After all this talk about how there are all there are not many majors on the West Coast, and how no one out East promotes their events, we now have arguably the biggest WC event outside of EVO coming up in SCR.. And there's barely a peep of hype about it. I have personally had multiple players blow me up in the past up for supposedly not supporting the West Coast.. And with SCR I've been putting my neck out there and really vouching for the WC scene. But I feel like I'm now yelling in a vaccuum.
So what is going on out there? There was far more talk on the forums and hype for even smaller events like DTN and APEX than there is for SCR. I started a thread on SCR Pre-Reg and it reached two pages and died. DevilMaySpy started a thread about low pre-reg and it's barely squeaking into 3 pages, with Valle coming in and having to Kickstart the discussion again. Both of us live in the East and we're trying to help out.. But there's a collective giant silence coming from SoCal, NorCal, Vegas, Arizona etc.
As of right now there are only 33 players preregistered for IGAU -- less than BlazBlue. That's equivalent to a SwiftZilla slaugherhouse event. I know there are more players than that on the WC.
Why aren't you promoting your own tournament? Kumite has multiple threads going on dozens of pages.. Constant talk. SCR discussion is practially dead and if you didn't know about it already, you probably wouldn't find out via visiting the forums.
Where is the excitement? Where is the effort to get people out? To help people make the tourney.
I have faith in you guys and I think you're capable of a lot more.. A lot of my favorite players are out there, and one of my favorite TO's (@TenZeRo7) So tell me what's going on.
@EGP Wonder_Chef
@Red Reaper
So what is going on out there? There was far more talk on the forums and hype for even smaller events like DTN and APEX than there is for SCR. I started a thread on SCR Pre-Reg and it reached two pages and died. DevilMaySpy started a thread about low pre-reg and it's barely squeaking into 3 pages, with Valle coming in and having to Kickstart the discussion again. Both of us live in the East and we're trying to help out.. But there's a collective giant silence coming from SoCal, NorCal, Vegas, Arizona etc.
As of right now there are only 33 players preregistered for IGAU -- less than BlazBlue. That's equivalent to a SwiftZilla slaugherhouse event. I know there are more players than that on the WC.
Why aren't you promoting your own tournament? Kumite has multiple threads going on dozens of pages.. Constant talk. SCR discussion is practially dead and if you didn't know about it already, you probably wouldn't find out via visiting the forums.
Where is the excitement? Where is the effort to get people out? To help people make the tourney.
I have faith in you guys and I think you're capable of a lot more.. A lot of my favorite players are out there, and one of my favorite TO's (@TenZeRo7) So tell me what's going on.
@EGP Wonder_Chef
@Red Reaper
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