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PSN player + character thread


PSN: RedRaptor10
Main: Deathstroke
Secondaries: Ares, Doomsday
Region: Midwest

Currently wired but I still don't have perfect connection and max bars I get with people is usually 3. Also my friends list is almost always full so I'm constantly deleting/adding friends...why don't people make 0TYM rooms :(


Took a 2 month break from Injustice but picked it up once again a couple days ago.


Main: Batman

Secondary: Sinestro

I am running a 30 down / 10 up hardwire cable connection and usually experience minimal lag (with other solid connections).


play me!! you're on that RE too much aha
I've been having so much fun with a buddy of mine playing RE6 lol.

We'll play in due time soon. I just usually don't get on that much for Injustice unless someone wants to play me or it's later in the day.


"You think you bad? Pffft, You ain't bad.."
PSN: Love_Ranger
Main: the one and only Oliver Queen aka green mother trucking arrow :)

Secondary: Batman, Aquaman

Alts: Flash, Grundy

I welcome any one who wants to play for fun or for training purposes, and needs some arrow experience. Feel free to add me, im not bad ;) Also, I need to play a lot this week in preparation for scr!


Cold day in hell...
Main: Aquaman
Alts: batman
I have a bunch of fraud ass characters too. I never know who I will pick up/drop. I welcome anyone kicking my ass I just picked the game back up in January and I need to improve.


PSN: BrobaChett
Main: Flash
Secondary: Night Wing

I'm always down to play, add if you like.
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Good games @Drizzle. You're a pain in my ass with that parrying crap. :p Took me a minute to get adjusted to it.

But overall, we had some damn good games and there were a few that I should NOT have won, haha. That damn magic pixel and MB Venom armor saved me a few times. lol


Jump and shoot.
Good games @Drizzle. You're a pain in my ass with that parrying crap. :p Took me a minute to get adjusted to it.

But overall, we had some damn good games and there were a few that I should NOT have won, haha. That damn magic pixel and MB Venom armor saved me a few times. lol
Yeah, we have to play more next time. Nobody online plays DD for some reason.
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Ascended One
Add nearly everyone ITT just awaiting accepts. I accidentally erased all my data (Thought I was gonna be able to get a PS4) so I'll have to re-buy the DLC I actually use (Lobo) :(