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"We will bring back Injustice at Next Level if people show up", says Arturo


One of Injustice: Gods Among Us' biggest supporters on the East Coast made it very clear on twitter early this morning that he would gladly bring the game back to Next Level Arcade in New York. Arturo Sanchez, who helped revitalize the Kombat Network stream over the weekend at Final Round on Saturday has a passion for the game and the players, but he cannot do it alone.

Simply stating that if players will show up, he will continue running the game at New York's Next Level arcade. Currently at Next Level the strongest games are Marvel and Street Fighter as players from the area storm the arcade every weeknight on Tuesday nights. Now, it's up to us to show Arturo some love and support in return to not only supporting Arturo, but to support Injustice at Next Level Arcade.


Next Level.jpg

Source: @nycfurby


The problem isn't that folks don't want to play Injustice in NYC, the problem was/is that

1. Next Level is really far for some ppl via train
2. There's a $10 venue fee + $10 game fee
3. There's usually 1 setup. MAYBE 2 if you're super lucky and beg
4. The Injustice love has been so terrible there for the past year that ppl have moved on

I'm not trying to shoot down Arturo, just that there are some valid reasons ppl haven't gone to Nxt Level for the past months and there needs to be more done than simply "Come guys and we will play!" The pot bonus is nice, but that's really only going to attract a small few.

If they can promise a stream, more than 1 setup, maybe tweak venue fees (obviously more than Art has control over) and get a petition of ppl to come if the setups, bonuses, stream, etc are all guaranteed. Then ppl will probably consider coming back. I'd make the trek and I know others would if these things could be a norm--but it's hard to have a "norm" when nobody comes. It's a tough situation.


I write too much.
The problem isn't that folks don't want to play Injustice in NYC, the problem was/is that

1. Next Level is really far for some ppl via train
2. There's a $10 venue fee + $10 game fee
3. There's usually 1 setup. MAYBE 2 if you're super lucky and beg
4. The Injustice love has been so terrible there for the past year that ppl have moved on

I'm not trying to shoot down Arturo, just that there are some valid reasons ppl haven't gone to Nxt Level for the past months and there needs to be more done than simply "Come guys and we will play!" The pot bonus is nice, but that's really only going to attract a small few.

If they can promise a stream, more than 1 setup, maybe tweak venue fees (obviously more than Art has control over) and get a petition of ppl to come if the setups, bonuses, stream, etc are all guaranteed. Then ppl will probably consider coming back. I'd make the trek and I know others would if these things could be a norm--but it's hard to have a "norm" when nobody comes. It's a tough situation.
That's rough. Any chance you could discuss this with Art directly? He may not see it here, and problems won't get solved unless the people are aware of them (Trust me been dealing with Injustice getting the shaft at our events for the last few months, and constantly bringing the problem up, showing up in force and offering solutions is the way to go).


Isn't the break and nlbc on the same day? That might be a conflict of interest as well. if not then Nvm.


They love my Grayson
I'll go, it's only a 1 hour 30 minute commute from Bronx into that part of Brooklyn.

However, to pay 20 bucks, I don't if I can make a commitment to that every week and I don't know anyone else who can.

If they want Injustice every week, they should bargain the game fee if they want a regular showing for Injustice every week.

For those who live by themselves in NYC and don't dirve, you know how real commuting money.


Discussed this with Arturo and Sp00ky yesterday. They have no problem streaming Injustice if they get the numbers. GRR goes every week and plays by himself and it makes me sad to see this :(
Grr also lives really close to Next Level--it's really out of the way for anyone who doesn't live in southern Brooklyn. But yeah--it's really hard to undo 12 months of "no-one-here-cares". I've talked with Art about it and everyone has moved on to local casuals or The Break. It sucks.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
at the break tonight we will have a discussion and see who is trying to go tomorrow for NLBC, i've been wanting to visit NYC and my mother so i have an excuse anyway haha


Scrub God Lord
Sabin is the reason I found TYM. He always brought the injustice hype, even with the pre-patch BS.
I would love to see it back at next level.
The good old days, make it happen ppl


Elder God
I was not aware that this was a thread. Thanks for making this guys and promoting this into an article.

By the way I saw some miscommunication re: fees - Next Level is $10 all night, $5 entry per tourney these days. Its no longer 10 venue/10 per tournament.

Re: Pot bonus - it's something I'm interested in doing just to get people there. I haven't promised anything actually bt it's something I want to do, and worse come to worrse, I don't mind spending a little out of my own pocket to put in, even if its something small.

I'm already aware of the problems that we had last time on running Injustice smoothly-
1) no external speakers on the main stream station. This was a (understandably) big problem for people. I assume full responsiblity for this - at the time I was still new to streaming events on my own, so I didn't have the budget for my own setup regarding headsets. Next Level DID have a pair of headsets. So in that case, my bad on lack of communication, cause it could have been avoided. Capcom guys dont care either way because Marvel and AE are LOUD. NRS games are obviously VERY low volume and Next Level is a loud place.

2) DLC blowups/etc - I did recieve a couple of DLC to put on the Xboxes at Next Level. Unfortunately because I didn't do it myself..they were spread over different setups. Had some issues. I will bring my personal XBOX to make sure it goes over smoothly. If someone is attending the tournament has Injustice Ultimate Edition or can bring a setup, that always helps. In the future, if there is sustained interest, of course I would want to petition Next Level to get more copies of Injustice Ultimate Edition.

3) hotfixing issues - going to have to go over every setup in order to make sure things are patched properly of course. Next Level has about 6 asus monitors (stream setup is on the BenQ/Valle monitor that they use at WNF.) Because it's a local, and not a major, it should be a bit easier to isolate. I'm down to go there early to make sure its handled myself.

Anyway, in the end, people did express interest in seeing it revive again. But I can't do it by myself, of course I need people's help. And of course Spooky will be streaming it, so Injustice will get the exposue it deserves. It's great that people are going to the Break, 995Phil's event, and other areas! Props to them on keeping it going! Next Level needs some love too, tired of seeing Grr go there by himself every week and you guys know he's godlike, haha.

Anyway, let me know, I'll be checking back here.