Vortex, OTGs, Blowing up Push Block, Etc

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Here with more Zod tech, Pig of the Hut has put together a 10 minute tutorial video that has a lot of great strategy pertaining to his worst match-ups. Using the extensive list of options (as seen below), Pig's tech is surely more than enough to improve those bad match-ups.

  • F2 Zod Earthshaker CrossUp Near Just frame Block setup
  • How to Make Zod's Command Grab Safe
  • Whiff normal into special Cancel
  • 30% free Interactable/47%
  • NJ2 B12 Reset
  • NJ2 22 Reset
  • NJ2 Wait b12 ffmb
  • NJ2 3 Laser
  • 112 +5 into d12 makes it 2 frames
  • MB Laser into Palm 3/4 screen Frame Trap
  • Whiff Stanky (ITZ STANKY) Leg Resets
  • Zod's Specific Way of Blowing up Pushblocks
  • Dashing Airborn MB B3s/F3s
  • D3 Under Most B3 Attacks
  • D3 4 Reset Stanky Leg OTG Reset Mixups
  • D3/4 Armor Killer

edited/promoted by STORMS*


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Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
So, Batman couldn't release trait to punish the safe command grab?
Worst thing that happens is i fake you out to release bats then use ball to go in for mix up

for i do grab and you do bats and ball protects me from you following up so i take like 2%? dmg?

against batman i have something specific i do


Zoning Master
The best tech is the safe command grab, but the aerial Zod ball has to jail after the command grab. If not, the command grab can punished by down attacks such as d+1 and d+2.

Also, Aquaman and Catwoman can probably ignore the aerial Zod ball with their respective b+3, so this set up may not work against them.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
The best tech is the safe command grab, but the aerial Zod ball has to jail after the command grab. If not, the command grab can punished by down attacks such as d+1 and d+2.

Also, Aquaman and Catwoman can probably ignore the aerial Zod ball with their respective b+3, so this set up may not work against them.
I got something for that
He is fair.

The vast majority of people who complain about Zod are 1) rush down fools who want an easy way to get in and 2) Martian Manhunter players who try to use somebody other than Martian Manhunter but refuse to admit that they only win because of Martian Manhunter.
lol damn. I see you and a new character community are getting along well

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
The best tech is the safe command grab, but the aerial Zod ball has to jail after the command grab. If not, the command grab can punished by down attacks such as d+1 and d+2.

Also, Aquaman and Catwoman can probably ignore the aerial Zod ball with their respective b+3, so this set up may not work against them.
Also that earth shaker and whiff air normal surprisingly works on everyone including top top players


I was originally gonna speak on the ridiculous stagger on 22, but quickly lost interest when the push block part of this segment came. I would say it's dirty as fuck, but its avoidable. By simply eating the mix up and hoping you block correctly :/ << HUGE sarcasm... Now the D3/swipe,D3 mixups, *insert whatever mu you use*, now that shit was dirty.

Ps.. Stupid NRS..

Pss. I still have faith in mk10
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