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If you could have any 3 characters in the next MK who were not in MK9 who would it be?


Greetings, Mortal
How has no one mentioned Motaro?? MK needs more body-types. And none of this "we're too lazy to implement 4 legs so now he's cursed and only has two" business.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Outside the box answers.

King Gorbak
Pinhead as requisite non-canon dlc to attract horrorheads
The blacksmith from the armory.

I just want boss Shang Tsung from the mk9 ladder. Where he actually has a separate morph move and can turn into two characters other than just his opponent. Plus he has armor on his morph animation...a Shang main can only dream of such tools, imagine the endless combo possibilities!!
I would like to see Chameleon as he might be a morphing/mimicking character too.
And I would love to see Cyber Smoke, which is unlikely. It would be awesome for his Cyber-Demon hybrid powers to actually be explored.
These three I want back in the next game and this is just stuff I wanna see aesthetically. Can't be bothered going into technicalities right now haha

Havik - specials that disturb you to do (like his Torso Twist or Leg Snap), fast-paced and seemingly erratic attacks, bring back his cringe-worthy fatalities and give him a re-design that holds true to his original yet is more dark, sinister and chaotic (pun intended, I guess)

Fujin - specials based on his "God of Wind" powers, precise Kung Fu style looking attacks (kinda like Kung Lao in MK9), fatalities that insist on his powers (his MK4 "Skinner" one is a good example) and an elegant yet humble design fitting for his God status.

Frost - specials where she crafts weapons out of ice, slides and freezes you, seemingly reckless attacks (because of her age, arrogance and inexperience), to the point and swiftly executed fatalities and a design fairly similar to her current one yet capitalizes on her Cryomancer heritage.


Raiden Practitioner
I would have to go with:

1. Shinnok - he should be the final, unplayable, boss, and should be super tough to beat. He should use his amulet during the fight as well, to throw projectiles from, and do other special moves with. He should have two forms, first one should be human and the second should be the monster he turns into in MKM: Sub-Zero once you steal his amulet. You should be able to steal his amulet too, just like in the that game, and that would weaken him. Or perhaps after you steal his amulet he turns into a monster, to pay homage to the awesome game that was MKM: Sub-Zero. I always thought Shinnok was a much more sinister and scary boss (than Shao Khan). He reminds me of Emperor Palpatine in a way.

2. Bo Rai Cho - I loved that character in DA and Deception. I envision him as a wise old martial arts master, who loves his booze. His style should be drunken Kung-Fu. He should be able to take drinks from a mug during the course of the fight, and as he does so more moves would open to him. Just like that character in Virtua Fighter (his name escapes me).

3. Reiko - yet another awesome MK character. As Shao Khan's general, he could inherit some of the latter's moves, plus his helmet, or at least a similar looking one but with some twist, to make it more Reiko's. He should also have ninja-type moves, such as throwing shurikens and smoke bombs.